This Is The Most Heartbreaking Murder I've Seen On Film...

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"We boyz" always gets me
...'s going to be a while before any television show is this good again.
Only time I've almost shed a tear watching something on TV or in a movie
. He was taking care of those kids man 

Definitely a heartbreaking moment... but at the same time showed why the show was a masterpiece...

As cool as Poot and Bodie were with Wallace they really had no choice cuz it was all in the game.. play or get played
, I forgot how cold that scene was. So many moments in that series had me
. D'Angelo, Omar, Bodie and more.
Originally Posted by philly5fan

As cool as Poot and Bodie were with Wallace they really had no choice cuz it was all in the game..

Crazy because Marlo's crew was the most ruthless, but even Chris knew better than to have Michael's first kill be someone he knew...
I honestly did not feel sorry for Wallace. He was IN THE GAME! Just as he mentioned to D'Angelo in the beginning of this episode: "This is me, yo, right here." He was raised in the streets, and he died in a vacant. Kind of poetic really. Also, you can see that pain in Bodie's eyes after he shoots him--it's amazing.
It was definitely the most gut wrenching murder, but the most heartbreaking scene had to be when Mike and Bug split up I flat out lost it like a baby
I thought Bodie was such a punk for taking out Wallace like that even though he was ordered too, but as the show went on he slowly became one of my favorite characters. In the end when Chris and Snoop come to get him and he just stands his ground and protects his corner 
x 100 
yo on another note, i was watching season 4 and never realized that the chick mike is smashing at the end of the season is quanice davis, the chick the whole crew wanted to smash before school started

and yeah this scene is crushing... i also feel pretty sad in season 5 when bubs finally talks about sherrod's death.
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