Do motorboats run on water?? Or do they run on gas??
I got splinters in my palm right now can't even fap right in my natural position
If everyone on the planet believed in evolution would the world be more peaceful?
Why didn't I check the toilet paper roll before I sat down to unleash this diarrhea.
"If you don't bring back my  money or my dope, you can forget about Christmas , cause you ain't gon even see New Years"   -Master P
Mind possibly blown

There is a finite number of possible pictures at any given resolution. Though there is an infinite number of resolutions, we will only ever use a finite number of them. This means that we could theoretically create every single picture ever

Don't expect to see this anytime soon, there are 2^364,000 different pictures at a 260 by 175 resolution(fairly small image). Thats about 10^20to 10^30 times the number of atoms estimated to be in the observable universe.

If you had all these pictures. You would not only have every picture ever taken of you (in that resolution) but also a picture of you from every angle doing everything you ever have and ever will do.

You could literally see the future. Along with every possible future and possible past of everyone you know and don't know.

Think about it for a little and your mind will explode.

For anyone who doesn't understand what I am talking about:

Eight bits(10010110) make up a pixel. Thousands or even millions of pixels make up a picture.

You can create every picture with 1's and 0's. If you create a album of all the different combinations of 1's and 0's then you would have every picture.

Most of the pictures would look like crap, and just be random colors, but you will also have all the ones that make actual pictures. Since you have every possible picture you have all the pictures from the past present and future.

You would have every picture not only of things that actually happened but of everything, regardless of wether it happened or not.
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If you think about it, we are one year older than our actual birthday. So if im 22, im really 23. Our first birthday SHOULD be the day of our birth
Mind possibly blown

There is a finite number of possible pictures at any given resolution. Though there is an infinite number of resolutions, we will only ever use a finite number of them. This means that we could theoretically create every single picture ever

Don't expect to see this anytime soon, there are 2^364,000 different pictures at a 260 by 175 resolution(fairly small image). Thats about 10^20to 10^30 times the number of atoms estimated to be in the observable universe.

If you had all these pictures. You would not only have every picture ever taken of you (in that resolution) but also a picture of you from every angle doing everything you ever have and ever will do.

You could literally see the future. Along with every possible future and possible past of everyone you know and don't know.

Think about it for a little and your mind will explode.

For anyone who doesn't understand what I am talking about:

Eight bits(10010110) make up a pixel. Thousands or even millions of pixels make up a picture.

You can create every picture with 1's and 0's. If you create a album of all the different combinations of 1's and 0's then you would have every picture.

Most of the pictures would look like crap, and just be random colors, but you will also have all the ones that make actual pictures. Since you have every possible picture you have all the pictures from the past present and future.

You would have every picture not only of things that actually happened but of everything, regardless of wether it happened or not.

Woah..need more info on this.
Why didn't Ben Stiller have a duffle bag full of blowup dolls in Night at the Museum?
I'd be a sticky, dehydrated mess every morning when my shift was over
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Woah..need more info on this.

Thats correct tho right?

Like youd have a whooooooooooole bunch of pics of nothing
And you wouldnt technically know which ones were the "future"

But theyd b in there.
do ants see humans and think "dam these ************* gonna kill me" and run away?

Son, can you imagine how ******* scary we must look to ants bruh? :lol:

Do you guys think that we're halting evolution of a lot of animals by domesticating them/breeding them for sustenance?

Like, I was thinking about the whole chicken or egg thing and using my fairly limited knowledge of evolution, I came to the conclusion that the egg came first because whatever the immediate ancestor of the modern chicken is had to lay an egg that gave birth to what we consider a chicken out of a biological need to adapt to better fit the environment they were in.

Will that still happen anymore considering how we rarely treat animals as equals? Or better yet, are the chickens we grow to eat or the dogs and cats we domesticate evolving right before our eyes at a pace so slow we don't notice? What changes would even be made?

That might be a bunch of nonsense, considering I'm tired as ****, but I'm curious.
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So u sayin the ancestor of a chicken couldnt survive somehow and gave birth to a new species that was better suited for the environment?
do ants see humans and think "dam these ************* gonna kill me" and run away?

Son, can you imagine how ******* scary we must look to ants bruh? :lol:

Do you guys think that we're halting evolution of a lot of animals by domesticating them/breeding them for sustenance?

Like, I was thinking about the whole chicken or egg thing and using my fairly limited knowledge of evolution, I came to the conclusion that the egg came first because whatever the immediate ancestor of the modern chicken is had to lay an egg that gave birth to what we consider a chicken out of a biological need to adapt to better fit the environment they were in.

Will that still happen anymore considering how we rarely treat animals as equals? Or better yet, are the chickens we grow to eat or the dogs and cats we domesticate evolving right before our eyes at a pace so slow we don't notice? What changes would even be made?

That might be a bunch of nonsense, considering I'm tired as ****, but I'm curious.

Everything evolves at a very slow pace... And evolution is like prep work... You don't prep for this shift, you prep for the next shift...
We all have an "inner voice" which is the voice we hear when we read or think something to ourselves. But is the tone of your inner voice lighter than your speaking voice? Same? Deeper?

I just noticed my inner voice is in a lighter tone than my speaking voice. I wonder why that is.
Mine is the same but "perfect" if that makes sense.
Like I may stutter in real life...but never in my head.

I wonder if dogs hear barks and other sounds lol
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So u sayin the ancestor of a chicken couldnt survive somehow and gave birth to a new species that was better suited for the environment?

Maybe less so than outright "couldn't survive", there were probably traits shed that were just no longer needed for the way they live now (maybe they were bigger and that affected mobility, or the color of their feathers were somehow an issue for their survival, or something like that. Once again, my knowledge of evolution is relatively limited :lol:)

Everything evolves at a very slow pace... And evolution is like prep work... You don't prep for this shift, you prep for the next shift...


But wouldn't the preparation for the next shift involve some sort of guessing then? Is it possible that an animal could evolve into something that still isn't fully suited to the environment they thought would be created from a shift?
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