Things you do that you think no one else does.

Originally Posted by Galvelocity

  • Every time I lock a door I check it like 5 times. It's not enough to hear the lock click I have to try the door a bunch of times. Also before I go to bed I check to make sure the door is locked like 3 or 4 times at least.

i do this a lot & my gf always give me the craziest looks
her: "i locked it baby we came in together"

me: i kno im just making sure ....hears a small click as if door wasnt all the way closed...SEE
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

  • Every time I lock a door I check it like 5 times. It's not enough to hear the lock click I have to try the door a bunch of times. Also before I go to bed I check to make sure the door is locked like 3 or 4 times at least.

i do this a lot & my gf always give me the craziest looks
her: "i locked it baby we came in together"

me: i kno im just making sure ....hears a small click as if door wasnt all the way closed...SEE
I change my socks alot.

Constantly have to be drinking water since I hate the feeling of being dehydrated.

I make alot of important decisions just chillin in the shower.
I change my socks alot.

Constantly have to be drinking water since I hate the feeling of being dehydrated.

I make alot of important decisions just chillin in the shower.
I have a minor foot fetish, so I quickly glance at women's feet to see if their toes are painted. I even look at ugly women's toes just to see
. I HATE women with unpainted toes!! (I don't suck toes)

I sometimes act like a sportscaster, and get dramatic as I broadcast an imaginary baseball game with me up in the bottom of the 9th with two on n two out down by 3. Or a similar last second basketball shot.

If I'm lookin thru a bad chick's Facebook picture album, I'll search until I find a full body pic of her wearing some tall pumps
, then I won't bother looking thru the rest.

I don't really enjoy playing games like resident evil or "dark" games. I find myself to be tense as I play these games, not because I'm scared of zombies or anything, but because the difficulty has me intimitated or something. I can destroy a game like COD and GTA, but I have never given resident evil a chance.

When I'm in a place where I don't have control, (like in line for a roller coaster), and you're up 3 stories waiting in line, I run final destination type scenarios thru my head. I'm not scared or anything, but sometime during that hour wait, a scenario will run thru my head.

After every article that I read on Yahoo!, I go through about 25-50 of the comments. Those comments are too damn hilarious!
I have a minor foot fetish, so I quickly glance at women's feet to see if their toes are painted. I even look at ugly women's toes just to see
. I HATE women with unpainted toes!! (I don't suck toes)

I sometimes act like a sportscaster, and get dramatic as I broadcast an imaginary baseball game with me up in the bottom of the 9th with two on n two out down by 3. Or a similar last second basketball shot.

If I'm lookin thru a bad chick's Facebook picture album, I'll search until I find a full body pic of her wearing some tall pumps
, then I won't bother looking thru the rest.

I don't really enjoy playing games like resident evil or "dark" games. I find myself to be tense as I play these games, not because I'm scared of zombies or anything, but because the difficulty has me intimitated or something. I can destroy a game like COD and GTA, but I have never given resident evil a chance.

When I'm in a place where I don't have control, (like in line for a roller coaster), and you're up 3 stories waiting in line, I run final destination type scenarios thru my head. I'm not scared or anything, but sometime during that hour wait, a scenario will run thru my head.

After every article that I read on Yahoo!, I go through about 25-50 of the comments. Those comments are too damn hilarious!
Some of these are funny I can confess a few:
-I talk to myself a lot(I am an only child so I have done this my whole life)

-I am obsessed with the gym and If i dont go to the gym I look in the mirror and i feel like I gained 5 to 10 pounds. Also, I feel that way if I dont run more then 5 miles.

-I am an Engineer and great at math, so when people cant add/subtract/multiply/divide correctly it bothers me.

-I never watch the opening kickoff/tipoff of any games that a team I like is playing(superstition) 

-I have to make the bed everyday or I wont sleep in it. 
Some of these are funny I can confess a few:
-I talk to myself a lot(I am an only child so I have done this my whole life)

-I am obsessed with the gym and If i dont go to the gym I look in the mirror and i feel like I gained 5 to 10 pounds. Also, I feel that way if I dont run more then 5 miles.

-I am an Engineer and great at math, so when people cant add/subtract/multiply/divide correctly it bothers me.

-I never watch the opening kickoff/tipoff of any games that a team I like is playing(superstition) 

-I have to make the bed everyday or I wont sleep in it. 
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Galvelocity

I don't put milk in my cereal. I eat it dry. With milk, it's wet food and the idea of it makes me gag. The same as how normal people would feel if someone dumped a bunch of water on their toast. Oh god, I'm gagging just talking about it.

Same. Soggy cereal
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Galvelocity

I don't put milk in my cereal. I eat it dry. With milk, it's wet food and the idea of it makes me gag. The same as how normal people would feel if someone dumped a bunch of water on their toast. Oh god, I'm gagging just talking about it.

Same. Soggy cereal
- Every morning I have to circle around the block to my house again to make sure the garage door is closed. Idk why but I always feel like its going to open as soon as I drive off. I kinda do the same thing with the Iron. I'll iron my clothes in the morning, and I know I unplug it. FOr some reason I still gotta go back to my bedroom and check that it's unplugged! I HATE IT!!!

- I check to make sure my front door, back door and garage door are closed about 3-4 times every night before I go to sleep.

