This 27-Year-Old Med Student Just Sold Her Virginity For A Whopping $801,000

27 year old virgin? Ummmmm is she one of those who does anal in order to keep the P untapped? So if thats the case you're really not getting a virgin.

And cmon now we all know that mouth isnt a virgin. LOL

Whoever paid that got ripped off.

But hey she won. lol
I'm not even an anal type of dude, but for that much I hope that big trick left her with a wizard's sleeve hanging gape.

I can't condone prostitution being passed off as anything else but what it is... blade walking. And this *** is 27 trying to act like she doesn't double fist churros? :rolleyes Please.

She cancelled the bid, saying she wants to "focus" only on school. If you ask me she was just trolling, trying to find out how much she's "worth" women tend to do that nonsense.
And they say men run ****? :rolleyes Not condoning what she is doing, but if this transaction goes through she done came up.
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And they say men run ****? :rolleyes Not condoning what she is doing, but if this transaction goes through she done came up.

I agree but when a guy has that much cash in the bank, they could literally do dumb stuff with it. That $800k is probably nothing to someone.
She cancelled the bid, saying she wants to "focus" only on school. If you ask me she was just trolling, trying to find out how much she's "worth" women tend to do that nonsense.
She was definitely lying about her virginity then.
Even if she is technically a virgin, I'm willing to bet all other orifices have been violated to the Nth degree.
Well, if you think about it, it's just an example of allowing a marketable and (purportedly) exclusive asset to appreciate in value instead of offering it as a free promotional tool, and then allowing the market to dictate its' worth.

"Unique" items and experiences tend to fetch a high value...I'd expect a forum populated with some folk who wouldn't blink an eye at dropping 4 digits on a pair of shoes in a certain color and material configuration to understand that. I'm no economist, but I'd say that's a pretty sound strategy which may become increasingly common as products of this type become increasingly least, that's my theory.

EDIT: Damn, she reneged on the deal...very unprofessional. I stand by my theory tho
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A pr0n production company should've bid and then convinced her to make the movie. Not something i'd watch but i'm sure they would've banked off of it
Sometimes i wish i was a woman.

Getting 800k just to let some random guy smash

Damn :smh:

On second thought

Niketalk is full of virgins

We all like money

Setup an auction


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Please dont tell me YOU BELIEVE that someone would pay 800 , 000 to get a woman's virginity.


You would be surprised.

1. She's white

2. She's an medical student which is considered a prestigious position.

I'm not surprised :/ Some dude in Saudi Arabia clearly would have paid for this.

some dude in arabia could have easily had 4 chi cks like this one for muc h less.easily.
Future Doctor...

1) Get her pregnant
2) File for child support
3) Profit after return on investment. :lol:
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