This is why Mac users think they are so special huh?

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

I am one of the most unbiased Computer owners there is and i gotta say you are out your damn mind if you think PC is even a tad bit better than mac.

Way back when i had a PC when i was young and my mom said she was buying a Mac desktop instead of another PC. I was pissssssedd. I did not want to change whatsoever. She got it, i got used to it, and now for life i will prefer Mac over PC. Now that im off in college i didnt have 1200 to drop on a MBP, so i got a Sony Vaio that was cheaper. This thing is 4 months old and my 6 year old Mac Mini Desktop runs 10 times better than this POS. How does that happen?? Every single god dam day there is something i gotta deal with cause of Windows and i sit there and say i want my frggin mac back. It almost drives me insane cause i was so used to having one. This isnt a matter of being a fanboy, this is just common sense that Mac completely ****ttts on Windows.

If you dont think so than you're clearly a PC fanboy who is too stubborn to switch over cause you know once you do your not going back. There's a reason Mac is more'll most likely go through 2-3 computers in a 10 year span or spend ridiculous amounts of money to maintain it and keep fixing it, where as a Mac will be going strong 10+ years. The only real reason you would need a new one is because its out dated.

I can understand that if you need a computer quickly and dont have the money at that time to get a Mac. But if you do have the money and chose to get a PC anyway than you just got royally boned by PC.

2 months after i got my Vaio im in geek sqaud and they're telling me PC's weren't designed to be a standy-by and that if you do it for more than an hour + your hard drive will get ruined. Seriously, how do you fail to have a computer stay in good shape by being on stand by? It's the smallest most simple stuff that PC can't fix. Then i find out if you leave your charger in when its already fully charged your battery will go to @+%% which is what happened to mine. I got 50 minutes of battery life on my Vaio and i had to order a new battery. 50 minutes... Then i find out Mac's have a feature that when your computer is fully charged the charger quits while still being plugged in so it doenst ruin the battery.

Can PC not take a single note from Mac to make their products better? Something as simple as that? Bill Gates SMD you suck, if it wasn't for Xbox being so dam great i would have wished death upon you many many times.
everyday i count my pennies so i can get a Mac back in my hands 

Well i needed to let that out.../rant
You lost as a man for not knowing how to fix a pc issue.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

I am one of the most unbiased Computer owners there is and i gotta say you are out your damn mind if you think PC is even a tad bit better than mac.

Way back when i had a PC when i was young and my mom said she was buying a Mac desktop instead of another PC. I was pissssssedd. I did not want to change whatsoever. She got it, i got used to it, and now for life i will prefer Mac over PC. Now that im off in college i didnt have 1200 to drop on a MBP, so i got a Sony Vaio that was cheaper. This thing is 4 months old and my 6 year old Mac Mini Desktop runs 10 times better than this POS. How does that happen?? Every single god dam day there is something i gotta deal with cause of Windows and i sit there and say i want my frggin mac back. It almost drives me insane cause i was so used to having one. This isnt a matter of being a fanboy, this is just common sense that Mac completely ****ttts on Windows.

If you dont think so than you're clearly a PC fanboy who is too stubborn to switch over cause you know once you do your not going back. There's a reason Mac is more'll most likely go through 2-3 computers in a 10 year span or spend ridiculous amounts of money to maintain it and keep fixing it, where as a Mac will be going strong 10+ years. The only real reason you would need a new one is because its out dated.

I can understand that if you need a computer quickly and dont have the money at that time to get a Mac. But if you do have the money and chose to get a PC anyway than you just got royally boned by PC.

2 months after i got my Vaio im in geek sqaud and they're telling me PC's weren't designed to be a standy-by and that if you do it for more than an hour + your hard drive will get ruined. Seriously, how do you fail to have a computer stay in good shape by being on stand by? It's the smallest most simple stuff that PC can't fix. Then i find out if you leave your charger in when its already fully charged your battery will go to @+%% which is what happened to mine. I got 50 minutes of battery life on my Vaio and i had to order a new battery. 50 minutes... Then i find out Mac's have a feature that when your computer is fully charged the charger quits while still being plugged in so it doenst ruin the battery.

Can PC not take a single note from Mac to make their products better? Something as simple as that? Bill Gates SMD you suck, if it wasn't for Xbox being so dam great i would have wished death upon you many many times.
everyday i count my pennies so i can get a Mac back in my hands 

Well i needed to let that out.../rant
You lost as a man for not knowing how to fix a pc issue.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

I am one of the most unbiased Computer owners there is and i gotta say you are out your damn mind if you think PC is even a tad bit better than mac.

