***Transformers 2:Revenge Of The Fallen***

Solid movie. Not as good as the first one, though. I felt like there was too much comedy in T2.

And what was the point of the motorcycle robots? They didn't do anything.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

The action is bad @!%, cinematography on point, Megan Fox is beyond words gorgeous, and there are Transformers in in...lol....so for those reason the movie is awesome.

There is just so much history to the Transformers, I hate how Bay pigeon hole's the story.

I agree.

Action was ill, Megan is

But the movie overall dragged, some parts were just too corny, so its alright to me.
Just got back from 34th imax theater in nyc, lol lady that worked there did the crank dat and stanky leg dance, good movie A+
I don't know about you, but did anyone else go
when those ebonic speaking transformers said they couldnt read?
megan fox running through the desert all dirty

and sitting on that bike...and when she took off her clothes and put that dress on

good movie all around...never watched the first...gonna have to check it out.
No G1 heads can be happy i mean there is no way this film could be this huge of a success and stick to the OG story lines.

My biggest problem was jet fire in the G1 series dude was beastly and they made him nothing in this movie but an old man.

and Why have they not introduced hot rod yet ? and set up a rodamus prime like the 80s movie.

oh well

and GI JOE looks beyond trash
Originally Posted by razzle dazzle

Solid movie. Not as good as the first one, though. I felt like there was too much comedy in T2.

And what was the point of the motorcycle robots? They didn't do anything.

they tried too hard to be funny IMO....And I too was wondering %*@ these small +** motorcycles came from

Some scenes could have been shot as well.
jomitm wrote:
aside from the autobot heaven, if you watch it with just pure enjoyment and not like one of these middle-aged balding critics who wish every movie was depicted like Casanova, it's actually good entertainment for the action and the eye candy.

QFT! A movie like this is the reason I don't listen to critics. This movie is very good IMO. Its like people expect Heath Ledger to resurrect andplay optimus prime.
Its a summer blockbuster what doyou expect. If Roger Ebert had his way Titanic would come out every week.

i know its a summer blockbuster and not meant to be anything but eye candy, but that was painful to watch
i hate Michael Bay
It was pretty good. Except I had to sit all the way in the front

Megan Fox
I kept on thinking about the things I'd do to her.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

megan fox running through the desert all dirty

and sitting on that bike...and when she took off her clothes and put that dress on

Oh lawwd she is too bad. The things I would do if I had thechance...
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

Movie was good
prime was going hard as usual. he needed more help though
Word.. Bro ate The Fallens face
And the forest scene
had no help but was still going ham.
allright this is coming from a G1 nerd...

i liked the movie... it was meant to be entertaining, which it was.. it was just a bit long... i wish there was a scene after the credits, maybe of unicornscreaming because prime got the matrix, or one of hotrod crashing on earth....

-starscream, megatron and soundwave all survived, so the three main decepticons will be in part iii
-starscream and megatrons bickering, always classic, i am glad they added this to the movie
-keeping with jetfires story of being a lost out of commission transformer on earth, for those who do not know in the original G1 series he was an old friendof starscream, because they were both cybertronian scientist they went looking for energon rich planets and jetfire got lost on earth
-the incorporation of the matrix of leadership, even though it's the "autobot matrix of leadership" but i understand why they changed it for themovie
-soundwave, i like that they kept him away form the battles, save him for the next movie

-i hated the fact that they used skids and mudflapper as the twins, they should have used sideswipe and sunstreaker, it doesnt matter if bay kept with thestereotypical personality, they still should of used those two as the twins instead
-also, the fact that sideswipe had wheels for feet, that was kinda suspect and how come jolt barely got any movie time, he was just that blue transformer inthe background
-the fact that arcee was comprised of three separate entities, the pink mortorcycle and the purple one dies, but the red one survived, so i guess arcee isstill alive
-i hate combiners, pretenders and all that other crap, it was kind of blah how jetfire and optimus combined, is it transformers energon or armada where primecombines with jetfire...?
-wheeli, i hated him in the 86' movie, i hate him now
-the constructicons, basically they had 2 sets of constructicons, a set that became devastator and another set that did battle against the army in the desert,that was kinda stupid...
-most importantly, the fallen, dude could teleport, levitate stuff... BUT HE HAD NO HAND-TO-HAND FIGHTING SKILL... i understand prime had the matrix andcombined with jetfire, but come on now, he got murked pretty easily... he was pretty weak for one of the original 13

all in all i did enjoy it though.. i would love to see what they have in stored for pt iii, perhaps:
-hotrod and ultra magnus?
-will we finally find out what happened to barricade?
-5-words: thundercracker, skywarp, dirge, thrust, ramjet
-starscream betraying megatron?

when we left the theatre, my boy was like... "michael bay is a racist and a sexist... in the 1st movie the black autobot got killed, in the 2nd it was thechick autobot, in the 3rd movie im sure he's going to kill off the gay autobot.....ultra magnus..." i was like yea, ultra magnus is kind ofayoooo.....

can you match each movie autobot to their original counterpart???
I thought the movie was great. Exactly what you want from a summer blockbuster, SMH at yall coming into the movie expecting an Oscar worthy type of movie. Idon't understand NT sometimes, it's like yall don't see what the movie is gonna be like from the trailer. Michael Bay is a beast at keeping youentertained, that's all I can ask from the director. And the "racism" stuff was blown way out of proportion, it wasn't really that bad. AgentSimmons and the Sam's roomate were mad funny tho.
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