Top NBA commentators......

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Doug Collins is straight-forward too but sometimes goes off on his "when I coached Michael" tangents.

i know EXACTLY what you're talking about...

Kevin Harlan, Marv Albert and Hubie Brown FTW
Hubie Brown - so insightful

Jim Barnett & Bob Fitzgerald - funny together but Warrior homers but give other great players their due
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Man dont care what anyone says, Clyde Frazier is my fav. commentator of all time

Dude is the man, just so smooth and his rhyming lines are classic "marbury the orchestrator and devistator" or "razzling and dazzling his way to the hoop

Nuff said right there my man...

Clyde Frazier>>>>>>>>>>Everyone else>>>>>>Mike Breen.

Clyde is THAT DUDE. Everything about him. his huge vocabulary, his rhymes, his outfits. This guy is classic. Alhough it is overlooked, he usuall knows what heis talking about as well and is not really an idiot like people say he is. Most of the times he will make very valid points that others tend to overlook. Butthis guy is just great.

I HATE MIKE BREEN. This dude is ALWAYS against the Knicks. Foul on the other team he questions it and says $%@! like "I dont no Clyde, very questionablethere was VERY little contact on that one."

On $%@! for other teams this guy always agrees, great call. And worst of all he always looks at the negatives after EVERY Knicks win, no cmpliments even whenthey deserve it.

As for other play by plays. Marv is classic, and although he commentates for a!%%#@%% *** team, Mark Jackson is THAT DUDE. BTW its MarK not Marc. I am neverone to correct spelling but it jjust piises me off when people spell it Marc. I dont know why.

Possible next coach for his hometown Knicks...
I hope so

EDIT: forgot bout ma boi Gus Johnson for play by play

Gus + Clyde>>>>>>>>all
Tommy Heinsohn. No one can piss off opposing team's fans more than Tommy. And to top it all off, he has more rings than any other announcer in the gameright now.
I cant stand the raptors announcers..well lemme check that..when swirsky isnt driding bargiani or how the raptors dont get any "american" respect hesok jack armstrong and leo rautins are just terrible homers.

Kevin Calabro is probably my favorite right now.After growing up listening to chick hearn(rip),I wasnt a fan of calabro's but he ended up growing onme.especially when he's teamed up with marques johnson.

Mark jackson and Marv Albert are up there as well.Reggie miller is getting there.I always end up laughing at some sideways comment from reggie.

The worst though has to be either cleveland or atlanta.Im not sure who dude is but I was watching some highlight show on nba tv and they had highlights from acleveland and atlanta game and all i heard was the announcer say wwwwhhhhhhhhooooooooooo....every highlight...whhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooo whhhooo whhhoooowhhoooo....he didnt say anything...jus that

league pass is great because you get to listen to everyone haahahahaha
Originally Posted by LALAKERFAN213

I cant stand the Warriors commentators. They get all excited over the littlest things. The Celtics commentators are very annoying.
Stu Lantz is one of my favorites

yes...omg co-sign...i hate bob fitzgeraLd and jim barnett...ehh i guess jim's ok but bob i hate that guy sooooo much...theyre one of the main reasons ihate the warriors and yeah stu speaks the truth and doesnt favor the Lakers

my top:
chick hearn of course
kevin harLan...this guy is an exciting commentator
Originally Posted by caLiwestcoast1

Originally Posted by LALAKERFAN213

I cant stand the Warriors commentators. They get all excited over the littlest things. The Celtics commentators are very annoying.
Stu Lantz is one of my favorites

yes...omg co-sign...i hate bob fitzgeraLd and jim barnett...ehh i guess jim's ok but bob i hate that guy sooooo much...theyre one of the main reasons i hate the warriors and yeah stu speaks the truth and doesnt favor the Lakers

my top:
chick hearn of course
kevin harLan...this guy is an exciting commentator

You hate Warriors because of the commentators? Thats sad.
Well thaneveryone should hate the lakers because of that one HOMER commentator you guys have, Joel something. But i will agree with you that Fitzgerald is a homer. ButBarnett is good. He comments on the other teams players ALL the time.
Kevin harlen, the best in the biz......

