Things you think a man should know how to do vol. though


Apr 23, 2008
Tie a full windsor knot
Tie a bow tie
Cook for himself
Wash his own clothes
Pay his own expenses
I dont do any of those things

But its mainly cause I dont have to (with the exception of the tie stuff). If I really really had to do them I would know how.
OP, let's get this going and create an official list

-read directions
-fix a hole in the wall
-install a home theater
-drive a manual transmission vehicle
Defend himself.
Be a man.
Drive a 3 pedal transmission vehicle.

I can do all of those already listed minus the bow tie since I don't wear a bow tie. is a windsor knot the large knot tie? I actually want to teach myself how to do those.
Originally Posted by toast1985

Tell a lady to get back into the kitchen with only a look.
that is not very nice.  You should be cordial to women, and attend to their needs as well
these expectations make no sense, this is not the 1930s son. A mans duty is to grow a pair and do what he wants, not what is expected of him.
survive for at least a month with nothing but a hunting knife and the clothes on his back
simple mechanical maintenance when needed
defend himself and his family
able to hunt and cook dinner if necessary but I think this is implied by the first one
Basically, basic survival skills
Originally Posted by HigherGround

these expectations make no sense, this is not the 1930s son. A mans duty is to grow a pair and do what he wants, not what is expected of him.

Its that kind of attitude that is responsible for the 50% divorce rate in America. Grown boys doing as they please and not taking responsibility for their actions like men
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