To those that oppose Gay Marriage, WHY?

Originally Posted by 916JORDANboy

Originally Posted by Sidewayze

God made Adam and Eve, not Adam & Steve
gets me every time!
thats funny
1. God did not create emotions or feelings (that would be like saying god controls everyones action and he doesn't)

2. Marriage is not sacred if you think it is check divorce rates and how quick people get divorced.

if someone is gay, they are gay, let them be, and let them live FREELY.. WHO CARES. They do not and will not affect your life negatively EVER unless you happento be gay and go through a breakup or the things that happen in normal relationships.

They're emotions, worries, relationships, and lives are all the same as everyone else's
Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

because marriage is sacred and should only be between a man and a woman.

preists are "Sacred" too and look what they do with little boys
Im ok if gays get "united", but just dont call it marriage. Im not trying to be ignorant, but why should you try to argue to get married, if thatsoriginally made for a man AND a woman.

as far as "uniting" and getting the same legal benefits as you get from marriage, that is fine by me and SHOULD be fine by everyone...but dont callit marriage.. so for now its YES on 8
Doesn't effect I see it....the more gay dude there are, the more broads left for me..........the more lesbians in the world means the lower mychances are of finding a woman that probably no man really wants anyway(most of the time, I have seen some sexy lesbos tho)
Religion. Telling people how to feel, what to believe, and what to think for Centuries and Centuries. So much war, hatred, and death in the name of Godthroughout the years, its almost become cliche. The more simple minded of its followers follow it blindly while cruising through life without living it to itsfullest. Luckily, not all religious people are like this and choose to follow what they want and what they don't want. Unluckily, there are millions uponmillions of religious followers who are the former type of religious fanatic, as opposed to the latter more "free-thinking" religious follower:hence, the reason prop 8 will be so close.

What I don't get is that the Bible may be against homosexuality, but it also completely condones slavery, slave beatings, and slave purchasing. Example:

Exodus Chapter 21, verse 20:

If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.

Not only does God condone slavery, but he is also completely comfortable with the concept of beating your slaves, as long as you don't kill them.

I'm really glad we don't have a vote on bringing back slavery, because if there are so many sheep following the bible verbatim, I wouldn't besurprised if it passed.
This is a really big change in society today. I'm totally against gay marriage. I don't want to see my kid's growing up thinking that it is alrightto be with the same sex. I wouldn't know how to explain it to them, and also don't want to be in the situation. I think it is crossing the line of"ordinary" a bit too far. Technology is bad enough, and also we don't need any more problems.

There is a left and a right, but no right and a right or left and a left. get it?

Just my opinion.
marriage has lost all it's "sacredness" already, judging by the rate of divorce among married couples.

if Ted and Dallas want to rock rings, life goes on. they have to answer to God for their own sins, not you.

half of ya'll so homophobic, ya'll might be down low anyway...
Originally Posted by roora85

This is a really big change in society today. I'm totally against gay marriage. I don't want to see my kid's growing up thinking that it is alright to be with the same sex. I wouldn't know how to explain it to them, and also don't want to be in the situation. I think it is crossing the line of "ordinary" a bit too far. Technology is bad enough, and also we don't need any more problems.

There is a left and a right, but no right and a right or left and a left. get it?

Just my opinion.

Your opinion sucks.

So you dont want it to pass because you dont feel like saying "some guys like guys"

Gay marriage is causing problems? really?

Crossing the line of ordinary? are you serious? your thinking is just like all those who agree'd with segregation and supported it.

I havent seen ONE SINGLE argument that is valid. and dont give me that bible thumping +$@*%#!% either.

SMH @ everyone who has a problem with it. Really, wth are your so worried about what another N doin?

Marriage is sacred, yet there are stupid marriage shows all over tv, and the divorce rate is out of this world. So who ever uses that argument needs torethink.

Those who use religion as an argument..well, thats just another convo I'm not willing to engage in. I don't know why I''m suprised at theignorance on this board.