Joel myers, the worst in the bizz............this guy would marry kobe if he let him

Stu lantz......He's cool, sometimes he gets on his kobe tip too though. "It shouldn't be fair when the best player in a zone bla bla"

Hubie brown is great. I watch games that I hate because of him.
Originally Posted by LALAKERFAN213

I never said i hate the Warriors because of their commentators

My bad homie that wasn't directed towards you. It was to the other guy, that qouted you.
Marv Albert is the classic NBA commentator

Hubie Brown's second person routine is great too, "so you know you have to defend the three point line, and you know you have to limit fast breakpoints..."

I actually really like Jeff Van Gundy's commentary, he's always coaching from the mic, telling you about player's tendencies and what the coachesought to be doing

Walton is entertaining in controlled doses (kind of like other stuff Walton does...)

Barkley (even though I've only seen him on as a guest) is great because if the game is boring he'll just say so and start making fun of people he seesin the stands

yeah I'm not huge on the Warriors homer commentators, when we were bottom scrapers they got used to looking at the bright side of every situation, nomatter how poor we were, now it seems they're stuck in that optimistic hopeful mode forever
When paired together, Calabro and Johnson are the best. There is no legitimate argument you can make for anyone else.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Man dont care what anyone says, Clyde Frazier is my fav. commentator of all time

Dude is the man, just so smooth and his rhyming lines are classic "marbury the orchestrator and devistator" or "razzling and dazzling his way to the hoop"

Love it man, Marc Jackson is also up there for me
Cant stand reggie millers voice

I don't know why but i don't like Clyde. He's alright, but sometimes i cant stand him.

But Jim Barnett ( Warriors commentator ) is a good color commentator. He is very knowledgeable of basketball. Of course Walton is up there. But i hate that one Kings commentator that says "if you don't like that you don't like basketball."
Oh yea, Kevin Harlan and Marv Albert are good.

Yep, Jim Barnett definitely has knowledge of the game. Funny how the unknown players always turn out to be the best coaches, commentators, analysts, etc.BUT! How can you not like Grant Napear? Dude shows passion, unlike most other broadcasters. I'd pick Napear and Jerry Reynolds as a team over any of thecrap ESPN puts out. I say the same for Bob Fitzgerald and Jim Barnett. Only dude that shows real passion for the sport on ESPN is Mike Breen.

edit: Actually, any commentator that shows that Gus Johnson excitement is good. Homer or not.
Hearn's streak of 3,338 consecutive Lakers games came to an end midway through the 2001-02 season when he underwent cardiac bypass surgery. Hearn recovered from his illness and resumed broadcasting that season, receiving a standing ovation from the Staples Center crowd upon his return. His final game was Game 4 of the 2002 NBA Finals where the Lakers defeated the New Jersey Nets to win their third consecutive NBA championship. He passed away in the summer.

"There's never going to be another Chick Hearn,'' Johnson said. ''He's a man who will be remembered long after. Some people grow bigger than their sport, bigger than their job.''

