Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

Nah. According to KSteezy, if the parents WEREN'T involved they SHOULD be charged for negligence.

Imagine if the law worked that way and parents were automatically culpable for their children's misbehaviors. I'd make my children sign a legally binding code of conduct.

Your honor according to this code of conduct I told Nicole not to rob and kill people, says it right here in article XXIIII volume 5
Wonder what the majority of Nt believes how many years these girls should face . More than half believe these girls were up to no good .
I’m sad to hear of the girls home life. All it took was one girl to have a bad idea and the other to say “okay sure”. The only adult in this tragedy tried to stop it and was killed :frown: :smh:
OK sentencing aside, who are the people who believed the girls weren't up to no good?:rofl:

What she doing carrying around a taser lol stop man it’s not like old girl had pepper spray . How many people u know that carry a taser for their personal protection lol
Brah, it doesn't matter if they meant to kill him or not. The man is dead as a result of their actions. That's the only thing that should matter. If they had no regard for human life now ain't no amount of rehabilitation is gonna change that. Let em both rot in jail.
Much older ppl accidentally kill or do things that lead to a death frequently and don’t “rot in jail” ...So why should that be the standard for a 10th grader ? Like it’s been said multiple times that’s why there’s different levels of charges and convictions when it comes to deaths, don’t just yell “life” cuz you in your feelings
Brah, it doesn't matter if they meant to kill him or not. The man is dead as a result of their actions. That's the only thing that should matter. If they had no regard for human life now ain't no amount of rehabilitation is gonna change that. Let em both rot in jail.

Help me understand why you feel there is no way these girls can be rehabbed?
Real talk tho for the “let em rot” crowd do y’all even know anybody doing life or more than 50 years? ....I know a couple and it took ALOT for them to get hit with them forever sentences, it’s not as common as movies and law n order makes y’all think it is n you want/expect 13/15 year old girls to get that? :lol:
Much older ppl accidentally kill or do things that lead to a death frequently and don’t “rot in jail” ...So why should that be the standard for a 10th grader ? Like it’s been said multiple times that’s why there’s different levels of charges and convictions when it comes to deaths, don’t just yell “life” cuz you in your feelings
Serious question. Did these adults commit armed robbery?
I’m not on the rot in jail side of the argument either. What did these adults who commit armed robbery and kill someone usually get?
Wonder what the majority of Nt believes how many years these girls should face . More than half believe these girls were up to no good .
what. i didn't see your follow up earlier, but yeah carrying around a taser is a sure sign they were up to no good
Serious question. Did these adults commit armed robbery?
I’m not on the rot in jail side of the argument either. What did these adults who commit armed robbery and kill someone usually get?
25 to life sometimes without probation.
Serious question. Did these adults commit armed robbery?
One of my mans did 8 for armed robbery at 19, shot somebody and left yo for dead...Ironically it was over a car as well ...The legal system in this country is messed up on alotta levels, it never works how you think

Another dude round the way stabbed somebody to death at 20 and was out by 33 with the deal yo took and over crowding / good behavior
§ 22–2803. Carjacking.
(a)(1) A person commits the offense of carjacking if, by any means, that person knowingly or recklessly by force or violence, whether against resistance or by sudden or stealthy seizure or snatching, or by putting in fear, or attempts to do so, shall take from another person immediate actual possession of a person’s motor vehicle.

(2) A person convicted of carjacking shall be fined not more than the amount set forth in § 22-3571.01 and be imprisoned for a mandatory-minimum term of not less than 7 years and a maximum term of not more than 21 years, or both.

(b)(1) A person commits the offense of armed carjacking if that person, while armed with or having readily available any pistol or other firearm (or imitation thereof ) or other dangerous or deadly weapon (including a sawed-off shotgun, shotgun, machine gun, rifle, dirk, bowie knife, butcher knife, switch-blade knife, razor, blackjack, billy, or metallic or other false knuckles), commits or attempts to commit the offense of carjacking.

(2) A person convicted of armed carjacking shall be fined not more than the amount set forth in § 22-3571.01 and be imprisoned for a mandatory-minimum term of not less than 15 years and a maximum term of not more than 40 years, or both. However, the court may impose a prison sentence in excess of 30 years only in accordance with § 24-403.01(b-2). For purposes of imprisonment following revocation of release authorized by § 24-403.01(b)(7), armed carjacking is a Class A felony.

(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person convicted of carjacking shall not be released from prison prior to the expiration of 7 years from the date of the commencement of the sentence, and a person convicted of armed carjacking shall not be released from prison prior to the expiration of 15 years from the date of the commencement of the sentence.

§ 22–2105. Penalty for manslaughter.
Whoever is guilty of manslaughter shall be sentenced to a period of imprisonment not exceeding 30 years. In addition to any other penalty provided under this section, a person may be fined an amount not more than the amount set forth in § 22-3571.01.

§ 22–2104. Penalty for murder in first and second degrees.
(a) The punishment for murder in the first degree shall be not less than 30 years nor more than life imprisonment without release, except that the court may impose a prison sentence in excess of 60 years only in accordance with § 22-2104.01 or § 24-403.01(b-2). The prosecution shall notify the defendant in writing at least 30 days prior to trial that it intends to seek a sentence of life imprisonment without release as provided in § 22-2104.01; provided that, no person who was less than 18 years of age at the time the murder was committed shall be sentenced to life imprisonment without release.

(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person convicted of murder in the first degree shall not be released from prison prior to the expiration of 30 years from the date of the commencement of the sentence.

(c) Whoever is guilty of murder in the second degree shall be sentenced to a period of incarceration of not more than life, except that the court may impose a prison sentence in excess of 40 years only in accordance with § 24-403.01(b-2).

(d) For purposes of imprisonment following revocation of release authorized by § 24-403.01(b)(7), murder in the first degree and murder in the second degree are Class A felonies.

(e) In addition to any other penalty provided under this section, a person may be fined an amount not more than the amount set forth in § 22-3571.01.

Much older ppl accidentally kill or do things that lead to a death frequently and don’t “rot in jail” ...So why should that be the standard for a 10th grader ? Like it’s been said multiple times that’s why there’s different levels of charges and convictions when it comes to deaths, don’t just yell “life” cuz you in your feelings
I'm in my feelings because an innocent man is dead. And yet you and the rest are advocating for leniency for these 2 "children". All i'm hearing is stuff about emotional intelligence, stuff about their upbringing, and a bunch of other irreverent babble. Let's not lose sight on the actual victim here. Anwar did not deserve to die. So you'll have to forgive me if I want actual justice for the victim.
I'm in my feelings because an innocent man is dead. And yet you and the rest are advocating for leniency for these 2 "children". All i'm hearing is stuff about emotional intelligence, stuff about their upbringing, and a bunch of other irreverent babble. Let's not lose sight on the actual victim here. Anwar did not deserve to die. So you'll have to forgive me if I want actual justice for the victim.

Awwwwww, well aren't you compassionate.

He's dead and that isn't going to change.

So you want to end their lives too?
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