Way back when i had a PC when i was young and my mom said she was buying a Mac desktop instead of another PC. I was pissssssedd. I did not want to change whatsoever. She got it, i got used to it, and now for life i will prefer Mac over PC. Now that im off in college i didnt have 1200 to drop on a MBP, so i got a Sony Vaio that was cheaper. This thing is 4 months old and my 6 year old Mac Mini Desktop runs 10 times better than this POS. How does that happen?? Every single god dam day there is something i gotta deal with cause of Windows and i sit there and say i want my frggin mac back. It almost drives me insane cause i was so used to having one. This isnt a matter of being a fanboy, this is just common sense that Mac completely ****ttts on Windows.

If you dont think so than you're clearly a PC fanboy who is too stubborn to switch over cause you know once you do your not going back. There's a reason Mac is more'll most likely go through 2-3 computers in a 10 year span or spend ridiculous amounts of money to maintain it and keep fixing it, where as a Mac will be going strong 10+ years. The only real reason you would need a new one is because its out dated.

I can understand that if you need a computer quickly and dont have the money at that time to get a Mac. But if you do have the money and chose to get a PC anyway than you just got royally boned by PC.

2 months after i got my Vaio im in geek sqaud and they're telling me PC's weren't designed to be a standy-by and that if you do it for more than an hour + your hard drive will get ruined. Seriously, how do you fail to have a computer stay in good shape by being on stand by? It's the smallest most simple stuff that PC can't fix. Then i find out if you leave your charger in when its already fully charged your battery will go to @+%% which is what happened to mine. I got 50 minutes of battery life on my Vaio and i had to order a new battery. 50 minutes... Then i find out Mac's have a feature that when your computer is fully charged the charger quits while still being plugged in so it doenst ruin the battery.

Can PC not take a single note from Mac to make their products better? Something as simple as that? Bill Gates SMD you suck, if it wasn't for Xbox being so dam great i would have wished death upon you many many times.

everyday i count my pennies so i can get a Mac back in my hands 

Well i needed to let that out.../rant
seriously.. what the hell is Apple feeding you people? 
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

I am one of the most unbiased Computer owners there is and i gotta say you are out your damn mind if you think PC is even a tad bit better than mac.

Way back when i had a PC when i was young and my mom said she was buying a Mac desktop instead of another PC. I was pissssssedd. I did not want to change whatsoever. She got it, i got used to it, and now for life i will prefer Mac over PC. Now that im off in college i didnt have 1200 to drop on a MBP, so i got a Sony Vaio that was cheaper. This thing is 4 months old and my 6 year old Mac Mini Desktop runs 10 times better than this POS. How does that happen?? Every single god dam day there is something i gotta deal with cause of Windows and i sit there and say i want my frggin mac back. It almost drives me insane cause i was so used to having one. This isnt a matter of being a fanboy, this is just common sense that Mac completely ****ttts on Windows.

If you dont think so than you're clearly a PC fanboy who is too stubborn to switch over cause you know once you do your not going back. There's a reason Mac is more'll most likely go through 2-3 computers in a 10 year span or spend ridiculous amounts of money to maintain it and keep fixing it, where as a Mac will be going strong 10+ years. The only real reason you would need a new one is because its out dated.

I can understand that if you need a computer quickly and dont have the money at that time to get a Mac. But if you do have the money and chose to get a PC anyway than you just got royally boned by PC.

2 months after i got my Vaio im in geek sqaud and they're telling me PC's weren't designed to be a standy-by and that if you do it for more than an hour + your hard drive will get ruined. Seriously, how do you fail to have a computer stay in good shape by being on stand by? It's the smallest most simple stuff that PC can't fix. Then i find out if you leave your charger in when its already fully charged your battery will go to @+%% which is what happened to mine. I got 50 minutes of battery life on my Vaio and i had to order a new battery. 50 minutes... Then i find out Mac's have a feature that when your computer is fully charged the charger quits while still being plugged in so it doenst ruin the battery.

Can PC not take a single note from Mac to make their products better? Something as simple as that? Bill Gates SMD you suck, if it wasn't for Xbox being so dam great i would have wished death upon you many many times.

everyday i count my pennies so i can get a Mac back in my hands 

Well i needed to let that out.../rant
seriously.. what the hell is Apple feeding you people? 
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Can PC not take a single note from Mac to make their products better? Something as simple as that? Bill Gates SMD you suck, if it wasn't for Xbox being so dam great i would have wished death upon you many many times.

windows has nothing to do with the hardware. turn your attention towards hp, dell, asus, msi, toshiba, sony, and countless others.

got a beef with the software? look at windows.

people need to stop associating the hardware with windows. unless it's a zune or an xbox, it isn't their fault if your PC is full of bloatware or the hardware is a POS

