This Dad right right here deserves a Noble peace prize. VOL Facebook daughter exposure to da max

I have a daughter and I already wanna kick her in the spine when she dances around the house...

I don't let her watch rap videos.
lol this dad should have been paying more attention to his daughter. I would never allow my daughter to have a FB at 13 to begin with
How are you going to stop her? :lol:

She might not be able to get on FB while home, but she won't be around you 100% of the time man. You can't stop her from making an account
If he was a good dad he would of never let his daughter on Facebook or monitered what she was doing. You cant just give a 13 year old girl unlimited access to a computer. 
I have a daughter and I already wanna kick her in the spine when she dances around the house...

I don't let her watch rap videos.
Better let her get exposed to it while she's still young or she'll be bring home Gucci Mane as her boyfriend someday. Trust me I've seen it too many times from these sheltered suburb females
Better let her get exposed to it while she's still young or she'll be bring home Gucci Mane as her boyfriend someday. Trust me I've seen it too many times from these sheltered suburb females
That's raising a kid to be naive, mine won't be. She's exposed to various demographics and lifestyles, but always taught to "be a lady". Keeping her away from the **** on BET isn't sheltering her, it's showing her that degrading yourself isn't anything to glorify.

I plan on showing her how women who don't respect themselves are treated and what it means to again, "be a lady". It's not about being a strict prick, but more about education and real life example. Some people just talk to their kids but fail to actually show them what becomes of a person who makes bad decisions -- a picture's worth a thousand words. I don't expect her to be perfect or never make questionable choices, that's life, but I do plan on her having the tools and knowledge base to at least think about them before she does it.
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 please delete her from Faysboo 


LMFAO :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The only real way to save kids like her in a big city is to push them HARD to focus on academics and not just "behave".

She'll be in the AP classes with the smarter, quieter kids and will have a chance to stay busy, be around new students, and keep the penises with the big veins out of her hands. Plus she'll feel like she'll achieve something.

As a father, it blows my mind that parents are supportive of their young daughters being fans of Rhianna and countless other female "idols" within the mainstream media...

If I saw my daughter liking pictures of Chris Brown and Rhianna together, or commenting about how "cute" they are, I wouldn't scream on her, I'd sit her down and talk to her about domestic abuse. I'd take her to see women and kids that are the product of domestic violence. Again, parental guidance can't just be verbal -- kids need to see how the words translate into reality.

Will this ensure she grows into a respectable woman, of course not, but at the end of the day I want to be able to say I did all I could.
Better let her get exposed to it while she's still young or she'll be bring home Gucci Mane as her boyfriend someday. Trust me I've seen it too many times from these sheltered suburb females
That's raising a kid to be naive, mine won't be. She's exposed to various demographics and lifestyles, but always taught to "be a lady". Keeping her away from the **** on BET isn't sheltering her, it's showing her that degrading yourself isn't anything to glorify.

I plan on showing her how women who don't respect themselves are treated and what it means to again, "be a lady". It's not about being a strict prick, but more about education and real life example. Some people just talk to their kids but fail to actually show them what becomes of a person who makes bad decisions -- a picture's worth a thousand words. I don't expect her to be perfect or never make questionable choices, that's life, but I do plan on her having the tools and knowledge base to at least think about them before she does it.
Repped. That's more of what I meant but didn't want to type it all out. Not necessarily "exposing" kids but educating kids is important.
Repped. That's more of what I meant but didn't want to type it all out. Not necessarily "exposing" kids but educating kids is important.
Definitely man, educating them is key.

Me and my daughter's mom bump heads on this kind of discussion all the time. She's the type to shelter her and not want her to hear curse words on TV -- as if you can filter what she'll be hearing in the streets. I'm the type to explain to my daughter why people find those words offensive and why she shouldn't repeat them.

My son got in trouble at school last week for "talking back" to a teacher. His mom punished him and when I talked to him later I pretty much told him I know people in authority can sometimes say or do things that you don't agree with but being disrespectful and/or combative will only hurt YOU in the end. There was only one outcomes, say nothing and keep it moving or say something and get in trouble. At the end of the day, what did you get out of it? You only made things worse on yourself. So next time, chill, bite your tongue and think about it. I know its hard in the heat of the moment but you have to be smarter than that.
son selling drugs.... definitely...
To re-phrase, I didn't mean simply selling drugs....but all the things that come along with selling drugs --- gun violence, prison, etc etc....

You'd take that over the things that come along with a girl having sex?

Not me.

My daughter being pregnant > my son dead or in jail
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