Top Secret about the early release jordan sneakers at Air-Randy and Marqueesole and sole-locker.....

^ my eyes...they burn. 2nd worst spiz'ikes i hope they sell out so i don't have to see them in person. Air-randy will return...i hope
just my $0.02...

i don't know heat or randy or any of the other dudes, but the bottom line is they provide us with something i value. me being the jordanhead that i am (forso many years, might i add) i absolutely love and appreciate being able to see pics early.

these guys don'y have to do it, but they do it anyway for the NT community. a lot of time i have read threads and it does seem that there is a lot ofunnecessary hate on these people. why?? i'm not so sure.

honestly, many times it seems like jealousy. maybe cause they get shoes early & they "tax" those who CHOOSE to buy early from them. who elsewould not do the same?? i know i would. it is just business.

i personally don't see a problem with what they have been doing. what goes around comes around anyway.

the nike corp. had seen billions in profits over the years. they have also made it clear that profit is their main concern, not the consumer. so i find it hardto understand why all these people who usually complain about nike/jb are now defending them. so what if they lose a few million dollars. they've beengetting over on us, the sweatshop workers, and probably their employees for far too long.

at the end of the day i will still rock nike/jb cause truthfully it's like, what else is there to rock?? that plus the fact i've been doing this since'86. this is just what i do. this is who i am. but like someone else said, it's cool for nike/jb to get the short end of the stick sometimes too, causewe always do.

i have always been the type to root for the underdog, & it's obvious that nike/jb cannot be considered that.

that being said, and i aint no p.r. (pipe ridin') type of person either...

heat, randy, marque sole, etc keep doin ur thing & get it in while u can.

peace (sorry for the essay w/o pics to the illiterate ppl)
this has been quite a read. this thread has severly deteriorated my productivity at work today lol

cmoney, you're hella funny...i LOLd

im interested to see where this goes. i wish more of the particularly highly opinionated NTers would comment on this some more (basically, id like another workdistraction lol)
Originally Posted by philflossie

Yo I dont care how much J's cost im gonna cop I dont care if theres only a limited release of 15 pairs of some fresh ones in alaska im there

I hope they keep getting more expensive to many suckas rock j's fools be wanting Benz's at a Honda price. Maybe I rock J's for different
reason's than most its like rap and hip hop to me Nike is something you do Jordan's is what I live. There not just shoes and what i mean by that is a
car isnt just a car So keep marking up the price I say but being able to buy 400pair and s**t like that is wack for J lovers like me but on the hustle side i
can dig it. If I could come up on J's like that and sale em at a marked up price I would, now im gonna go wait in line for them carmines like


You, sir, are a certified hypebeast.
JB/ Nike deserve to take a loss. That's funny!

I like how people are talking about the company like it's one dude making all the money. The fact of the matter is, Nike is a publicly traded company.Their number one customer is their investors.

I'd be interested in seeing how big the retro business is compared to their overall business. It might tell us why they do things the way they do.
@ duke talking about "internet" connects.

dude is mad old still living at his parent's house.

paying quadruple over msrp is NOT what's good.
Originally Posted by FWA III

@ duke talking about "internet" connects.

dude is mad old still living at his parent's house.

paying quadruple over msrp is NOT what's good.

Why do you clowns care what he paid for them? You mad cause you can't?
Originally Posted by austing03

Originally Posted by FWA III

@ duke talking about "internet" connects.

dude is mad old still living at his parent's house.

paying quadruple over msrp is NOT what's good.

Why do you clowns care what he paid for them? You mad cause you can't?

lol...on a sneaker board like NT, we all can pay as much as we want for kicks..da point is why would you..i rather wait till they drop and pay retail...dapics are always appreciated though
Originally Posted by austing03

Originally Posted by FWA III

@ duke talking about "internet" connects.

dude is mad old still living at his parent's house.

paying quadruple over msrp is NOT what's good.

Why do you clowns care what he paid for them? You mad cause you can't?

Dang why you guys hating on dude and what he paid. He got the money so he can pay that much for them. You all dont even know if thats hi p arents house ornot. Stop hating and just move along if you dont care. Come on fellas Jealousy is a female trait. Dude got cheese let him spend it.

Everybody else waits for retail and use swoosh becuase they not stocking cheddar like dude. Just do you wait for retail and swoosh discount and stopfrontin on dudes game

Besides you guys dont know where he bought or how much he paid. Stop Hating.
This Man and Only One Other Person In This Post Know What There Talking About.
The Rest Of You Are Just Typing To Type.

Thanks 160jordansdeep but I'm afraid the majority of this board will still be clueless.
heat, randy, marque sole, etc keep doin ur thing & get it in while u can.

austing03 wrote:

Originally Posted by FWA III

@ duke talking about "internet" connects.

dude is mad old still living at his parent's house.

paying quadruple over msrp is NOT what's good.

Why do you clowns care what he paid for them? You mad cause you can't?

No problem voodo99 Its good to read something that someone knows what there talking about.

Also I cound not agree more austing03

This whole post is about people that CANT MIND THERE OWN DAMN BUSINESS if the man wants to buy the shoes early lethim...........when the rest of you can save money and buy them for retail.

He does not owe anyone anything by paying what hes paying.

I understand that alot of people cant pay extra and my post is not aimed at you its hard and this year with so many Jordan releases its only getting harder.
People like that I understand if your only paying extra on one shoe you really want so you don't have to spend 14 hours on a line to save $100.00 time ismoney.

But heads bad mouthing someone on what they spend and what there business is?

don't worry about it.

He also pays what hes paying so he does not have to deal with most of the people that line up like 86% of the crybaby's in this wining post.

Just hope that when release time comes YOU NOT ANYONE ELSE has the money to buy the shoes.

You see Marqueesole has connects to the factory
but mr sample Air Randy always charge ALOT for the category.
Top secret or not we already know why NIKE is mad
heat23 or 160jordansdeep are arguing like their always sad.

man i'm up late peace.
Originally Posted by CarmineJordan

You see Marqueesole has connects to the factory
but mr sample Air Randy always charge ALOT for the category.
Top secret or not we already know why NIKE is mad
heat23 or 160jordansdeep are arguing like their always sad.

man i'm up late peace.

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