Today's My Anniversary , 12 yrs Married , 22 Total ... Who Needs Advice , lol

For all of those that are too worried about wanting "other vagina", you have to remember that women are attached to said vagina, and women for the most part are crazy.

And when you find a good woman and realize that you don't have to put up with that craziness, you will trade that need for "other vagina" for sanity in a solid relationship.

For me, I need to have trust in my marriage. My wife trusted me to have 4 children with me. So I have to make sure that I don't allow for some basic neanderthal cravings to
get in the way of what we have built together. For me, the sum of my relationship with my wife is more important than my urges. You can't call yourself a man and not
behave like one.

I'm not a hermit. I look at other women. But I don't ask them for their #. When my friends are engaged to get married, I go to their bachelor parties. I look at the women showing
themselves off, but I don't touch them. When I've gone to a strip club (twice in my life) I buy the cats around me dances because I won't touch other women. The temptation would
be too strong. So because I value my marriage, I don't put myself in situations that could cause any weakness.

By and large, you need to find the one for you. Sounds like the OP found his, had his hardship and even through trying times kept his marriage a priority. And to that I say, tip of the cap.

Folks better recognize that "99-1" rule. It's real.
Damn wearz, congrats. You guys have my wife and I topped by about 6 years. We're at 12 married and 16 together in a month or so. Props bruh.

same to you my dude, as i said before it's nice to see theres more of us here. thought i was a rare breed :smokin
I know every case and relationship is unique, but do you believe long-term romance can last (or work) even with the marriage label and husband and wife titles?
My girlfriend and I got together in high school. I was a 15 y.o. sophomore & she was a 14 y.o. freshman. We will have been together for 7 years in January. I feel like you have already lived what I'm going through now. I don't even know where to begin...

I know you said she told you she was with someone while y'all were broken up, but do you ever think she might've actually cheated on you? How do you deal with it, or how you did you deal with it?
Congratulations man. That's a hard thing to find in this day and age. I only hope I can have that some day.

Questions, I hope this isnt too personal, but what about the sex? Has it gotten better or worse?
Aint you the dude was peeping at the orgy wit' binoculars when you were at work, giving NT the play by play? LOL

Nah congratulations though; you're a better man than most :nthat:

Congrats Op!!! My one year is coming up next month. Best year of my life so I'm looking forward to many years to come. That's a huge accomplishment!!! Marriage is honestly a beautiful thing.
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