Tiger Woods News Conference Scheduled :: FRIDAY 2-19-10

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Bill Clinton cheats and Hilary is right there with him at the press conference.

Kobe cheats and Vanessa is right there with him at the press conference.

Tiger cheats and Elin is NOWHERE to be found at the press conference.

First step to redemption would have been having your wife by your side (see Kobe, Clinton, etc)

Vanessa and Hilary chose to be there. Elin obviously didn't...besides it's Tiger's press conference, and maybe he felt the need to go out alone whether or not she may have wanted to be there or not. Not every situation is a one-size-fits-all type situation.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Bill Clinton cheats and Hilary is right there with him at the press conference.

Kobe cheats and Vanessa is right there with him at the press conference.

Tiger cheats and Elin is NOWHERE to be found at the press conference.

First step to redemption would have been having your wife by your side (see Kobe, Clinton, etc)
If tiger's wife didn't lump him up w/ one of his own clubs none of this would have happened in the first place.
If he wanted to keep his family out of the media he shouldn't have cheated NUMEROUS times. This _ was playin' with fire, got burned, then wants to put all the blame on the media.

He continues to think that everything should go his way. I'm never one to worry about the next man or what these celebrities are doing but the cats out the bag, might as well try to save face and include your wife and kids and at least fake the image of a remorseful family man.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

If he wanted to keep his family out of the media he shouldn't have cheated NUMEROUS times. This _ was playin' with fire, got burned, then wants to put all the blame on the media.

He continues to think that everything should go his way. I'm never one to worry about the next man or what these celebrities are doing but the cats out the bag, might as well try to save face and include your wife and kids and at least fake the image of a remorseful family man.

You're right. He shouldn't have ever cheated on his wife...if he wanted to smash random women on the side, and keep it private, he should've never gotten married...

But let's not give a pass to the media. The media can be downright disgusting at times. Tiger is already in a very tough spot, obviously he even admitted that...but the media doesn't have to go to the lengths they do and antagonize his family just to get at Tiger....

I'm not a big golf fan, but Tiger transcended that sport and revolutionzied it into a phenomenon. He's supremely talented at golf...if he does feel ashamed, that's for him and his family to work out...the media gets paid to antagonize and ridicule...nobody is perfect..and the media is primely responsible for putting athletes on this pedestal to begin with...

They are athletes..not biblical figures.
The main thing I got from watching it is that Tiger needs a better tailor. For the amount of money he has that saggy jacket is terrible.
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

I was at work during the whole conference.

Is there anywhere I can watch it in its entirety?

here's the part of the transcript.....

[h2]Tiger Woods Announces Return To Sex[/h2]
February 19, 2010 | Issue 46•07 


[h2]Related Articles[/h2]
PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL—In an announcementhighly anticipated by sex fans around the world, Tiger Woods told asmall gathering of reporters, family, and lovers Friday that the mostdominant fornicator on the planet would soon return to sex.

"Not being able to get out there and have sex has really been toughon me," Woods said. "I've missed it. I love ##%*+!@ with all my heart."

Woods said that during his brief time away from sex, he couldn'tstop thinking about one day resuming his daily regimen of sexualintercourse with random women who look vaguely like his wife, onlyskankier.

"When I am out there having sex, I am in complete control," saidWoods, an acknowledged master of the long game who claims he is onlytruly at peace when he is between the legs of a woman. "It's just meand my thoughts. And a high-end escort. And the lounge dancer. Andsometimes [caddie] Stevie. And probably some stewardess I just met."

"I'm so into it that I usually just block out all the cameras," Woods added.

Saying that ##%*+!@ is his "calling and [his] one true passion,"Woods spoke of how he has always adored the sight of a neatly trimmedmound, the smell of fresh stank early in the morning when the &*(&glisten with dewy juices, and the feel of a perfect impact with awoman's vagina.

"That sensation just flows right up the shaft, through my hands, andquavers up and down my spine," Woods said. "Ever since I was 16, I'veloved that feeling. It's like new every time."

"To be honest, I'd do this for free," Woods added. "I'm the luckiest guy in the world."

During his announcement, Woods released an aggressive touringschedule that reaffirmed his commitment to sex. He is slated to takepart in a three-day lovemaking session in March at the Clarion Hotel inOrlando, and confirmed that he would join a foursome at the DoralResort and Spa in Miami as a tune-up for his first major&*(&*(nAugusta, GA.

In addition, Woods said he will not renege on his annual stop inDubai, and said he looked forward to boning a prostitute on the roof ofthis year's venue, the Burj Al Arab Hotel.

The 34-year-old sexual superstar said he is "far from satisfied" byhis previous erotic achievements and that he expects to return to sexeven stronger than before. However, Woods admitted he may not be in topform at first.

"I'll probably be a little rusty," Woods said. "But once I swing theold $%*$ around a few times and get it in the first couple holes, I'mconfident that I'll still be able to drive it as deep as I always have."