If you dont think so than you're clearly a PC fanboy who is too stubborn to switch over cause you know once you do your not going back

that's BS. i started as a PC user and wanted to try my luck with apple.. so i did, for 3-4 years. i went back to PC once i learned how to build my own. im not looking back at apple. not in the near future, if ever.
Honest question though, how and why did you go back to PC? Is it cause you built your own and fun with it? If you're able to build you're own computer your obviously computer savvy so i wouldnt doubt you know what and how to make your computer perform very well. Maybe this is directed towards the average consumer who doesnt know how to just go take apart something and add another thing to make it perform well.
I went from PC, to Mac, and was then forced to go back to PC, and honestly it depresses me. 
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Can PC not take a single note from Mac to make their products better? Something as simple as that? Bill Gates SMD you suck, if it wasn't for Xbox being so dam great i would have wished death upon you many many times.

windows has nothing to do with the hardware. turn your attention towards hp, dell, asus, msi, toshiba, sony, and countless others.

got a beef with the software? look at windows.

people need to stop associating the hardware with windows. unless it's a zune or an xbox, it isn't their fault if your PC is full of bloatware or the hardware is a POS

If you dont think so than you're clearly a PC fanboy who is too stubborn to switch over cause you know once you do your not going back

that's BS. i started as a PC user and wanted to try my luck with apple.. so i did, for 3-4 years. i went back to PC once i learned how to build my own. im not looking back at apple. not in the near future, if ever.
Honest question though, how and why did you go back to PC? Is it cause you built your own and fun with it? If you're able to build you're own computer your obviously computer savvy so i wouldnt doubt you know what and how to make your computer perform very well. Maybe this is directed towards the average consumer who doesnt know how to just go take apart something and add another thing to make it perform well.
I went from PC, to Mac, and was then forced to go back to PC, and honestly it depresses me. 
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

I am one of the most unbiased Computer owners there is and i gotta say you are out your damn mind if you think PC is even a tad bit better than mac.

Way back when i had a PC when i was young and my mom said she was buying a Mac desktop instead of another PC. I was pissssssedd. I did not want to change whatsoever. She got it, i got used to it, and now for life i will prefer Mac over PC. Now that im off in college i didnt have 1200 to drop on a MBP, so i got a Sony Vaio that was cheaper. This thing is 4 months old and my 6 year old Mac Mini Desktop runs 10 times better than this POS. How does that happen?? Every single god dam day there is something i gotta deal with cause of Windows and i sit there and say i want my frggin mac back. It almost drives me insane cause i was so used to having one. This isnt a matter of being a fanboy, this is just common sense that Mac completely ****ttts on Windows.

If you dont think so than you're clearly a PC fanboy who is too stubborn to switch over cause you know once you do your not going back. There's a reason Mac is more'll most likely go through 2-3 computers in a 10 year span or spend ridiculous amounts of money to maintain it and keep fixing it, where as a Mac will be going strong 10+ years. The only real reason you would need a new one is because its out dated.

I can understand that if you need a computer quickly and dont have the money at that time to get a Mac. But if you do have the money and chose to get a PC anyway than you just got royally boned by PC.

2 months after i got my Vaio im in geek sqaud and they're telling me PC's weren't designed to be a standy-by and that if you do it for more than an hour + your hard drive will get ruined. Seriously, how do you fail to have a computer stay in good shape by being on stand by? It's the smallest most simple stuff that PC can't fix. Then i find out if you leave your charger in when its already fully charged your battery will go to @+%% which is what happened to mine. I got 50 minutes of battery life on my Vaio and i had to order a new battery. 50 minutes... Then i find out Mac's have a feature that when your computer is fully charged the charger quits while still being plugged in so it doenst ruin the battery.

Can PC not take a single note from Mac to make their products better? Something as simple as that? Bill Gates SMD you suck, if it wasn't for Xbox being so dam great i would have wished death upon you many many times.

everyday i count my pennies so i can get a Mac back in my hands 

Well i needed to let that out.../rant
seriously.. what the hell is Apple feeding you people? 

They haven't fed me !!%$. This is my opinion after owning a Mac for 6 years then being forced to switch back to PC. Did i not say i initially dreaded the thought of switching from PC to Mac?
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

I am one of the most unbiased Computer owners there is and i gotta say you are out your damn mind if you think PC is even a tad bit better than mac.

Way back when i had a PC when i was young and my mom said she was buying a Mac desktop instead of another PC. I was pissssssedd. I did not want to change whatsoever. She got it, i got used to it, and now for life i will prefer Mac over PC. Now that im off in college i didnt have 1200 to drop on a MBP, so i got a Sony Vaio that was cheaper. This thing is 4 months old and my 6 year old Mac Mini Desktop runs 10 times better than this POS. How does that happen?? Every single god dam day there is something i gotta deal with cause of Windows and i sit there and say i want my frggin mac back. It almost drives me insane cause i was so used to having one. This isnt a matter of being a fanboy, this is just common sense that Mac completely ****ttts on Windows.

If you dont think so than you're clearly a PC fanboy who is too stubborn to switch over cause you know once you do your not going back. There's a reason Mac is more'll most likely go through 2-3 computers in a 10 year span or spend ridiculous amounts of money to maintain it and keep fixing it, where as a Mac will be going strong 10+ years. The only real reason you would need a new one is because its out dated.

