Thoughts on 10 year high school reunions?

Pretty sure this has already been mentioned, but social networking (mostly facebook) has ruined any reunion type stuff. There's no surprises or mystery, cause you really already know what people are doing, and for the people who are a mystery, more than likely you weren't friends with them in the first place :lol: me and some of me friends were talking about this a couple months ago. Our reunion is 2015, and we already know what is going on, and we ain't trying to see each other AGAIN :lol:

Pretty much agree with this. BTW, nice new avy there Peep :smokin
Y'all making me feel too old in here. Mine was four years ago. Although I only kept us with my closest friends from HS, I enjoyed catching up with people I was cool with back then.

At first I didn't want to go because I didn't feel like I had met my personal goals but one of my best friends set me straight. It's not about showing out. We should only compete with ourselves.

So I didn't pay anything but still got the shirt and other stuff they had for us. Got a few numbers and then finally got on fb after everyone there asked me about it. Now I enjoy seeing everyone turn 30, get married and have kids.

Go and enjoy yourself. You're gonna see people that you joked around with, chicks you had crushes on and folks that you wanted to keep in touch with but didn't.
I only keep in contact with 6 of my classmates from my class on a regular basis but I do anticipate my reunion (in 2021).
Quick question, how do you even find out about this? Do they send you a invitation? How do they find you?

Just asking, because me and my wife don't have a facebook, twitter or any other social media.

I got a letter in the mail for the person who used to live in my house for her 20th year reunion.
She went to the same high school I went to.

What is this 5 year reunion thing you guys are talking about?

Yea, I think most people are still on HS mailing lists (that of course people may or may not have signed back when everybody was in high school), and also emails. As far as 5 year reunions, I was notified of one strictly through facebook back in 2010, and because it was solely through facebook, I thought it was a joke. I may have gone had I not been out of state around that time. I also didn't hear anything about that reunion either, nor do I know anybody who did, so oh well.
Like sum one said before, i will go if i get my money right. Pull up in da rarri RIP school reunion. Park right in front maybe hanidicap space. Aint worried bout nothin. Gucci from da feet up, im stunting. Okay.
Man, are people really that worried about how they'll look if they're not "successful"?  Damn shame. 

Do you, live your life and keep it movin'.  I know it's easy to get into the comparison game, but stop sweating what others are doing.  Trust me on this--been there, done that.    

Maybe part of the reason one doesn't feel "successful" is because they're spending so much time focused on others that they're missing the successes life has brought them so far?  Just food for thought, NT brahs.   


Mine is next year. I plan on going just to chop it up with folk. I talk to some IRL, some on FB & twitter, but it should still be fun.
I don't even know if nyc schools do this cuz I dot know any older dudes talking bout teir high school reunions :lol:
How'd you get on facebook a year before it even existed as an Ivy League school only thing? Just nitpicking sorry.

My 20th is coming up in a few years, missed the 10th because anyone that I really wanted to keep in touch with I did, and I didn't care too much for anyone else. May do the 20th since I've caught up with some people I hadn't spoken with in years in the past 5 years and it's been interesting to see that despite all kinds of superficial differences we're all a bunch of nerds deep down.

What you mean? It didn't come out for everyone in 2003? I went to UC Riverside as an incoming freshmen for the 2003-2004 year. Maybe I got it in 2004? I'm not 100% sure, but I'm fairly certain I started using facebook in the dorms my 1st year there. It was the only way in a commuter school to find out about off campus parties. When I used it in 2003, 2004, it was
How do they even contact you? . I assume mine is sometime this year, but I never planned on going. Like some say whats really the point? I keep in touch with about 5 people I knew in Highschool (all who were at my wedding lol and two who are NTers. )

Everyone else I went to highschool with were either people i didn't really now, and cats I grew up with anyway from the neighborhood so it ain't like I haven't seen these fools over the years. My wife wants to go to it more than I do, but my work won't allow me to get back to Seattle anytime soon.

Plus hasn't facebook/social media kinda taken the wind outta highschool reunions anyway? Thats what they were there for, catching up with people you haven't seen in years, but now you can just log on and see what people are doing.
Unlike you all, i'm going to troll my reunion.

It's going to be an elaborate plot to make them think I'm a French hip-hop star. French paparazzi, Katsuni-type chick and everything.

And I'm sponsored by Grey Goose so I'll bring cases in the back of the G wagon :pimp:

If I can't easily afford to do that I must be dead, so I wouldn't be attending.
mine is this year, not going. i dont care for the majority of the ppl i graduated with. and most are on my facebook anyways, so if i wanted to see what they were up to id just go to their boring FB page.
Mine should be this year but I haven't heard anything about one. Don't really care to go though; last year's class had to pay to go to their reunion. I'm not paying #$% to go see people I don't care about.
I think most people don't care enough about the people that graduated with so long ago
Do most of you still keep in touch with high school friends
I skipped mine, however my HS has an annual event the night before Thanksgiving with a speaker, booze, gambling, etc.  I've caught up with cats over the years since graduation there though
My high school doesn't even throw reunions. must be nice to come from a privileged school
Highschools in the hood have reunions too, tho
I went to 4 high schools (2 in 1 year) i still kick it with people from those schools

I hope the hs I graduated from has 1, all. My teachers thought I wouldnt be ****
As far as girls I only wanna mess with a few of them...I think if I was still in Ohio I would of had them by now
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Had mine back in August. Even with a last minute venue change (like a 2 week notice), it turned out really good. Would've been a bigger turnout of course had it been at the original venue, but it was pretty dope. A good amount of my best friends are one's I've been knowing since HS, and some even since middle school. It was cool to see a lot of people healthy and unwashed, and overall doing good. Some people I hadn't thought about in years (even with facebook) and connected with them like I had just graduated. I had originally thought FB would ruin the whole concept of reunions, but seeing certain people I hadn't seen since HS, and only had passing posts/messages with on FB was real nice.
^^ You're school isn't really responsible for setting it up though. It's usually just the people that were on student gov board from my understanding. If they're not up to planning, then someone else would just have to go the extra mile.
So I did end up going this year. So glad I went. It was cool as hell. Real fun. And I humbly stunted on everyone lol. My life just flourished since hs. I had a good *** time. Only thing that tickled me was how all of the girls were washed af. Sir Hellar Passington. We all ended up getting drunk af at the banquet and the birds were trying to dance on me. I was curving em like nolan ryan.
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