People need to realize that homosexuality is not wrong, just an alternative lifestyle.
As it was explained to me by a state representative, when the marriage tax break was instituted it was based on the thought that one day those people wouldhave children that would "pay into the system". With gay marriage these couples are unable to produce offspring that will pay taxes.

I then asked "what about adaption" his response was "those children are already born, and will hopefully pay into the system one day".

I followed up with "what about in virto fertilization??", he then said "that if that was the cases that person would more than likely birth thatchild married or not"

so basically it comes down to a tax issue, from what was explained to me....which does not surprise me.....once they figure out how to get more money from gaycouples without having to give up the tax break they will do can believe that!!!!
I'm voting YES on 8. I have no problems with gay people ( I have a couple of gay friends) But that's just what I believe, so that's how I'mvoting.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by Smokey1212

Religion. Telling people how to feel, what to believe, and what to think for Centuries and Centuries. So much war, hatred, and death in the name of God throughout the years, its almost become cliche. The more simple minded of its followers follow it blindly while cruising through life without living it to its fullest. Luckily, not all religious people are like this and choose to follow what they want and what they don't want. Unluckily, there are millions upon millions of religious followers who are the former type of religious fanatic, as opposed to the latter more "free-thinking" religious follower: hence, the reason prop 8 will be so close.

What I don't get is that the Bible may be against homosexuality, but it also completely condones slavery, slave beatings, and slave purchasing. Example:

Exodus Chapter 21, verse 20:

If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.

Not only does God condone slavery, but he is also completely comfortable with the concept of beating your slaves, as long as you don't kill them.

I'm really glad we don't have a vote on bringing back slavery, because if there are so many sheep following the bible verbatim, I wouldn't be surprised if it passed.
Imagine if we put religion on a ballot.
I don't mind people being religious I just don't want it be taught in schools. It's wrong. It's okay if people want to believe in it in their homes.

Now that would be interesting. Religion in school would never pass though. On prop 8 several differentreligious entities are grouping up to vote yes on it. A proposition supporting religion in school would be shot down by the religions not being taught. Ifsome form of christianity were going to be taught, jews, mormons, etc would vote it down in a heartbeat.
Originally Posted by mdresident

SMH @ everyone who has a problem with it. Really, wth are your so worried about what another N doin?

Marriage is sacred, yet there are stupid marriage shows all over tv, and the divorce rate is out of this world. So who ever uses that argument needs to rethink.

Those who use religion as an argument..well, thats just another convo I'm not willing to engage in. I don't know why I''m suprised at the ignorance on this board.

People need to realize that homosexuality is not wrong, just an alternative lifestyle.
Agreed. You can hate it all you want, but who are you tell somebody they can't do it? They're not physically harming anyone orinfringing on anyone else's rights, so it's really no one's business but their own.
^ What is there to have a problem with? THEY ARE PEOPLE, just like you and I. They are not murderers or born with an evil trait they are just people. Thiscountry is ridiculous. We hate everybody.
because i was indoctrinated to believe that gays are wrong and that they choose to be homomos.
I don't care if the state recognizes a gay marriage, the church shouldn't recognize it though.
Originally Posted by TJ Detweiler

I'm voting YES on 8. I have no problems with gay people ( I have a couple of gay friends) But that's just what I believe, so that's how I'm voting.
im tired of people saying this. "i have gay freinds so i have no problem with them" its exactly the same as " i have black freindstherefore im not racist"
Originally Posted by TJ Detweiler

I'm voting YES on 8. I have no problems with gay people ( I have a couple of gay friends) But that's just what I believe, so that's how I'm voting.

whats your reason behind believing that?
Homosexuals should be able to have the same benefits as a married couple and all that, I just think that it shouldnt be called marriage but something elseinstead. And i know there is the argument about divorces being just as bad if not worse and I agree with that, and the people that do that are sinning as welland I also dont think that it should be condoned.

The ignorance on NT saddens me. It's not surprising, but it's sad to see so many people claiming a defense that once binded their ancestors in front ofcotton by ball and chain.

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