I can understand that if you need a computer quickly and dont have the money at that time to get a Mac. But if you do have the money and chose to get a PC anyway than you just got royally boned by PC.

2 months after i got my Vaio im in geek sqaud and they're telling me PC's weren't designed to be a standy-by and that if you do it for more than an hour + your hard drive will get ruined. Seriously, how do you fail to have a computer stay in good shape by being on stand by? It's the smallest most simple stuff that PC can't fix. Then i find out if you leave your charger in when its already fully charged your battery will go to @+%% which is what happened to mine. I got 50 minutes of battery life on my Vaio and i had to order a new battery. 50 minutes... Then i find out Mac's have a feature that when your computer is fully charged the charger quits while still being plugged in so it doenst ruin the battery.

Can PC not take a single note from Mac to make their products better? Something as simple as that? Bill Gates SMD you suck, if it wasn't for Xbox being so dam great i would have wished death upon you many many times.

everyday i count my pennies so i can get a Mac back in my hands 

Well i needed to let that out.../rant
seriously.. what the hell is Apple feeding you people? 

They haven't fed me !!%$. This is my opinion after owning a Mac for 6 years then being forced to switch back to PC. Did i not say i initially dreaded the thought of switching from PC to Mac?
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Can PC not take a single note from Mac to make their products better? Something as simple as that? Bill Gates SMD you suck, if it wasn't for Xbox being so dam great i would have wished death upon you many many times.

windows has nothing to do with the hardware. turn your attention towards hp, dell, asus, msi, toshiba, sony, and countless others.

got a beef with the software? look at windows.

people need to stop associating the hardware with windows. unless it's a zune or an xbox, it isn't their fault if your PC is full of bloatware or the hardware is a POS

If you dont think so than you're clearly a PC fanboy who is too stubborn to switch over cause you know once you do your not going back

that's BS. i started as a PC user and wanted to try my luck with apple.. so i did, for 3-4 years. i went back to PC once i learned how to build my own. im not looking back at apple. not in the near future, if ever.
Honest question though, how and why did you go back to PC? Is it cause you built your own and fun with it? If you're able to build you're own computer your obviously computer savvy so i wouldnt doubt you know what and how to make your computer perform very well. Maybe this is directed towards the average consumer who doesnt know how to just go take apart something and add another thing to make it perform well.
I went from PC, to Mac, and was then forced to go back to PC, and honestly it depresses me. 

then go edit your post above from "unbiased computer person" to "computer ignorant average joe"
 its really annoying seeing all these Mac fanatics post about how great Macs purely based on how cool everything looks 
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Can PC not take a single note from Mac to make their products better? Something as simple as that? Bill Gates SMD you suck, if it wasn't for Xbox being so dam great i would have wished death upon you many many times.

windows has nothing to do with the hardware. turn your attention towards hp, dell, asus, msi, toshiba, sony, and countless others.

got a beef with the software? look at windows.

people need to stop associating the hardware with windows. unless it's a zune or an xbox, it isn't their fault if your PC is full of bloatware or the hardware is a POS

If you dont think so than you're clearly a PC fanboy who is too stubborn to switch over cause you know once you do your not going back

that's BS. i started as a PC user and wanted to try my luck with apple.. so i did, for 3-4 years. i went back to PC once i learned how to build my own. im not looking back at apple. not in the near future, if ever.
Honest question though, how and why did you go back to PC? Is it cause you built your own and fun with it? If you're able to build you're own computer your obviously computer savvy so i wouldnt doubt you know what and how to make your computer perform very well. Maybe this is directed towards the average consumer who doesnt know how to just go take apart something and add another thing to make it perform well.
I went from PC, to Mac, and was then forced to go back to PC, and honestly it depresses me. 

then go edit your post above from "unbiased computer person" to "computer ignorant average joe"
 its really annoying seeing all these Mac fanatics post about how great Macs purely based on how cool everything looks 
i got tired of apple, to be honest.

i got tired of having to wait for driver updates and fixes. i can't roll back my drivers on my GPU that causes my computer to freeze. i got tired of having to send it in for stupid fixes that all they did is replace a part instead of trying to find out what is wrong with it (sent in my laptop 5-6 times for an optical drive, twice for the soundboard and once for the screen.. and STILL having the same problems)

i wasn't computer savvy when i built my PC, and i dont consider myself computer savvy right now. i know a little, and having built my own helped me since i didn't have it hand fed to me when i dropped 1500.

its really annoying seeing all these Mac fanatics post about how great Macs purely based on how cool everything looks

that's all they can say. and "it just works with other apple products".. yes, because it's their products on their closed ecosystem. it would be a damn shame if it didn't.
i got tired of apple, to be honest.