  • 20 foot lay-up: A jump shot by Jamaal Wilkes
  • Air-ball: A shot that draws nothing but air.
  • (He sent that one back) Air-mail Special!: A strongly-blocked shot, often sent high into the stands.
  • Bloooows the layup! : Missed a very easy layup.
  • Boo-birds: Fans who boo their own team when they play badly.
  • (He did the) bunny hop in the pea patch: He was called for traveling.
  • (You could) call it with Braille: An easy call for an official, e.g. a blatant foul.
  • (He got) caught with his hand in the cookie jar: A reaching foul.
  • (The) Charity Stripe: The free-throw line.
  • (He's got 'em) covered like the rug on your floor: Really good one-on-one defense.
  • (They) couldn't beat the Sisters of Mercy: The team is getting beat badly.
  • (They) couldn't throw a pea into the ocean: The team's shooting is really awful.
  • (It'll) count if it goes ...: A player that is fouled in the act of shooting. It go-o-o-oes! (if the shot is successful)
  • (That shot) didn't draw iron: A shot which misses the rim, but hits the backboard. Sometimes, would add but it drew a lot of flies
  • Dime store score: A 10 to 5 score
  • Dribble-drive: A player drives the basket while dribbling.
  • Finger roll: A shot where the ball rolls off the shooter's fingers.
  • (He) fly-swatted (that one): A shot blocked with force and authority.
  • Football score: A score resembling one often seen in a football game (e.g., 21 to 14).
  • (He threw up a) frozen rope: A shot with a very flat trajectory.
  • (We're) high above the western sideline: Chick's perch at the Forum, from which he called his word's eye views of the game.
  • Hippity-hops the dribble: A player dribbling the ball does a little hop step.
  • I'll bet you an ice-cream: Hearn and Keith Erickson (his one-time color commentator) often bet ice creams on the outcome of a shot or game.
  • (He's got) ice-water in his veins: When a player hits a clutch free-throw.
  • (It's) First and ten: Multiple players are sprawled on the floor after a physical play or diving for the ball.
  • (It's) garbage time: The (often sloppily-played) remainder of the game (after it's in the refrigerator).
  • Give and Go: A player passes the ball, makes a quick cut, and receives a return pass.
  • (In & out,) heart-brrrreak!: A shot that appears to go in, but rattles off the rim and misses. Sometimes it went in so far you could read the Commissioner's name from below.
  • He has two chances, slim and none, and slim just left the building: The player has no chance of success with this play.
  • If that goes in, I'm walking home: Similar to a prayer, when the opponent shoots a shot that is a prayer, a streak, or some amazing shot. (Usually on the road)
  • Leapin' Lena: A shot made while the player is in the air and off balance.
  • Marge could have made that shot: a missed shot that was so easy, Hearn's wife Marge could have made it. Marge was often referred to when a player messed up something that was easy.
  • (There are) lots of referees in the building, only three getting paid: The entire crowd acts as though they are the officials by disagreeing with a call.
  • The mustard's off the hot dog: A player attempts an unnecessarily showy, flashy play which ends up in a turnover or is otherwise unsuccessful.
  • My grandmother could guard him, and she can't go to her left!: Said of a slow, out of shape, or hurt player.
  • Nervous time: When the final moments of a game are pressure-packed.
  • 94-by-50 hunk of wood: The basketball court, based on the floor's dimensions. (Attacking 47 feet: The front court.)
  • No harm, no foul(no blood, no ambulance, no stitches): A non-call by an official when varying degrees of contact have occurred. More adjectives means the non-call was more questionable.)
  • Not Phi Beta Kappa: Not a smart play.
  • ...Since Hector was a pup A very long time (e.g., the Lakers haven't had the lead since Hector was a pup.)
  • He's in the Popcorn Machine (with butter and salt all over him): Meaning that a defensive player got faked into the air (and out of play) by an offensive player's pump fake. ("Popcorn Machine" is a reference to an actual popcorn machine in the old Los Angeles Sports Arena, which was near the basket, but far away from the court. Thus, if the player went far out of play, he was in the "popcorn machine.")
  • (He's) on him like a postage stamp: Very tight defense.
  • Slam dunk!: Hearn's most famous phrase; a powerful shot where a player forces the ball through the rim with one or both hands.
  • (He) takes him to the third floor and leaves him at the mezzanine: A move where an offensive player pump-fakes a defender and draws a foul from the leaping player.
  • Tattoo dribble: A player dribbling the ball while not moving, as though tattooing the floor with the ball, as he waits for the play to develop.
  • This game's in the refrigerator: the door is closed, the lights are out, the eggs are cooling, the butter's getting hard, and the Jell-O's jigglin'!: The game's outcome is set; only the final score is in question. Chick's variation on "the game's on ice."
  • Throws up a brick: When a player tosses up a particularly errant shot.
  • Throws up a prayer (... it's answered!!!): A wild shot that will need a miracle to score (and does).
  • Ticky-tack: A foul called when very little contact has been made.
  • Triple-double: A player gets 10 or more (i.e. double digits) in three statistical categories: points, rebounds, assists, steals or blocked shots.
  • (On his) wallet: A player fell on his rear end.
  • Words-eye view: What listeners received while listening to Hearn call the game on the radio.
  • (He's) working on his Wrigleys. A player is chewing gum.
  • (He's) yo-yo-ing up and down: A player dribbles in one place as if he were playing with a yo-yo on a string.
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