Tila and Ben Baller?

Please stop sucking this guys piece. Thanks
Everyone who is stating that were sucking his piece is so jealous and it obvious because I CLEARLY put his sn name in the title yet you still clicked on thethread and took the time to post some lame Jane response... I just thought it was funny to see this pic on her myspace, I like Tila she makes me laugh so there:tongue:.
Originally Posted by PR0LiFiKz

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Ben smashing a few years ago? I remember him posting about 5-6 years ago that he was smashing at the time and he posted pics of him and Tila. This was when Tila was your typical import car chick. Before all this reality show crap.

yea he been posted pics of her, thought he dated her.

this topic silly as hell, i never understood the bb hate son dont even gotta keep posting and interacting on hereyet he does.
I don't really know who this guy is, or why everyone is so intrigued by his life. From what I gather, he is a successful jeweler who has fair celebrityconnections especially in the hip-hop industry. Hats off to this guy...but after reading alot of things posted in this thread, financially, it makes me SMH.

Originally Posted by BENBALLER

remember, my entire life is a write off tax wise,

I respect this.
The fundamental corner stone of this cliche; "the rich get richer, the poor get poorer", is that business owners get to own (in some form) thingsthat regular people would drown themselves in payments for.
Alot of the times things that typical NTers drool over (and DREAM of paying monthly installments on) are actually generating income for people. i.e. businessowners. Every large purchase could be seen as an investment with a full return over 5 years.

Anyways, this guy seems to be 'getting it', and it's cool to see a celeb posting on NT like a real dude
didnt he use to mess with her and said she was annoying and high maintance.
was the Quickstrikes of meagan good or tila. i dont remember?
well, Tila just put me as her top friend, and now even more mail and questions being asked. I guess the best answer to this will be to wait and see whats up?how bout that? then you decide for yourself.
at Ben stopping in, I gave him the heads up that there was a threadbrewing about him and Tila.
I dunno what is worse the Ben haters or the Ben D-riders.

One side is bitterfaced salt and the other is Jizzedface salt.

-The Juice
Originally Posted by BENBALLER

well, Tila just put me as her top friend, and now even more mail and questions being asked. I guess the best answer to this will be to wait and see whats up? how bout that? then you decide for yourself.

NT gets first word. Dont have these publicists bombardin us homey!
Originally Posted by BENBALLER

well, Tila just put me as her top friend, and now even more mail and questions being asked. I guess the best answer to this will be to wait and see whats up? how bout that? then you decide for yourself.
its funny cause in her default, shes makin out with another girl.
You split with that black chic you married?

But anyway glad to hear you still doing good in this pooper of an economy.

Housing real estate will be back im 100% sure of it, when that sublease is done check the market and consider renovations.
Originally Posted by meldr

Everyone who is stating that were sucking his piece is so jealous and it obvious because I CLEARLY put his sn name in the title yet you still clicked on the thread and took the time to post some lame Jane response... I just thought it was funny to see this pic on her myspace, I like Tila she makes me laugh so there :tongue:.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Broad is so dumb, that Ben prolly told her he was Hines Ward, and he has a super bowl ring.
Hines Ward was on ESPN's PTI show for that 5 minutes interview segment this week and said he wasn't showering, brushing his teeth, orchanging his underwear until gameday so the Ravens' defense can smell him coming.

Ben Baller Ballin' or what?!
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