i got tired of having to wait for driver updates and fixes. i can't roll back my drivers on my GPU that causes my computer to freeze. i got tired of having to send it in for stupid fixes that all they did is replace a part instead of trying to find out what is wrong with it (sent in my laptop 5-6 times for an optical drive, twice for the soundboard and once for the screen.. and STILL having the same problems)

i wasn't computer savvy when i built my PC, and i dont consider myself computer savvy right now. i know a little, and having built my own helped me since i didn't have it hand fed to me when i dropped 1500.

its really annoying seeing all these Mac fanatics post about how great Macs purely based on how cool everything looks

that's all they can say. and "it just works with other apple products".. yes, because it's their products on their closed ecosystem. it would be a damn shame if it didn't.
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Can PC not take a single note from Mac to make their products better? Something as simple as that? Bill Gates SMD you suck, if it wasn't for Xbox being so dam great i would have wished death upon you many many times.

windows has nothing to do with the hardware. turn your attention towards hp, dell, asus, msi, toshiba, sony, and countless others.

got a beef with the software? look at windows.

people need to stop associating the hardware with windows. unless it's a zune or an xbox, it isn't their fault if your PC is full of bloatware or the hardware is a POS

If you dont think so than you're clearly a PC fanboy who is too stubborn to switch over cause you know once you do your not going back

that's BS. i started as a PC user and wanted to try my luck with apple.. so i did, for 3-4 years. i went back to PC once i learned how to build my own. im not looking back at apple. not in the near future, if ever.
Honest question though, how and why did you go back to PC? Is it cause you built your own and fun with it? If you're able to build you're own computer your obviously computer savvy so i wouldnt doubt you know what and how to make your computer perform very well. Maybe this is directed towards the average consumer who doesnt know how to just go take apart something and add another thing to make it perform well.
I went from PC, to Mac, and was then forced to go back to PC, and honestly it depresses me. 

then go edit your post above from "unbiased computer person" to "computer ignorant average joe"
 its really annoying seeing all these Mac fanatics post about how great Macs purely based on how cool everything looks 

Iv'e used both for years, and am currently on a PC now..thats why im unbiased.
Please, please, pleaseeee, highlight one thing in my post that said a pro of macs were that they looked cooler
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Can PC not take a single note from Mac to make their products better? Something as simple as that? Bill Gates SMD you suck, if it wasn't for Xbox being so dam great i would have wished death upon you many many times.

windows has nothing to do with the hardware. turn your attention towards hp, dell, asus, msi, toshiba, sony, and countless others.

got a beef with the software? look at windows.

people need to stop associating the hardware with windows. unless it's a zune or an xbox, it isn't their fault if your PC is full of bloatware or the hardware is a POS

If you dont think so than you're clearly a PC fanboy who is too stubborn to switch over cause you know once you do your not going back

that's BS. i started as a PC user and wanted to try my luck with apple.. so i did, for 3-4 years. i went back to PC once i learned how to build my own. im not looking back at apple. not in the near future, if ever.
Honest question though, how and why did you go back to PC? Is it cause you built your own and fun with it? If you're able to build you're own computer your obviously computer savvy so i wouldnt doubt you know what and how to make your computer perform very well. Maybe this is directed towards the average consumer who doesnt know how to just go take apart something and add another thing to make it perform well.
I went from PC, to Mac, and was then forced to go back to PC, and honestly it depresses me. 

then go edit your post above from "unbiased computer person" to "computer ignorant average joe"
 its really annoying seeing all these Mac fanatics post about how great Macs purely based on how cool everything looks 

Iv'e used both for years, and am currently on a PC now..thats why im unbiased.
Please, please, pleaseeee, highlight one thing in my post that said a pro of macs were that they looked cooler
Originally Posted by CWrite78

i got tired of apple, to be honest.

i got tired of having to wait for driver updates and fixes. i can't roll back my drivers on my GPU that causes my computer to freeze. i got tired of having to send it in for stupid fixes that all they did is replace a part instead of trying to find out what is wrong with it (sent in my laptop 5-6 times for an optical drive, twice for the soundboard and once for the screen.. and STILL having the same problems)

i wasn't computer savvy when i built my PC, and i dont consider myself computer savvy right now. i know a little, and having built my own helped me since i didn't have it hand fed to me when i dropped 1500.

its really annoying seeing all these Mac fanatics post about how great Macs purely based on how cool everything looks

that's all they can say. and "it just works with other apple products".. yes, because it's their products on their closed ecosystem. it would be a damn shame if it didn't.

Well, maybe there is something i haven't experienced with Mac that others have then. I never had to once fix anything on my mac. Not once. Its 6 years old and it still takes 2 minutes to turn on and im on the internet.
My laptop takes 10 minutes to turn on from just stand-by, 40 minutes later its dead, while freezing 3 times in the process. This happens every single day. And i do nothing different on this computer than i did on my mac.

