Thoughts on the confederate flag

There's no America without the free labor of black people. 

After the removal of the flag, the next conversation should be reparations. 

Then what makes our situation even more precarious is you have black people stuck in corporate America brainwashed by the system, and there's no voice of frustration because they're in fear of losing their job. 

The plantation is now coprate America, and any other job for that matter; not just for black Americans, but all Americans. 

The elites try to cause division by introducing racial issues into the media machine. Read up on Rupert Murdoch and his media empire. 
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If you don't know the difference between ger and gga and why it's different from adopting a flag based solely from treason, hate, and slavery. I really can't help you.

And we all know black people don't say gga to each other to oppress one another.
I feel there ain't no difference between ger or gga. It's just a matter of accents.

And you're wrong. Black people do say gga to oppress another Black person. There's many contexts in which you could use that word, to villify is one of them.
I feel there ain't no difference between ger or gga. It's just a matter of accents.

And you're wrong. Black people do say gga to oppress another Black person. There's many contexts in which you could use that word, to villify is one of them.
How many times do you hear black people saying that to oppress one another ? Let's be real, most times we hear that it's "what's up my gga" or "yo that's my gga". That's the context it's normally used in. Not to belittle and oppress one another, not saying there aren't some blacks who do use it as an insult. But usually it's not the case.

There is a slight difference between gger and gga. Same tree, different branches. As I've said above, one is acceptable to the black culture, one is usually used as an insult.

I didn't make the rules and I don't agree with them, but that's just how society does it. Like I said in my previous response I don't say gga and I'm black so....
I have this one


I have this one

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i guess the flag doesnt bother me 1 bit and thats because im ignorant of what the flag stands for or means :lol:
I've worked with this middle eastern guy who loves country music and had on in his back seat
Germans don't fly swastikas proudly in remembrance of the "traditions" once held there. I've been a resident of Columbia, SC since 2003. This conversation is long overdue. It needs to be taken down like years ago. It has serious ties to slavery. Let it go. They lost.
i can't stand the whole "its our heritage" argument...your heritage is racist offensive and down right disrespectful...plain and simple....own and accept the fact that your ancestors did some really despicable stuff to human beings....and it's not about's about being a decent human....

Jack Hunter is a so called "southern avenger" who proudly wore the mask for he has a change of heart...great interview starts @ 12:10
I live in Virginia Beach where the confederate flag is hung on trucks, tractors, homes, bikes :lol: etc
Kids in my high school wore it on a daily basis. It's never really bothered me until recently as its becoming more prevalent and people seem to be expecting or looking for a reaction :\
Germans don't fly swastikas proudly in remembrance of the "traditions" once held there. I've been a resident of Columbia, SC since 2003. This conversation is long overdue. It needs to be taken down like years ago. It has serious ties to slavery. Let it go. They lost.

That's because an Austrian (hitler) was actually in control of those people off some real life redskull type stuff. Most of them had no clue what was the reason for all that mess and we're just young men needing a paycheck. The southern people (those involved during the time) willingly were a fought for their "independence". They actually lived and breathed for that ****. To them that really it their flag. It's kinda odd

Not agreeing with it, just saying
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Germans don't fly swastikas proudly in remembrance of the "traditions" once held there. I've been a resident of Columbia, SC since 2003. This conversation is long overdue. It needs to be taken down like years ago. It has serious ties to slavery. Let it go. They lost.
The funny thing is that if there was some Hindu or Buddhist German, he could reach for excuses like the confederate flag apologists and say: "Well, it's part of my Buddhist heritage, there's nothing remotely racist about it".

In the end though...
Mike Newton
35 minutes ago

Will flag haters ever learn anything that wasn't spoon fed to them from the liberal media???

Slavery was NOT about hatred of blacks. The Civil War was NOT about hatred of blacks. Owning slaves back in THAT particular time did NOT happen because of white supremacy or racism. If slavery happened in America today, then yes, it would be ALL about hatred, racism, etc.... but back in the day, blacks were sold into slaver by their OWN people.

Back in the early history of our nation, Africans had no education and no skills to take care of themselves in America, so working as slaves was their best option AT THAT TIME. Was it a good thing? No. A person being owned by another person is NEVER a good thing.... ever. BUT, considering that the Africans who were being sold to Americans were already owned and being sold as slaves, ending up here in America was a better option than so many other places they could have been sent. YES, the way it happened was deplorable. YES, there were bad slave owners who horribly abused their slaves. YES, it is a good thing that the slaves were freed. But NO. Slavery was not ALL bad.

Most slaves were given decent housing, plenty of food to eat, and they stayed within their family units. You hear stories about those who were abused and beaten and given horrible living conditions because they were the EXCEPTION, and the exception always makes for better stories, because we live in a world where happy slaves just don't sell. We want the drama, the blood, the violence, the scandals..... but do some research and you will find that a majority of slaves were treated well. Many were taught to read and write by their owners. Many were treated and thought of as family. No, slavery was not a good thing.... but considering the alternative, it was generally a better option AT THE TIME.

wow :x
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