things high speed internet killed , made better

Ya'll are trying to make blockbuster something it wasn't.

That two day rental crap, and having to hurry up and return it before 12 or else you'd get charged.

Going to blockbuster and realizing you have a previous late fee, and having to pay a lot more than you intended on paying.

Going to Blockbuster and seeing that they're all out of what you wanted, so you have to settle for something else

Those long lines on Friday and Saturday night

Netlfix, streaming websites & downloading :wink: > blockbuster

No having to go out in the rain or snow. No wasting gas.
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Didn't really go to BB that much. Used to go to Family Video that was about a mile from the crib. 5-7 day rentals :pimp:
I loved going to Blockbuster right when they opened (10am) so that I got the most time on my rental SNES games.

Blockbuster on my birthday + friends sleeping over = one of the best memories of my childhood :D

Oh, and let's not forget those little pan pizzas you got for free if you read a book. Those were :pimp: x 10000000
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Yezzir beh 

Ya'll are trying to make blockbuster something it wasn't.

That two day rental crap, and having to hurry up and return it before 12 or else you'd get charged.

Going to blockbuster and realizing you have a previous late fee, and having to pay a lot more than you intended on paying.

Going to Blockbuster and seeing that they're all out of what you wanted, so you have to settle for something else

Those long lines on Friday and Saturday night

Netlfix, streaming websites & downloading
> blockbuster

No having to go out in the rain or snow. No wasting gas.
not arguing the convenience from an adults point of view

but going to blockbuster from ages 9-21 with friends to have a movie night

then getting pizza , or getting the pizza and going to rent the movies while

the pizza's cooking was 
Pizza Hut had the game on lock back in the day.

You ever get lucky and your parents copped you some candy from BB?

My personal fave was those Butterfinger bites or little Nestle Crunch clusters
they was usually more expensive than the grocery store so i aint even ask 

but those nestle crunch clusters was legit 
Hollywood video> Blockbuster. They had one down the street from Serramonte mall and ALWAYS had the games we the Jurassic Park T-Rex on the wall.
Mightest whale turn this into a nostalgia thread. That's pretty much what it's becoming.
I had dial up as a kid (I'm 26 now) but the Internet seems so pervasive now even from like 6 or 7 years ago. I know that it's a bit off topic but every company has a fb page and YouTube. News programs like abc and CNN will show videos from the Internet. You can link your Gta stats to your Facebook and twitter fir christs sake Our parents have fb now. I kid you not I have an aunt in Ethiopia who has Facebook, like is this real life? When I was in college only other college kids had fb. My 4 year old niece knows how to use an I phone. You dont know how tripy it is to see a little kid open apps and pause video. Believe me I love technology and I'm kind of a science fiction nerd but we are too connected. And not in a good way. We are sharing too much useless information with each other. It isn't more of humanity working together to solve world problems or creating an atmosphere of compassion in our communities. It's everyone searching for attention screaming me, me, me.
Any way that's my rant an like I said a bit off topic. To answer the topic of the thread. High speed Internet killed going over your friends house to play video games. Remember how fun that used to be.
I had dial up as a kid (I'm 26 now) but the Internet seems so pervasive now even from like 6 or 7 years ago. I know that it's a bit off topic but every company has a fb page and YouTube. News programs like abc and CNN will show videos from the Internet. You can link your Gta stats to your Facebook and twitter fir christs sake Our parents have fb now. I kid you not I have an aunt in Ethiopia who has Facebook, like is this real life? When I was in college only other college kids had fb. My 4 year old niece knows how to use an I phone. You dont know how tripy it is to see a little kid open apps and pause video. Believe me I love technology and I'm kind of a science fiction nerd but we are too connected. And not in a good way. We are sharing too much useless information with each other. It isn't more of humanity working together to solve world problems or creating an atmosphere of compassion in our communities. It's everyone searching for attention screaming me, me, me.
Any way that's my rant an like I said a bit off topic. To answer the topic of the thread. High speed Internet killed going over your friends house to play video games. Remember how fun that used to be.

All of your points are very valid.

However, it's not true that technology hasn't played a role in solving world problems or even creating an atmosphere of compassion. In truth, technology is a double-edged sword. There are a lot of cons, but also a lot of pros.

Personally, I like how technology has immersed itself in our daily lives. I don't partake in most of the shenanigans that younger people partake in, so I can't comment on the uselessness of technology, but I am very aware of it.

I wouldn't discredit technology because of that, though. It has done far much greater good in my eyes.
Man Block Buster was heaven on earth. Friday/Saturday night with a new video game and pizza was so clutch :nthat:

Worse feeling though was trying to rent that new game and they'd be all out, had to go to the counter to see if somebody returned one so you could rent it...

