Thoughts on Illegal Immigration

Do you support illegal immigration?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • No

    Votes: 17 41.5%
  • I’m in the middle

    Votes: 9 22.0%

  • Total voters
2 years ago I took my homeboy to TJ airport so he could go through the naturalization process and enter legally

He been in the country for over 30 years / has an American Wife and kid / he's owned 2 businesses but when Trump got elected... He got shook

He couldn't fly out of the country because he didn't have a USA Passport and he could've been detained...
The only reason people are “illegal” is because our “legal” way is way too complex and onerous.
I wouldn't say it's the only way, but the complexity of the legal process is a major contributor to illegal immigration. Many have found themselves without status because of miscommunication with/bad info from the authorities (see the Farmington University thing) or because USCIS ****** up and made you bear the consequences of their mistakes.

If you are a U.S citizen and your spouse entered illegally
Your spouse may be able apply for a green card—but he or she must leave the United States in order to do so.

If your spouse entered the United States illegally but has been in the United States for less than 180 days, he or she could return home and apply for a green card through the U.S. consulate, just as someone would do if he or she were living abroad and applying for a marriage-based green card.

If your spouse has been in the United States for more than 180 days without legal status, he or she will be subject to a bar from entering the United States for either three years or ten years. To avoid this bar, your spouse would need to apply for a provisional waiver to be able to return to the United States sooner.

Couples in this situation generally need to do the following:

  • Submit Form I-130 to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), making sure to indicate that your spouse will be applying for a green card from abroad.
  • If your I-130 is approved (generally about 6-8 months), you will typically get a notification from the National Visa Center asking you to submit the immigrant visa application and pay the immigrant visa fee. You’ll need a receipt showing that you submitted this immigrant visa application in order to then submit your provisional waiver application.
  • If your provisional waiver is approved (generally after about 6 months), your spouse’s visa interview at the U.S. consulate will be scheduled, and your spouse will need to travel to his or her home country to attend the interview.
If, however, your spouse has entered the United States illegally more than once, has entered illegally after having been deported, or has entered illegally after having been in the United States without legal status for more than a year, he or she is likely subject to a permanent lifetime bar to entering the United States. Click here for more information on the consequences of illegal entry.

Looks like you missed the many mentions of 3 year, 10 year, or lifetime bars from entering in the country.

One thing that is not said and which weighs heavily in immigration decisions is the good faith of applicants. Immigration officials have an incredible amount of power because their decision is often final and very difficult to reverse through appeal. In addition, they don't have to give the applicants detailed explanations on the decision process. From the outside looking in, it makes things extremely opaque for applicants.
I’m the son of a bad hombre. Was born here but mom and dad came here illegally fleeing a war. He did what he had to do to survive. To me immigration is illegal because of Latinos coming here. Most people think all of us as being drug dealers but we’re not. Most of us work hard for a living and don’t get help from the government. You hear a lot stories of them getting jumped by other folks due to them only having cash and easy prey for robbery. They can’t open a bank account since they don’t have papers (Legal Documents). Most are afraid to go to the police so they have to suck it up and move on. Some of them even get killed and robbed by their own people due to discrimination within the community. You can disagree me all you want but those are my feelings regarding this topic. A lot of folks come here for fear of their safety back home. The reality is that most immigrants getting the high paying jobs here are legal immigrants. They went to college back home and know how to perform those jobs better. A lot of immigrants from Asia and Europe. A lot Americans are just lazy and expect to have a high paying job right after college. Most of the time you have to know someone somewhere to earn that shot of a good job, if not you have to work hard. Most people are easily manipulated by politicians to skew their views off other issues, and make this immigration topic their key point to get people minds from other issues that really are affecting their bottom line.
I am fully opposed to building the wall! For 1 it will cost too much & it isn't as efficient as landmines.
Looks like you missed the many mentions of 3 year, 10 year, or lifetime bars from entering in the country.

