Austin 3:16 

Tv because I'm more visually entertained

Dragon Punch or Tiger Uppercut
Carmel popcorn on everything
Knowing your Future or Knowing your Death Date

Knowing my death date.

Would you rather wake up naked and your butthole sore with no memory of the prev night or wake up sore with a dude next to you telling you you loved every minute of it?
No memory... sheeeeit.
Being watched constantly by your parents EVERY MINUTE or no supervision from birth until now...
Wood chipper 

First date at the woman of your dreams house n you got relentless diarrhea: no toilet paper or broken toilet
Rich with money or Rich with memories/experiences

Memories and experiences

Having the the best life you could ever dream of (billions of dollars, models, mansions, cars, no health problems, etc) or being poor but knowing what happens after death and you cant share it with anyone.
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