Twitter? vol: yes i know im late

Classic NT. Dude asks legit questions about Twitter and instead its 9 pages of "follow me @JABRONIke and i'll follow back."

Twitter is a place where people who think they are important go to say things that they think are poignant and will garner them some sort of e-fame. In practice, its just a bunch of goofs telling you how they feel about the iPad, what the most recent LA earthquake was like from the perspective of a 5'9" mixed-race male Starbucks cashier, how my man J-Stew just totally bagged on O'Reilly, or how FLTG stay doin fools dirty through the interwebz.

Twitter is best left to people who are paid/respected for generating content. Anybody can see everything you post and your tweets are probably best-suited for facebook b/c that's where they will be received in context. I'll admit that it would be nice to have all of your status updates logged in an easy-to-read/search format. Especially if someone's status updates give you lulz and you want to be able to go back and read them later. If facebook addresses this, Twitter will be remembered as the annoying metal plate that was used to cover up a hole in the road before the whole street was repaved. Or something.
C'mon #NT fam. Get me over 200.

I check you other dudes....and killin' me with at least 350+


#NTwitter > *, though.

Follow me.
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