They're shooting at Cops in Dallas, Eleven Officers Shot, Two Civilian Injured ,Five CONFIRMED DEAD-

It's easier to request a ban for the ones who don't conform to the group think.

Scary stuff in this thread, RIP to all those innocent victims.

I would encourage everyone to open their mind and challenge their self-fulfilling prophecies. Education and openness to learning is the only way to do that. Good luck.

The only scary thing in this thread are posters like you who think they have answers yet lack any awareness or have knowledge about race relations and why they are this way.

What's scary is that you think a black man should have to explain to a white person why isn't Michael Jordan.

I hope you educate yourself and realize how ridiculous you sound especially if you are actually being serious.
I understand the All Lives Matter talk, cuz they do.

However most of the injustices are targeted towards black in this country. Reasoning for Black Lives Matter is to bring awareness to that fact, however it seems to be spun as we're putting our race above others. Am I the only one feeling this way?

I agree 100% . I can't tell you how many times I've seen people have to explain BLM to ignorant individuals. It's sad. What bothers me the most is that nobody was saying "all lives matter" until BLM came about. The people that do this aren't educated on how the playing field is not equal when it comes to injustice and people of color.
I am an educated black man in Utah (.005 African American) doing well for himself. People literally don't know how to receive me.

So nothing is gonna change over here
That's not true, that is your belief system. You are setting yourself up for a self fulfilling prophecy.

I say congrats, and continue to do positive things and people will change their minds. If you only focus on negative experiences it will continue to reinforce your though process... And over time you turn into an old angry white man with a Confederate Flag entrenched in his own belief system.
You got some nerve trying to tell that man about his experiences. That's the type of nonsense people of color have to endure 24/7, someone telling them that what they have to deal with as a minority isn't so and that we have to do this and that.

That is part of the problem.
when I was a senior in high school, after the mike brown trial, some white kids were flying confederate flags in the student parking lot. Myself and a couple other students complained to administration but they didn't do anything. 

Crazy thing is, a lot of the dudes flying the flags were the white kids who love to partake in many facets of black culture. 

The south man. 
Yea they gonna fly that flag, then get in their elevated pick up trucks and listen to rap music.

Then they going to use slang that came from blacks while talking to their friends.

Then they going to watch the NFL/NCAA and cheer for "their" black athletes.

Then they going to tan so they can get darker but you know, not too dark enough to where they can't be dehumanized like the blacks.
To be honest this is what ruined college sports for me and why I don't watch anymore. The way some people approach it and talk about the athletes reminds of a certain mentality that i'm not to fond off to say the least.
I understand the All Lives Matter talk, cuz they do.

However most of the injustices are targeted towards black in this country. Reasoning for Black Lives Matter is to bring awareness to that fact, however it seems to be spun as we're putting our race above others. Am I the only one feeling this way?
I do believe some people wrongly (maybe even purposefully) interpret Black Lives Matter as people saying "Only Black Lives Matter" or "Black Lives Matter more" which is not what Black Lives Matter is about.
I understand the All Lives Matter talk, cuz they do.

However most of the injustices are targeted towards black in this country. Reasoning for Black Lives Matter is to bring awareness to that fact, however it seems to be spun as we're putting our race above others. Am I the only one feeling this way?
That's exactly why the All lives matter hastag was birthed to be used for imo
I agree It was used as nothing more than a way to delegitimize the Black Lives Matter movement by making it seem like something it wasn't. Usually said by people who the first quote in my sig addresses perfectly.
I understand the All Lives Matter talk, cuz they do.

However most of the injustices are targeted towards black in this country. Reasoning for Black Lives Matter is to bring awareness to that fact, however it seems to be spun as we're putting our race above others. Am I the only one feeling this way?
Your not and its disgusting.

When BLM started, my girl showed me her FB timeline (I'm not on FB) and the amount of "Our Lives Matter too", "what about our group?" and "we face the same injustice and dont whine" talk was disturbing. It changed my view on a lot of old and former friends. :smh:
This is where the police are getting the quotes from:

Before he was killed, Johnson engaged in a three-hour standoff with cops and spoke at length with a police negotiator.

Ok, that I can buy....

However, this is bizarre:

GeorgeHunter_DN: According to Dallas police, protesters helped capture the shooters. And cops helped shuttle protesters to safety during the attack.

What's the bizarre part you ask? Shooters is PLURAL.

*Picture of Johnson in the link...
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Heard this quote and couldn't agree more...

"The human race is the only race we should care about." Bingo.

Now, unfortunately, this doesn't happen. But I wish it did.

**** is sad man.

Dude probably saw foul **** in the army and these recent events just caused my ***** to snap and throw his life away. :smh:  

so this da guy ehh? apparently he said "i wanna kill white cops" before a police drone blew him to bits...

this is what happens when you let radical extremists elements of a movement brainwash you...

its no different than islamic Terrorism, or white supremacists, random gangs, cults, or this case, black liberation/black lives matters.
so...are they positive he is the only shooter out there?
seemed like a thought out calculated shooting. then again, this guy did have training and dallas was his hometown
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I don't feel we're putting our race above others. 

everyone knows that all lives matter. 

but minorities need the support the most. 
But White america doesn't see it that way. Pro-black means anti-white to them because Pro-White means anti-black.
Damn Ninja it took you a minute

threads like these a dumpster fires...i tend to watch from afar, wait till heads cool and then interject.

but yeah, no one wins when u stir da racial identity rhetoric..because human instinct makes up run to our tribes and forget or even ignore common sense.
Past two days- we not gon stand for this no more. No more marching and praying, I'm sick of this. We need to retaliate

Someone does

Today- this is not the way, this is wrong, now they will hate us more, let's all come together and sing we are the world

Is it oochie Wally Wally or is it one mic?
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Your not and its disgusting.

When BLM started, my girl showed me her FB timeline (I'm not on FB) and the amount of "Our Lives Matter too", "what about our group?" and "we face the same injustice and dont whine" talk was disturbing. It changed my view on a lot of old and former friends. :smh:

I much prefer open racism. Let's me know who to cut off - who not to respect. Just be real with it like the clowns in this thread.
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