"There will be times when I get into some thick &*(&, and I'll haveto set my jaw and hack my way through it," Woods continued. "Just keepmy head down and hit that with all the force I can muster. I welcomethe challenge."

Woods believes that his long game, which relies on innate strengthand stamina, has probably suffered the least from his hiatus, but thathis finesse, iron control, and deft touch around the hole are aspectsof his game that may be slow to come back.

"I just have to take my time, visualize the line, and read the grainand the slope of the vulva correctly," Woods said. "It's really allmental at that point."

Reaction to Woods' announcement has been generally positive. Many ofhis closest friends, including Mark O'Mera, said that Woods' returnwould undoubtedly be great for sex, and that, selfishly, he loves towatch Woods out there doing his thing.

Woods' fans have also been supportive.

"I'm so glad Tiger is coming back," said 27-year-old Florida resident and cocktail waitress Brandi Hughes. "He's the best."

Woods concluded his press conference by saying that he is lookingforward to chasing Jack Nicklaus' record of ##%*+!@ 18 major babes atone time.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Bill Clinton cheats and Hilary is right there with him at the press conference.

Kobe cheats and Vanessa is right there with him at the press conference.

Tiger cheats and Elin is NOWHERE to be found at the press conference.

First step to redemption would have been having your wife by your side (see Kobe, Clinton, etc)
Spitzer's wife set the new precedent.
Wow, you could tell tiger has NEVER dealt with the media.

I mean, it was (as all of them are) SOOOOO scripted. The pauses, the looks at the camera, the way he said "Sorry" ll that.

This is up there with the A-Rod apology.
This was the fakest and corniest sounding speech I've ever heard in my life.

This dude is sorry he got caught, not sorry about his actions.

Oh well, Tiger didn't commit a crime but this story blew up beyond imagination. Unfortunately, we wont hear the last of this story until Tiger comes back and starts winning again and everyone forgets about what happens. Could be another 6+ months before this story dies down.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

This was the fakest and corniest sounding speech I've ever heard in my life.

This dude is sorry he got caught, not sorry about his actions.

Oh well, Tiger didn't commit a crime but this story blew up beyond imagination. Unfortunately, we wont hear the last of this story until Tiger comes back and starts winning again and everyone forgets about what happens. Could be another 6+ months before this story dies down.
I thought the same, but it won't happen like that.
Remember, Tiger was already the most recognizable golfer in the world. When he comes back, the media's gonna be all up on that. If he loses, the media will somehow relate it to him possibly being out the prior night cheating on his wife. If tiger isn't seen with his wife, media will blow it up. He's the only thing to talk about in gold, so this story will stay with Tiger for ATLEST another year or 2. 

I just don't think he can handle the media. 
Tiger getting angry about thr media taking photos and followng his wife is only going to make it worse. Impossible to stop the paparazzi, and the more you get mad the more they click their cameras. As for the rest of it...eh
I just hope Tiger gets cured. There is obviously something wrong with a guy wanting to have sex with all kinds of attractive women. We need a cure. $!#@ AIDS.
In no way am I saying what the media is doing isn't wrong but at the same time you gotta learn to play the game, especially with how our society views infidelity. Basically if Tiger wants to win back peoples support, ESPECIALLY the female voice, then he needs that visible support of his wife and kids, whether he wants his family out the spotlight or not.

It's time for him to stop doing things his way. His way got him in trouble.
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

This was the fakest and corniest sounding speech I've ever heard in my life.

This dude is sorry he got caught, not sorry about his actions.

Oh well, Tiger didn't commit a crime but this story blew up beyond imagination. Unfortunately, we wont hear the last of this story until Tiger comes back and starts winning again and everyone forgets about what happens. Could be another 6+ months before this story dies down.
I thought the same, but it won't happen like that.
Remember, Tiger was already the most recognizable golfer in the world. When he comes back, the media's gonna be all up on that. If he loses, the media will somehow relate it to him possibly being out the prior night cheating on his wife. If tiger isn't seen with his wife, media will blow it up. He's the only thing to talk about in gold, so this story will stay with Tiger for ATLEST another year or 2. 

I just don't think he can handle the media. 
I agree with you...I think I should've been more clear.

I said "6+ months" because I think Tiger will be back this year and it'll obviously take him a few months after that to get back in the swing of things and starts winning events again. Once he starts winning then this story will be laid to rest. Until then, the media will be all over this story and will relate any golf-related hiccups along the way to his personal problems.
Originally Posted by zube42

So is ESPN gonna keep this !%!@ on repeat for the rest of the day???
You know how it is with them.
These ARE the same people that followed Clemens around all day and had "Breaking News: Clemens Urinates for 2 mins" all day long for 6 months. 
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

These ARE the same people that followed Clemens around all day and had "Breaking News: Clemens Urinates for 2 mins" all day long for 6 months. 
This dude is only really sorry he got caught

I dont think it should really even be a big deal but obviously the media thinks otherwise

cant hate on his $$$ tho
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