Truth about the occupy movement...

Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

There's jobs out there. Americans just get fed this bull*&*^ all our lives that leads us to believe that because we graduated from Whereever The Hell University, that we're supposed to be manager on the first day with a company car, expense account, stock options, and paid days off. You see people literally panhandling right in front of "Help Wanted: Inquire Within" signs. If you got loans to pay back, you might have to take that Sales Associates at Dillard's job until something in your desired field and income range comes along, seems a more productive way of spending time than standing around picketing and chanting while your bills and interest pile up.
 Do you not know why unemployment is like it is? You do know that you can't get a job without a residence right? What kind of ****** are you? There are plenty of people working dead end jobs paying back loans. More than you think. 

This is about more than jobs !#%*%@%.

As someone in this position, I completely agree. I'll be honest; when I first started looking for jobs out of college I was looking for a good career building block n didn't wanna settle, but who comes out of college applying to TJ Maxx? But after not being able to find a job for months I decided to apply for any decent paying job, including retail jobs barely paying over minimum wage but I got NOTHING. I applied at cell phone retailers, Macy's, Lowes, Costco, etc. Jobs that people fresh out of high school could get with ease. But I have yet to even receive an interview. I went to a good university n did pretty well n 6 months later, what do I have to show for it? Sure it's easy to say "Get a job!" when you have one, but things are tough out there, especially in competitive places such as NYC. It's just like when people that drive see people waiting for the bus in the cold. When you're in your car you're not worried about the people waiting for the bus, but when you're waiting outside, it's a much different perspective.
I respect the OWS movement and people who protest peacefully and passionately but what annoys me is there is no clear goal

What exactly is the goal so people can go home?

Economic equality? your wasting your time

The Banks to collapse? That +!+% would be chaos

Against greed? Word to one of the richest countries protesting for better financial situations

More Wall St regulations? Then why not go protest in DC? Or the SEC

Student Loans? Welcome to the real world

Cant be jobs because according to the post above majority of protesters have jobs

I just think this whole movement is directionless created by a hippie media group. the REAL poor isn't represented in this movement at all. the homeless either. Just people mad or jealous of the "greedy"

Greed is Greed on small or large scale.
Originally Posted by villansfinest

I'm guessing that after a few more national or international level conflicts happen and the movement gains enough publicity to "recruit" based off of the strength of their past exploits... the encampments/occupations will vanish, the movement will go underground. all these people are really doing right now is networking at the lowest level. face to face person to person interaction. by doing this they will establish their hierarchy and have  an organizational structure in place that will allow them to communicate, mobilize and interact. I personally don't believe that "occupying" has much to do with their core beliefs as stated in the above article. I think that occupying is simply how they become visible enough to find each other to form their network.

All of the organized opposition seems to be revolving around force-based responses. I think this goes to show that somebody is scared that their wallet is going to get lighter. this article tries to trace back to find out who that might be, and i think corporate/legislative relationships might very well be a good source to start with.

just some thoughts about this.
This is pretty interesting...
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

There's jobs out there. Americans just get fed this bull*&*^ all our lives that leads us to believe that because we graduated from Whereever The Hell University, that we're supposed to be manager on the first day with a company car, expense account, stock options, and paid days off. You see people literally panhandling right in front of "Help Wanted: Inquire Within" signs. If you got loans to pay back, you might have to take that Sales Associates at Dillard's job until something in your desired field and income range comes along, seems a more productive way of spending time than standing around picketing and chanting while your bills and interest pile up.

Go check out the We Not Working Thread. I thought, like you, that there are jobs out there. After reading that thread it becomes obvious how difficult it is to find a job right now.
Originally Posted by cartune

I respect the OWS movement and people who protest peacefully and passionately but what annoys me is there is no clear goal

What exactly is the goal so people can go home?

Economic equality? your wasting your time

The Banks to collapse? That +!+% would be chaos

Against greed? Word to one of the richest countries protesting for better financial situations

More Wall St regulations? Then why not go protest in DC? Or the SEC

Student Loans? Welcome to the real world

Cant be jobs because according to the post above majority of protesters have jobs

I just think this whole movement is directionless created by a hippie media group. the REAL poor isn't represented in this movement at all. the homeless either. Just people mad or jealous of the "greedy"

Greed is Greed on small or large scale.

Have you been to the protest? No one there is saying I'm jealous and I want a higher paying job. This is what the media tells you so they can play it off like this is just no big deal greedy hippies are mad. Econmic reform is the goal. People said MLK was crazy and what he was fighting for was stupid it was never going to happen. You have to let your feelings be known. I do agree with you that what they really need is a figure head. Some one to stand in front of the nation and say. This is us we are here to stay. But that will come with time. Just like previously stated this may turn out to be a revolution and this is step 1. We haven't revolted in a long time so it is not going to start out pretty. But it's building and will form into something significant over time.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

There's jobs out there. Americans just get fed this bull*&*^ all our lives that leads us to believe that because we graduated from Whereever The Hell University, that we're supposed to be manager on the first day with a company car, expense account, stock options, and paid days off. You see people literally panhandling right in front of "Help Wanted: Inquire Within" signs. If you got loans to pay back, you might have to take that Sales Associates at Dillard's job until something in your desired field and income range comes along, seems a more productive way of spending time than standing around picketing and chanting while your bills and interest pile up.

that sounds good & all, but the problem with this way of thinking is it does not really mesh with the way a lot of companies tend to hire...think about it, how eager would you be to hire someone who is overqualified and likely to be actively looking for better opportunities or a younger person who is likely to have more free time and less responsibilities. while there definitely are people who feel like they are entitled to 6-7 figure salaries right out of university, most are willing to work their way up the problem is we have been told that going to school and getting higher education was the path to mobility & opportunity but finding themselves only deep in debt with few prospects for employment...
Originally Posted by cartune

I respect the OWS movement and people who protest peacefully and passionately but what annoys me is there is no clear goal

What exactly is the goal so people can go home?

Economic equality? your wasting your time

The Banks to collapse? That +!+% would be chaos

Against greed? Word to one of the richest countries protesting for better financial situations

More Wall St regulations? Then why not go protest in DC? Or the SEC

Student Loans? Welcome to the real world

Cant be jobs because according to the post above majority of protesters have jobs

I just think this whole movement is directionless created by a hippie media group. the REAL poor isn't represented in this movement at all. the homeless either. Just people mad or jealous of the "greedy"

Greed is Greed on small or large scale.

Did not read, LOL?? OWS is about fighting corruption in our government controlled by businesses who make money out of non-righteous and self-interested decisions at the risk of damaging our society. But yea, who cares right? F that shh..
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