BTW looks have nothing to do with this. Im talking strictly performance. I could care less what looks cooler. I'm not complaining about what my Vaio looks like. Actually Vaio's look pretty slick, as does Windows 7. I just wish it could perform like its expected to.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

i got tired of apple, to be honest.

i got tired of having to wait for driver updates and fixes. i can't roll back my drivers on my GPU that causes my computer to freeze. i got tired of having to send it in for stupid fixes that all they did is replace a part instead of trying to find out what is wrong with it (sent in my laptop 5-6 times for an optical drive, twice for the soundboard and once for the screen.. and STILL having the same problems)

i wasn't computer savvy when i built my PC, and i dont consider myself computer savvy right now. i know a little, and having built my own helped me since i didn't have it hand fed to me when i dropped 1500.

its really annoying seeing all these Mac fanatics post about how great Macs purely based on how cool everything looks

that's all they can say. and "it just works with other apple products".. yes, because it's their products on their closed ecosystem. it would be a damn shame if it didn't.

Well, maybe there is something i haven't experienced with Mac that others have then. I never had to once fix anything on my mac. Not once. Its 6 years old and it still takes 2 minutes to turn on and im on the internet.
My laptop takes 10 minutes to turn on from just stand-by, 40 minutes later its dead, while freezing 3 times in the process. This happens every single day. And i do nothing different on this computer than i did on my mac.

BTW looks have nothing to do with this. Im talking strictly performance. I could care less what looks cooler. I'm not complaining about what my Vaio looks like. Actually Vaio's look pretty slick, as does Windows 7. I just wish it could perform like its expected to.
again, you're not "unbiased".

you're just extremely misinformed.

just off the sheer fact that you can customize your own windows PC makes it a better platform than apple. with apple, you're stuck with what they give you. you're stuck with the prices they set on the hardware they have. you're stuck with their updates (yes, you an opt-out to not download, but then their products won't work.. case in point, the first iphone needed a "mandatory" OS update.. which gave me a grey screen... so i had two worthless products)

you clearly have a preference towards apple, and that's cool. we all like what works for us.. so don't try to BS us saying you're unbiased because "you've used both for years"

Well, maybe there is something i haven't experienced with Mac that others have then. I never had to once fix anything on my mac. Not once. Its 6 years old and it still takes 2 minutes to turn on and im on the internet.
My laptop takes 10 minutes to turn on from just stand-by, 40 minutes later its dead, while freezing 3 times in the process. This happens every single day. And i do nothing different on this computer than i did on my mac.

takes my PC 20 seconds to boot from a cold start. and that's without an SSD. it takes my mac about 4-5 minutes, and i have nothing on start up. and then it decides to freeze it. and again, your battery issue? take it up with sony, not windows. your turn on from stand by? take it up with the bloatware sony adds to it's laptops. not windows. you want a nice clean PC? reinstall a fresh (should come with your laptop) version of windows. or build your own pc. it's not that hard to get passed your problems. problem is you don't even try. you're used to being hand fed what some $%$%!+% thinks is right for you and you accept it.
again, you're not "unbiased".

you're just extremely misinformed.

just off the sheer fact that you can customize your own windows PC makes it a better platform than apple. with apple, you're stuck with what they give you. you're stuck with the prices they set on the hardware they have. you're stuck with their updates (yes, you an opt-out to not download, but then their products won't work.. case in point, the first iphone needed a "mandatory" OS update.. which gave me a grey screen... so i had two worthless products)

you clearly have a preference towards apple, and that's cool. we all like what works for us.. so don't try to BS us saying you're unbiased because "you've used both for years"

Well, maybe there is something i haven't experienced with Mac that others have then. I never had to once fix anything on my mac. Not once. Its 6 years old and it still takes 2 minutes to turn on and im on the internet.
My laptop takes 10 minutes to turn on from just stand-by, 40 minutes later its dead, while freezing 3 times in the process. This happens every single day. And i do nothing different on this computer than i did on my mac.

takes my PC 20 seconds to boot from a cold start. and that's without an SSD. it takes my mac about 4-5 minutes, and i have nothing on start up. and then it decides to freeze it. and again, your battery issue? take it up with sony, not windows. your turn on from stand by? take it up with the bloatware sony adds to it's laptops. not windows. you want a nice clean PC? reinstall a fresh (should come with your laptop) version of windows. or build your own pc. it's not that hard to get passed your problems. problem is you don't even try. you're used to being hand fed what some $%$%!+% thinks is right for you and you accept it.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

I am one of the most unbiased Computer owners there is and i gotta say you are out your damn mind if you think PC is even a tad bit better than mac.

