Thoughts On Wearing DuRags Out?

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by Jules300

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by Jules300

I wear mines all the time. I really dont care about wat people say or think about me.

That's the thing.

Job interviews?

You don't think police look at you differently? Maybe it's just me, but at a certain point you have to not look like a n_

I wore mines to there then took it off when i got there. As far as cops the stop me all the time when i driving my cars so i dont think a du rag has anything to do with it( I have 24's and a loud system in the burbs go figure lol). Yes im black i have been followed around stores like imma steal something, people crossed to the other side of the street when they seen me, and a old white lady even got up from her seat when i sat next to her on the train. That dont bother me i could careless. Peoples opinions about me mean nothin.

That stuff doesn't bother you? I know sometimes us black folks need to have that small intimidation factor, but still ...

Naw it dont bother me. Im convinced some people are put on the earth to piss you off. So i just dont let them get to me. I have bigger issues to worryabout.
i wear it under a winter hat to keep my hair from getting messed up and under a fitted too
Originally Posted by Mayor of NYC

dudes is gullible enough to think that old man up there is really sdubl...

I was thinkin dude can't seriously believe him

(I did do a double take though)
i'm all about dirty fitteds.. i got an ny one that looks beat to hell (sweat marks and all) but hey i like that look... as long as it doesn't smell
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