This story is crazy! A man was found dead on a beach in 1948; his identity is still a mystery.

Guy was a ghost...Neatly dressed, no clothing labels, rare poison used in killing, which was hard to differentiate from a suicide, and the mysterious code left inside the book that was only visible in ultra violet light...Plus the guy apparently worked in "intelligence" during WWII, or at least the nurse who obviously knew him did. Add all that to the fact that another person with a copy of the same book was found dead in the same area and it's pretty obvious. The guy was a ghost...

Just seems typical of espionage of that era...
Originally Posted by justforkickz

He's obviously a time traveler


I read the entire story and didn't find it that interesting. A dead guy that no one knows died and left behind clues that yielded no meaningful results. Tiiiiight.
I really wish I could read all that, maybe some other time.

anybody wanna post a recording of them reading it?
Wow great find OP.

Jestyn definitely knows the Unknown Man to have that kind of reaction.
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