Way back when i had a PC when i was young and my mom said she was buying a Mac desktop instead of another PC. I was pissssssedd. I did not want to change whatsoever. She got it, i got used to it, and now for life i will prefer Mac over PC. Now that im off in college i didnt have 1200 to drop on a MBP, so i got a Sony Vaio that was cheaper. This thing is 4 months old and my 6 year old Mac Mini Desktop runs 10 times better than this POS. How does that happen?? Every single god dam day there is something i gotta deal with cause of Windows and i sit there and say i want my frggin mac back. It almost drives me insane cause i was so used to having one. This isnt a matter of being a fanboy, this is just common sense that Mac completely ****ttts on Windows.

If you dont think so than you're clearly a PC fanboy who is too stubborn to switch over cause you know once you do your not going back. There's a reason Mac is more'll most likely go through 2-3 computers in a 10 year span or spend ridiculous amounts of money to maintain it and keep fixing it, where as a Mac will be going strong 10+ years. The only real reason you would need a new one is because its out dated.

I can understand that if you need a computer quickly and dont have the money at that time to get a Mac. But if you do have the money and chose to get a PC anyway than you just got royally boned by PC.

2 months after i got my Vaio im in geek sqaud and they're telling me PC's weren't designed to be a standy-by and that if you do it for more than an hour + your hard drive will get ruined. Seriously, how do you fail to have a computer stay in good shape by being on stand by? It's the smallest most simple stuff that PC can't fix. Then i find out if you leave your charger in when its already fully charged your battery will go to @+%% which is what happened to mine. I got 50 minutes of battery life on my Vaio and i had to order a new battery. 50 minutes... Then i find out Mac's have a feature that when your computer is fully charged the charger quits while still being plugged in so it doenst ruin the battery.

Can PC not take a single note from Mac to make their products better? Something as simple as that? Bill Gates SMD you suck, if it wasn't for Xbox being so dam great i would have wished death upon you many many times.
everyday i count my pennies so i can get a Mac back in my hands 

Well i needed to let that out.../rant
You lost as a man for not knowing how to fix a pc issue.
this. you can GOOGLE and diagnose was wrong with a PC if its giving you problems....are people that slow that they can't fix a minor issue?
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

I am one of the most unbiased Computer owners there is and i gotta say you are out your damn mind if you think PC is even a tad bit better than mac.

Way back when i had a PC when i was young and my mom said she was buying a Mac desktop instead of another PC. I was pissssssedd. I did not want to change whatsoever. She got it, i got used to it, and now for life i will prefer Mac over PC. Now that im off in college i didnt have 1200 to drop on a MBP, so i got a Sony Vaio that was cheaper. This thing is 4 months old and my 6 year old Mac Mini Desktop runs 10 times better than this POS. How does that happen?? Every single god dam day there is something i gotta deal with cause of Windows and i sit there and say i want my frggin mac back. It almost drives me insane cause i was so used to having one. This isnt a matter of being a fanboy, this is just common sense that Mac completely ****ttts on Windows.

If you dont think so than you're clearly a PC fanboy who is too stubborn to switch over cause you know once you do your not going back. There's a reason Mac is more'll most likely go through 2-3 computers in a 10 year span or spend ridiculous amounts of money to maintain it and keep fixing it, where as a Mac will be going strong 10+ years. The only real reason you would need a new one is because its out dated.

I can understand that if you need a computer quickly and dont have the money at that time to get a Mac. But if you do have the money and chose to get a PC anyway than you just got royally boned by PC.

2 months after i got my Vaio im in geek sqaud and they're telling me PC's weren't designed to be a standy-by and that if you do it for more than an hour + your hard drive will get ruined. Seriously, how do you fail to have a computer stay in good shape by being on stand by? It's the smallest most simple stuff that PC can't fix. Then i find out if you leave your charger in when its already fully charged your battery will go to @+%% which is what happened to mine. I got 50 minutes of battery life on my Vaio and i had to order a new battery. 50 minutes... Then i find out Mac's have a feature that when your computer is fully charged the charger quits while still being plugged in so it doenst ruin the battery.

Can PC not take a single note from Mac to make their products better? Something as simple as that? Bill Gates SMD you suck, if it wasn't for Xbox being so dam great i would have wished death upon you many many times.
everyday i count my pennies so i can get a Mac back in my hands 

Well i needed to let that out.../rant
You lost as a man for not knowing how to fix a pc issue.
this. you can GOOGLE and diagnose was wrong with a PC if its giving you problems....are people that slow that they can't fix a minor issue?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

I am one of the most unbiased Computer owners there is and i gotta say you are out your damn mind if you think PC is even a tad bit better than mac.

Way back when i had a PC when i was young and my mom said she was buying a Mac desktop instead of another PC. I was pissssssedd. I did not want to change whatsoever. She got it, i got used to it, and now for life i will prefer Mac over PC. Now that im off in college i didnt have 1200 to drop on a MBP, so i got a Sony Vaio that was cheaper. This thing is 4 months old and my 6 year old Mac Mini Desktop runs 10 times better than this POS. How does that happen?? Every single god dam day there is something i gotta deal with cause of Windows and i sit there and say i want my frggin mac back. It almost drives me insane cause i was so used to having one. This isnt a matter of being a fanboy, this is just common sense that Mac completely ****ttts on Windows.

