Tiger Woods new girlfriend VOL. #LOSING

He can't get enough of white girls.
That mugshot is really terrible, but 95% of mugshots I've ever seen aren't flattering.

Girl played volleyball at UNH.




UNH girls
Volleyball girls
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]they ALL look the same to me![/color]

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Somehow I doubt this girl is the only "white" girl he is banging.

And Tiger can do pretty much anything short of go to prison and he'd still be winning.
Originally Posted by nom de guerre

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

average white girl > average girl of any other ethnicity

Partially true but it has nothing to do with genetics or anything mostly money. Average white girl lives in suburbia and has access to all the wonders of high end make up, well trained beauticians, and can afford decent fashion. Average black girl lives in questionable neighborhood, probably doesn't have parents feeding them money, only options for hair styles is natural vs weave, and all around just put in a bad situation. White women are winning because life in the USA is better off for them.
She looks fine, they choose pics of a busted (and maybe PS'd) mugshot? What did she get arrested for anyways?

He's still loaded and will probably bang other women so #winning.
You can't hold Tiger down to one woman. The return to the top is inevitable. That's just a starter up.
tiger (waking up in bed): porn stars, hot models, ahhhhh....oh yeah, why not try students...
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Tiger Woods is worth $600mil.... So yeah, he's still winning....
good lord that a meannnnn number... he can triple bogey for the rest of his life and still %@* all over our lives combined
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