i peeped those, but we're assuming whoever is here didn't violate da law multiple times, or is a dreamer who has apparatus that gives em more of a foot hold.
Does immigration also help the countries in which the people are emigrating from? I would like to believe that fewer citizens would mean fewer people to support but it would also mean less money going into their economy and less individuals in the workforce.
Not at all. Western immigration policy is to get the best and brightest from developing countries. These developing countries effectively experience a brain drain and their society can't improve and become advanced like the west. This is all by design. One of the main reasons Africa is the way it is today. The wild animals aren't the only things getting poached.
Not at all. Western immigration policy is to get the best and brightest from developing countries. These developing countries effectively experience a brain drain and their society can't improve and become advanced like the west. This is all by design. One of the main reasons Africa is the way it is today. The wild animals aren't the only things getting poached.
It is much more nuanced than that. Some countries like Nigeria and Mexico benefit from immigration through remittances (money sent back by their expats) and by making it easy for their US-educated citizens to come back and open up shop. Other countries - like mine - adopt an anti-diaspora view and make it hard for those who left to come back with the knowledge and experience they've acquired.
Not at all. Western immigration policy is to get the best and brightest from developing countries. These developing countries effectively experience a brain drain and their society can't improve and become advanced like the west. This is all by design. One of the main reasons Africa is the way it is today. The wild animals aren't the only things getting poached.
Africa is the way it is because of the tribalism and mindset of the people and their inability to get on code. Those same people come here with that same tribalism and struggle to get on code with black Americans except when they need a leg up.

Ridiculous. The mayor in nyc is talking about fast tracking them to city jobs here in nyc. So they come here get free housing, apply for food stamps, cash assistance, and now will be fast tracked to coveted city jobs….

The city is going broke trying to prove a political point. The govt of Texas was right these people are a drain on the economy and need to be sent back to their countries immediately. Not to mention the crime these unvetted people bring

“NYC announced it will spend $4.6 Billion on 50,000 Unvetted Illegals in just 1 year!”
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Ridiculous. The mayor in nyc is talking about fast tracking them to city jobs here in nyc. So they come here get free housing, apply for food stamps, cash assistance, and now will be fast tracked to coveted city jobs….

The city is going broke trying to prove a political point. The govt of Texas was right these people are a drain on the economy and need to be sent back to their countries immediately. Not to mention the crime these unvetted people bring

“NYC announced it will spend $4.6 Billion on 50,000 Unvetted Illegals in just 1 year!”

Lol c'mon now
The govt of Texas was right these people are a drain on the economy and need to be sent back to their countries immediately. Not to mention the crime these unvetted people bring
You find any studies on the impact of immigration in the US that validate this view.

Immigrants are net contributors fiscally, and they are the population with the lowest crime rate (because criminal activity is sanctioned with deportation).
Ridiculous. The mayor in nyc is talking about fast tracking them to city jobs here in nyc. So they come here get free housing, apply for food stamps, cash assistance, and now will be fast tracked to coveted city jobs….

The city is going broke trying to prove a political point. The govt of Texas was right these people are a drain on the economy and need to be sent back to their countries immediately. Not to mention the crime these unvetted people bring

“NYC announced it will spend $4.6 Billion on 50,000 Unvetted Illegals in just 1 year!”
You have a source for this claim?
You find any studies on the impact of immigration in the US that validate this view.

Immigrants are net contributors fiscally, and they are the population with the lowest crime rate (because criminal activity is sanctioned with deportation).
Bias studies that of course only include the sector of immigrants that contribute. They don’t include the millions of illegal immigrants that sign up for public assistance and the unveted criminals who come here.

Hell when many Black immigrants commit crimes they don’t count them as immigrants any longer they just lump them in with black American crime statistics…..

The study is live time right now. They came to nyc and the city is strapped for cash now and they had to declare an emergency. Public assistance programs are overwhelmed because they have all applied for assistance
Bias studies that of course only include the sector of immigrants that contribute. They don’t include the millions of illegal immigrants that sign up for public assistance and the unveted criminals who come here.

Hell when many Black immigrants commit crimes they don’t count them as immigrants any longer they just lump them in with black American crime statistics…..
Do you have a source/proof for any of these claims?
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