If you dont think so than you're clearly a PC fanboy who is too stubborn to switch over cause you know once you do your not going back. There's a reason Mac is more'll most likely go through 2-3 computers in a 10 year span or spend ridiculous amounts of money to maintain it and keep fixing it, where as a Mac will be going strong 10+ years. The only real reason you would need a new one is because its out dated.

I can understand that if you need a computer quickly and dont have the money at that time to get a Mac. But if you do have the money and chose to get a PC anyway than you just got royally boned by PC.

2 months after i got my Vaio im in geek sqaud and they're telling me PC's weren't designed to be a standy-by and that if you do it for more than an hour + your hard drive will get ruined. Seriously, how do you fail to have a computer stay in good shape by being on stand by? It's the smallest most simple stuff that PC can't fix. Then i find out if you leave your charger in when its already fully charged your battery will go to @+%% which is what happened to mine. I got 50 minutes of battery life on my Vaio and i had to order a new battery. 50 minutes... Then i find out Mac's have a feature that when your computer is fully charged the charger quits while still being plugged in so it doenst ruin the battery.

Can PC not take a single note from Mac to make their products better? Something as simple as that? Bill Gates SMD you suck, if it wasn't for Xbox being so dam great i would have wished death upon you many many times.
everyday i count my pennies so i can get a Mac back in my hands 

Well i needed to let that out.../rant
You lost as a man for not knowing how to fix a pc issue.
this. you can GOOGLE and diagnose was wrong with a PC if its giving you problems....are people that slow that they can't fix a minor issue?

This dude at Geek Sqaud told me if you keep your PC on sleep mode too long it will destroy your Hard Drive, meaning it will be replaced, or you need a new computer. How is that a minor issue? 
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

I am one of the most unbiased Computer owners there is and i gotta say you are out your damn mind if you think PC is even a tad bit better than mac.

Way back when i had a PC when i was young and my mom said she was buying a Mac desktop instead of another PC. I was pissssssedd. I did not want to change whatsoever. She got it, i got used to it, and now for life i will prefer Mac over PC. Now that im off in college i didnt have 1200 to drop on a MBP, so i got a Sony Vaio that was cheaper. This thing is 4 months old and my 6 year old Mac Mini Desktop runs 10 times better than this POS. How does that happen?? Every single god dam day there is something i gotta deal with cause of Windows and i sit there and say i want my frggin mac back. It almost drives me insane cause i was so used to having one. This isnt a matter of being a fanboy, this is just common sense that Mac completely ****ttts on Windows.

If you dont think so than you're clearly a PC fanboy who is too stubborn to switch over cause you know once you do your not going back. There's a reason Mac is more'll most likely go through 2-3 computers in a 10 year span or spend ridiculous amounts of money to maintain it and keep fixing it, where as a Mac will be going strong 10+ years. The only real reason you would need a new one is because its out dated.

I can understand that if you need a computer quickly and dont have the money at that time to get a Mac. But if you do have the money and chose to get a PC anyway than you just got royally boned by PC.

2 months after i got my Vaio im in geek sqaud and they're telling me PC's weren't designed to be a standy-by and that if you do it for more than an hour + your hard drive will get ruined. Seriously, how do you fail to have a computer stay in good shape by being on stand by? It's the smallest most simple stuff that PC can't fix. Then i find out if you leave your charger in when its already fully charged your battery will go to @+%% which is what happened to mine. I got 50 minutes of battery life on my Vaio and i had to order a new battery. 50 minutes... Then i find out Mac's have a feature that when your computer is fully charged the charger quits while still being plugged in so it doenst ruin the battery.

Can PC not take a single note from Mac to make their products better? Something as simple as that? Bill Gates SMD you suck, if it wasn't for Xbox being so dam great i would have wished death upon you many many times.
everyday i count my pennies so i can get a Mac back in my hands 

Well i needed to let that out.../rant
You lost as a man for not knowing how to fix a pc issue.
this. you can GOOGLE and diagnose was wrong with a PC if its giving you problems....are people that slow that they can't fix a minor issue?

This dude at Geek Sqaud told me if you keep your PC on sleep mode too long it will destroy your Hard Drive, meaning it will be replaced, or you need a new computer. How is that a minor issue? 
geek squad. your man card is revoked for even going to them for help. these are the same idiots that charge u 50 dollars to install itunes.
geek squad. your man card is revoked for even going to them for help. these are the same idiots that charge u 50 dollars to install itunes.
Had a Dell XPS M1330 for 2.5 years now. Only issue I have had is replacing the charger (overheating). I paid about 700 less at the time (Summer of '08). Windows 7 only made it better. Never saw a point in paying more.
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