This man knows....every Friday used to get 2 games, pizza and a slurpee. Good times

--Knowing what a woman really looks like and making an informed decision before dating... (angles, filters, photoshop)
--Newspapers, magazines, print media and soon news (no one who wants news has to wait a month or even til 10 at night for it)
--Arguing from an uninformed position (people can be discredited with the quickness now talking out their *****)
--Privacy (they watching :nerd:)
--Innocence (kids grow up fast now because they have access to more information)

Made Better:

--communication (we are basically cybernetically enhanced telepaths now)
Think about it
--Intelligence (if you want to know, you can find out)
--College (no need to sit through boring classes)

This sums it up pretty well
Internet pretty much killed off music videos on TV. The canadian equivalent of MTV, much music, used to have like two shows a day and the rest were music vids. Now it's all shows.
Magazines.. I miss that thrill of getting a new issue in the mail of gamepro or egm with a demo disc when I was younger.
I had dial up as a kid (I'm 26 now) but the Internet seems so pervasive now even from like 6 or 7 years ago. I know that it's a bit off topic but every company has a fb page and YouTube. News programs like abc and CNN will show videos from the Internet. You can link your Gta stats to your Facebook and twitter fir christs sake Our parents have fb now. I kid you not I have an aunt in Ethiopia who has Facebook, like is this real life? When I was in college only other college kids had fb. My 4 year old niece knows how to use an I phone. You dont know how tripy it is to see a little kid open apps and pause video. Believe me I love technology and I'm kind of a science fiction nerd but we are too connected. And not in a good way. We are sharing too much useless information with each other. It isn't more of humanity working together to solve world problems or creating an atmosphere of compassion in our communities. It's everyone searching for attention screaming me, me, me.
Any way that's my rant an like I said a bit off topic. To answer the topic of the thread. High speed Internet killed going over your friends house to play video games. Remember how fun that used to be.
I had dial up as a kid (I'm 26 now) but the Internet seems so pervasive now even from like 6 or 7 years ago. I know that it's a bit off topic but every company has a fb page and YouTube. News programs like abc and CNN will show videos from the Internet. You can link your Gta stats to your Facebook and twitter fir christs sake Our parents have fb now. I kid you not I have an aunt in Ethiopia who has Facebook, like is this real life? When I was in college only other college kids had fb. My 4 year old niece knows how to use an I phone. You dont know how tripy it is to see a little kid open apps and pause video. Believe me I love technology and I'm kind of a science fiction nerd but we are too connected. And not in a good way. We are sharing too much useless information with each other. It isn't more of humanity working together to solve world problems or creating an atmosphere of compassion in our communities. It's everyone searching for attention screaming me, me, me.
Any way that's my rant an like I said a bit off topic. To answer the topic of the thread. High speed Internet killed going over your friends house to play video games. Remember how fun that used to be.

However, that is what we as the generation (I'm 27) that were the beginning of the change feel.

In reality, the internet has not made us too connected. That is just our feeling based on what we were used to. In reality, what is has done is given people the opportunity to self-educate. That is an end goal that is better for everyone. If that crackhead in SF had an ipad when he was 6 to 10....he would of inevitably been much more educated than by hanging out on the corner. Anything he didn't know...he would and could look up. That is the difference. Kids nowadays aren't ignorant. If they don't know something, they immediately look it up. My 6 year old niece has more complex conversations about politics than I did at 15.

As an American parent/our generation (that is reasonably well-off) this may not be awesome. It makes kids grow up too much and not have any innocence, go outside and feel the world, take chances, etc. However, we look at it simply from a first-world problem perspective.

For that kid that is in a village with barely any food, water, education, resources etc having the internet is the equivalent of having hope for the future. Anything that kid wants to know about the world it is at his fingertips. I'm not saying it is going to make him become a doctor. All I'm saying is that the world is working toward a more compassionate (if testerone lacking) future. Education = compassion and acceptance. The better educated the world is, the better off the world will be. When we were growing up only kids that went to good schools really learned about recycling, diversity, had book clubs, etc etc. In the future I expect the educated person to be the vast vast majority, and the ignorant to be a smaller and smaller portion of the population.

I'm still old school though. I love watching Duck Dynasty because they live life in a simple way. Work, hunt, family. Can see from the show that their kids are not going to be anything like that.

Sports are the great equalizer though. There is nothing that is like playing sports. I saw something new for the first time ever in my life in terms of sports. I went to the park I always go to, but it was a hot day and no shade so no guys were out there. However, there were 6 high school age (not even in shape/athletes) girls playing 3 on 3. I was blown away. In my generation I honestly think I never ever ever saw that. The only reason I could come up with that happening now is tech (texting making organizing easy) + interest (know more about sports).
Man Block Buster was heaven on earth. Friday/Saturday night with a new video game and pizza was so clutch

Worse feeling though was trying to rent that new game and they'd be all out, had to go to the counter to see if somebody returned one so you could rent it...
maaaaaan  every friday night was like that for me.  'HOLY **** GOTTA GET SYPHON FILTER!,'.  Hurryin mom dukes out the house so we could get there in time cause i KNEW kids would be there.  wait in a 15 minute line while mom picked up the pizza from the little caesar's next door...score the last copy, wink at the poor kid behind me and roll out, stuff a few slices in my face and play allllllll night

damn good times
I would go over to my bro johnathan's house to use his roadrunner and play n64.. Good days..
Blockbuster :pimp: I remember renting the VHS tapes while living in the bronx and buying food from the dominican spots. AC on full blast, and staying up all night with mom and pops. Those were the days.
I honestly miss AOL Instant Messenger. Staying online all day with your creative away messages and profiles. I loved it.
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