Thinking About Quitting My Job

Apr 4, 2008
Tired of working for the man for peanuts and cups of water so I think I'mma quit my job and pursue some other ventures. Maybe get my real estate license or open up my own business. Much rather take the chance and be my own boss than work for someone else.
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Do you have money saved?? Enough to sustain you for a few months or even a year comfortably?? I think you need to plan a lot to make a decision like that. What if things don't go as planned?? You still gotta eat
I've got some cash and I trade stocks so there's always money to be made. Just think it's time I took a step in a different direction and walk that incline you know.
I've got some cash and I trade stocks so there's always money to be made. Just think it's time I took a step in a different direction and walk that incline you know.

OK I give you permission

update thread with success or failure in order to motivate those in similar positions
My dad did something like that, he was working for a company for maybe 15 years or so and he knew he was gonna get laid off soon so he quit beforehand, got his CDL license, bought a trailer and now works for himself. He seems to love it, he took a huge chance and it worked out. Sometimes you just have to take chances or you'll be left wondering "what if"
What happens when the money runs out though?

Terrible idea especially if you haven't even been looking or have an idea of what you actually want to do.
What happens when the money runs out though?

Terrible idea especially if you haven't even been looking or have an idea of what you actually want to do.


What is the point of emptying the money that you currently have just bc you don't want to "work for the man, for peanuts"
^^ Strong username to post ratio.

I say do it man, you'll live the rest of your life in regret if you don't.

Be smart about it though.
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yea I feel your pain op
I though I was going to walk out my job last night
but yea do like everyone says and make sure you have something lined up
my problem is I dont know what I want to do with myself :\
i did that almost exactly 3 years ago...bounced on a nice cushy wall street job.

after i left, i moved to California and got a few jobs working odds and ends. anything that had me up in a cubicle i couldn't stand and quit on those, too. the only job i really enjoyed out of the ones i got since i left was my last one - i was the IT manager for a restaurant conglomerate. meaning i worked on all the computers AT all of the restaurants that this dude owns (5 restaurants). the job was really nothing anyone respects, but it was a good time for me. i really enjoyed myself.

i have definitely had **A LOT** less cash in my hand since i left NY. but, not being in the city made it almost unnecessary. no real need to floss, no real need for expensive lunches and dinners and the endless stream of expenses one encounters living in a city.

if i could go back in time, i might have changed a few things, but overall - HELL YEAH I'D LEAVE THAT JOB AGAIN. life is too short to be miserable about work.
If you're unhappy and know you can make it while pursuing your goal...go for it!  Life is about chance and sacrifice, so don't have that feeling of "what if?" Much success with your license & business.
Starting a business is a struggle though. It can cost $10,000 at a time. It's seriously tough. Plus licenses and paper work, it could take years. Keep your job until you have everything in order.

Same goes for a real estate job. It's a tough job, if you aren't good in that field don't attempt for it, you'll throw your life out of a window.

Keep your job, and look for better on the sidelines. Then quit when you know you're going somewhere.
Strategize your exit and leave my man! Their is no sense in doing something you have no interest in, specially when the monetary doesn't justify the sacrifice you've to endure.

I'm not gonna go into details about my life to give you a form of example, but trust yourself and your intuitions. You will thank yourself later!
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don't do it.  start your business or whatever while you are working. 
get your real estate license (or whatever certification you need to pursue what you want), get some leads and offers, THEN quit your job. don't leave a steady paying job until you having something lined up.
Frank go back to working for St Johns basketball team
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