Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

This is a perfect illustration and exact demonstration of anywhere between 20% on the low end and up to 30% of the young males in our community on the high end……maybe even higher in the inner cities.

Young black males dressed in black, dreadlocks, committing crimes….bragging about committing crimes, voluntarily signing up for jail, and talking in incoherent broken statements.

This is a NATIONAL CRISIS for us in our community and not many people seem to understand that. The youth…..the next generation is lost and continue to put themselves in harms way.

I agree with most except the dreadlock comments. You’ve got suits who wear buzz cuts and Greg Brady’s that are crooks, black and white me with brush cuts/low cuts commit crimes as well, other than that. Cool.

Hairstyles don’t illustrate anything in terms of crime :lol:
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I agree with her but since when judges wearing nose rings? That’s unprofessional as hell. What is the world coming to :lol: :lol:
I agree with most except the dreadlock comments. You’ve got suits who wear buzz cuts and Greg Brady’s that are crooks, black and white me with brush cuts/low cuts commit crimes as well, other than that. Cool.

Hairstyles don’t illustrate anything in terms of crime :lol:

I understand and get what you are saying. In regards to your response there are exceptions to the rule. My statement was a generalization….that happens to be true.

Of course not all kids or even adults that have dreadlocks are criminals. I think you yourself finessence finessence have dreads and are a professional.

That being said though…….generally speaking if you see a young black male, that has dreads, dressed in black, looking like who done it and why just know most likely that kid is up to no good.

The shooter from the Wheaton Metro homicide from last year got hit with 35 years yesterday. I would have preferred a nice round number like 40 or 50 years……but I’m cool with 35. It gives the shooter something to think about for a very long time.

The shooter from the Wheaton Metro homicide from last year got hit with 35 years yesterday. I would have preferred a nice round number like 40 or 50 years……but I’m cool with 35. It gives the shooter something to think about for a very long time.

He'll be out in 20, maybe less with GT.
Nicolae Miu sounds like an immigrant from the Soviet blocks.

People in the states gotta understand, Immigrants are not soft. They've been through and seen a lot worse

The shooter from the Wheaton Metro homicide from last year got hit with 35 years yesterday. I would have preferred a nice round number like 40 or 50 years……but I’m cool with 35. It gives the shooter something to think about for a very long time.
I remember being on the red line this day and seeing all the police presence. Glad they got some sort of justice. 35yrs sheesh.
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