- I like the smell of gasoline, paint and Home depots garden section.

- I can't sleep with socks on. S#!* bothers me so much!

- I lock my car an additional 3 times after I've already locked it.

- The smell of mayonaise grosses me out, but it tastes so good!

- I listen to "143" by Bobby Brackins everyday. Everytime I hear it I feel like goin out and getting wasted. Hahaha I replay that song so many times, I can listen to it all day! Haha

- The sound of a penicl writing on paper bothers me!

- I swallow my gum (pause). I have had this habit since I was younger. If its a fruit flavored gum, I cant do the minty gum.

I know I have more. I will check in later!
- Every morning I have to circle around the block to my house again to make sure the garage door is closed. Idk why but I always feel like its going to open as soon as I drive off. I kinda do the same thing with the Iron. I'll iron my clothes in the morning, and I know I unplug it. FOr some reason I still gotta go back to my bedroom and check that it's unplugged! I HATE IT!!!

- I check to make sure my front door, back door and garage door are closed about 3-4 times every night before I go to sleep.

- I like the smell of gasoline, paint and Home depots garden section.

- I can't sleep with socks on. S#!* bothers me so much!

- I lock my car an additional 3 times after I've already locked it.

- The smell of mayonaise grosses me out, but it tastes so good!

- I listen to "143" by Bobby Brackins everyday. Everytime I hear it I feel like goin out and getting wasted. Hahaha I replay that song so many times, I can listen to it all day! Haha

- The sound of a penicl writing on paper bothers me!

- I swallow my gum (pause). I have had this habit since I was younger. If its a fruit flavored gum, I cant do the minty gum.

I know I have more. I will check in later!
some of these responses are hilarious

a couple i do...

I like to imagine myself as a big name sports columnist (Bill Simmons is my hero) and i'll write columns but never share them with anyone. i just save them to my computer.

After every time i go to the bathroom, i spit in the toilet before flushing... i have no idea why

I'm always imagining myself on a basketball court, everywhere i go i'm putting up shots on imaginary hoops

I spend like 30 minutes everyday on a website looking at other peoples shoes

When i'm in the car alone, i have to sing a long with the song playing if i know the words

When i get dressed in the morning, i always put my pants on first no matter what
some of these responses are hilarious

a couple i do...

I like to imagine myself as a big name sports columnist (Bill Simmons is my hero) and i'll write columns but never share them with anyone. i just save them to my computer.

After every time i go to the bathroom, i spit in the toilet before flushing... i have no idea why

I'm always imagining myself on a basketball court, everywhere i go i'm putting up shots on imaginary hoops

I spend like 30 minutes everyday on a website looking at other peoples shoes

When i'm in the car alone, i have to sing a long with the song playing if i know the words

When i get dressed in the morning, i always put my pants on first no matter what
Originally Posted by 510hayward

I always check if the door is locked like a thousand times
I do this.
Brush my teeth after every meal.  I have to brush my teeth at least 3 times a day or I feel dirty.

Brush my hair every time I go to the bathroom

Flush the toilet before I'm done peeing

I have this complex, that if I don't workout for one day I gain at least 5 pounds that day. 

Something I just picked up this summer:

When I go to the gym, no matter what I do, I have to run/jog at least a mile on the treadmill.  Every day b. Every day. 
Originally Posted by 510hayward

I always check if the door is locked like a thousand times
I do this.
Brush my teeth after every meal.  I have to brush my teeth at least 3 times a day or I feel dirty.

Brush my hair every time I go to the bathroom

Flush the toilet before I'm done peeing

I have this complex, that if I don't workout for one day I gain at least 5 pounds that day. 

Something I just picked up this summer:

When I go to the gym, no matter what I do, I have to run/jog at least a mile on the treadmill.  Every day b. Every day. 
Everytime i see Spongebob on, I have to watch atleast a couple episodes.
Face away from the shower head.
Eat some cereal dry.
Check my closet door before i go to bed.

got some more i can't think of right now.
Everytime i see Spongebob on, I have to watch atleast a couple episodes.
Face away from the shower head.
Eat some cereal dry.
Check my closet door before i go to bed.

got some more i can't think of right now.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Well this one is really weird, I don't "sleep" I nap. I take 2 naps a day in place of a reg full night sleep.

First one is usually from 7am till 11am and the other is sometime in the late afternoon/early evening. I run on a completely different clock than most people. When people go to bed at night they usually wake up to me still dude did you ever go to sleep

How long have you been doing this/how long did it take to adjust to that cycle? 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Well this one is really weird, I don't "sleep" I nap. I take 2 naps a day in place of a reg full night sleep.

First one is usually from 7am till 11am and the other is sometime in the late afternoon/early evening. I run on a completely different clock than most people. When people go to bed at night they usually wake up to me still dude did you ever go to sleep

How long have you been doing this/how long did it take to adjust to that cycle? 
Originally Posted by 3dgarfly23

Originally Posted by michael0360

Originally Posted by Klock

Anytime I'm in a car and not driving, I imagine like Mario or Toad jumping over each lightpole I see.
I can't not do it. Lmaoooo

use to do this as a kid

I still do this. But for me, it has always been a skateboarder. Probably because I would always play Tony Hawk's Pro Skaters. He would ride super fast, manual when needed and grind and connect every single gap
A zillion points
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