TX Muslim student arrested after bringing homemade clock to school. vol SMH

So he took apart a clock and put it back together into a briefcase, and now he is proclaimed a genius who gets to meet the President and Mark Zuckerberg.
he built the clock himself...

not a genius.. but he's about his programming homie
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he built the clock himself...

not a genius.. but he's about his programming homie
I disassembled stuff and put them back together when I was 12.
of course it was a basic project and any kid with the internet and 20 dollars in supplies can put something like that together

but most kids dont, and never learn how to. props to the kid for learning on his own when public education isnt doing the job 
a couple of my friends (dark skinned indian dude and chinese dude) had their homemade drone malfunction and fly into a building the other day (it was bigger than your average hobby drone, probably 2.5 feet in diameter) and the cops were super nice about everything and just let them have the drone back 
Bombs don't require explosives either. There's a reason you can't bring liquids on a plane.

Obama a joke. Cops out here gunning down blacks and he says nothing. This kid gets released and he invites him to the WH.


And LMAOOOO at you dudes trying to act like them fair skin northern African Arabs to Middle East Arabs give a damn about Africans ....they treat African immigrants worse than Europeans and Israelites

So yes this is their battle...they don't even treat blacks with respect in their own neighborhoods here in America. Profiting off folks you don't truly **** with
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It also bares noting that they tried to cruxify him but when teenage blonde white girls join isis to become some terrorist sister wife everyone is scrambling on how to get those terrorist (the girls) back :smh:
Bombs don't require explosives either. There's a reason you can't bring liquids on a plane.

Obama a joke. Cops out here gunning down blacks and he says nothing. This kid gets released and he invites him to the WH.


And LMAOOOO at you dudes trying to act like them fair skin northern African Arabs to Middle East Arabs give a damn about Africans ....they treat African immigrants worse than Europeans and Israelites

So yes this is their battle...they don't even treat blacks with respect in their own neighborhoods here in America. Profiting off folks you don't truly **** with

This had literally nothing to do with the subject

Y'all can slang these red herrings all day, but not be upset for when folk see them as what they are.

Wish Obama sent invites to the families of those who were gunned down like a white tailed deer
I don't care what people see them as. Stand with him? Stand with him for what? It was very poor judgement on his part after his teacher told him not to let anyone else see it. Seems the teacher knew how'd people react to like something that. A local story goes viral and now you have the President inviting him to the White House and Facebook among others. Its legit because this President who was put in the WH by the black turnout has ignored us. This was the latest slap in the face. Stand with him. **** out of here.
this dude obama takes 10 seconds out of his day to tweet about a kid and he gets hated on 
Same Obama that took 10 secs out his day to call kids from one of the most oppressed inner city in America thugs too
Same Obama that took 10 secs out his day to call kids from one of the most oppressed inner city in America thugs too
not sure what that has to do this this thread

would you like to make a thread about it and bring your anger and frustration at the presidents tweeting habits there? 
I understand where you guys are coming from.

Doing anything seen to be done for black people specifically is political suicide.

This is a fact and should be in your minds by now.

I've had blue black Sudanese co-workers before so I am aware of the boys status over there. Especially having a father in politics.

Don't you guys see that this kid is now a political tool for the STEM curriculum debate currently going on.
Don't you guys see that this kid is now a political tool for the STEM curriculum debate currently going on.
what are the main counter arguments to adopting more STEM education?

btw I hope they start going with STEAM and add arts in there. 
what are the main counter arguments to adopting more STEM education?

btw I hope they start going with STEAM and add arts in there. 

I think the change in the systems affects the pockets of those that like the system staying the same way it's been for the past century and more on.

A lot of teachers would actually need more practical and hands on knowledge over vague abstract lesson plans.

Judge rules school finance system unconstitutional

Same Obama that took 10 secs out his day to call kids from one of the most oppressed inner city in America thugs too

:rofl: :rofl:

You reaching for straws now famb

This has nothing to do with the topic and an the man called people rioting thugs

It was wrong and in poor taste, yes, but lets not at like he wa specifically talking about the Baltimore youth

You doing too much famb
Am I wrong to think that if this kid plays the game right, he could get in good with all these famous scientists / tech guys that are reaching out to him and flourish from there?
Am I wrong to think that if this kid plays the game right, he could get in good with all these famous scientists / tech guys that are reaching out to him and flourish from there?

If he knows anything about anything, he's thinking the same thing.
What about the Black boy who got accepted to every Ivy League school in the USA? Lets talk about him. How come Obama didn't reach out to him?
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