they say money doesn't buy happiness

"They say money doesn't buy happiness, BUT it's a damn good down payment." ...
Originally Posted by AirFreshAzn

Idk *!* kind of saying that is, but I'm sure it will for me.
give me a candy red slab on gorilla poke swangaz + nice crib + freak diva=happy
It'll make you happy to an extent.
Rich and alone though? No, the novelty will wear off all too quickly.

I remember E channel had a special on all the lottery winners around the world who ended up dead or back to square one: broke.
At the end of the special some psychiatrist said at the end of the special something like (and I am paraphrasing) : If you are content with your life, know howto save, have good relationships with the people in your life, etc, before the money, your not as likely to go crazy after you get it. If you are paranoid,don't trust anyone, have bad spending habits etc, you might end up where you started.

Word to Fight Club though you do grow up in America with the idea in the back of your head you'll be rich as an adult. I know I did in high school,watching to much "Fabulous Life" on VH1 and mean muggin those "Sweet Sixteen" brats through the tube. Thinking "Damn these kidsaren't grateful at all".
Anyway I still support the pursuit of money, just not the obsession itself.
Don't get me started on fame, it's a disease.
No thanks.
Money doesn't buy happiness but we live in a society so crazy that people look at you different if you don't have money.

People will treat bums on the train like they aren't even people.

In my opinion the person who enjoys the simplest/cheapest things will have the most luxurious/happy life.
The phrase is intended to point back at the person's perception of life.

If you had a chip on your shoulder before falling on wealth, money won't change that. Before, you may have thought you deserved to win big and the man washolding you down, then you won big... and you'll most likely feel like you're being slighted by being taxed too much, or whatever.

If you wished for things before hitting it big, you'll continue to wish for things. Right now, maybe you're wishing for steak every night and aFerrari. After winning it big enough to have steak every night and a couple Ferraris, maybe you'll wish for a fleet of Ferraris and a couple Lambos, andsteak served on diamond encrusted platters. After reaching a point where you have a fleet of Ferraris and a couple Lambos and an entire cabinet of diamondencrusted dishes, maybe you'll start wishing you had a couple jets, and owned an island. There's ALWAYS more to wish for, and if you're the type tothink the grass is greener on the other side, money isn't going to change that perspective.

Maybe you're easily depressed. Maybe your life really isn't that bad, but every time something doesn't go your way, you fear it's all downhillfor you now. Having wealth won't change that for you. Having money to pay for a counselor or therapist won't change it, either, but it will certainlyprovide a means for you to give large sums of money to another new person in your life.

Happiness and contentment are attitudes, and you can't buy attitudes.

Like wawaweewa said, money can't solve psychological problems, are a lot of people have psychological problems.
It ain't just about the money.                      It's not.                      You know what it's about, man?                      It's about f*ckin' thoseskeezers like that right there,                      it's about drivin'these fly-@!% cars,                      and it's definitely about neverdressin' like a !#@++ like you.- MONEY MITCH
Money often does buy happiness. The statement should be that money cannot always buy happiness, there are unhappy situations, which all of the materialwealth in the world cannot fix.

The statement that money cannot buy happiness also should be qualified that having each additional dollar brings less happiness than the one that came beforeit. It is very possible to grow up wealthy, have your parents die, inherit so much that your net worth increases by a hundred fold but the despair of yourparent's untimely death, make you, on balance much less happy, because all of that money's marginal utility was not very large, for some, who wasalready far from broke.

That is an extreme example. A more mild one would be someone who made 150k and worked 40 hours per week with coworkers whom she liked and then switching to a300k, working 60 hours per week, with coworkers whom she despises and being very unhappy with her life. That is a more common and prosaic example, that forthose who are not poor, non pecuniary items like a good work environment, being with loved ones, having leisure time, prestige, et cetera,are usually more important than additional money, ever very large increases in the amount of money they posses.
Anybody tells you money is the root of all evil doesn't @!!%@@' have any. They say money can't buy happiness? Look at the @!!%@@' smile on myface. Ear to ear, baby. You want details? Fine. I drive a Ferrari 355 Cabriolet. What's up? I have a ridiculous house in the South Fork. I have every toyyou could possibly imagine. And best of all, kids, I am liquid. So, now that you know what's possible.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Anybody tells you money is the root of all evil doesn't @!!%@@' have any. They say money can't buy happiness? Look at the @!!%@@' smile on my face. Ear to ear, baby. You want details? Fine. I drive a Ferrari 355 Cabriolet. What's up? I have a ridiculous house in the South Fork. I have every toy you could possibly imagine. And best of all, kids, I am liquid. So, now that you know what's possible.
I think its silly to say that money is the root of all evil.
Money and currency is something that we created.
I find it better suited to say that ones drive for their own profit is the root of all evil.

Originally Posted by King Beef

%%!% everyone else. Money buys happiness.

I've never bought into that logic most people kick... tombout it doesn't buy happiness. Word?

Let me wake up with a few mill in the bank. I'll be the happiest person on the planet in a new M6.

On that "Can't tell me NOTHING" steeze early.
Originally Posted by KenJi714

I take money over love. Love won't get you on a bus, let see how your girl react when she find out you broke or if you end up in a wheel chair. It's a cruel cold world . I take money before anything

Thats funny. Cause that would mean she didnt love you in the first place.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Money often does buy happiness. The statement should be that money cannot always buy happiness, there are unhappy situations, which all of the material wealth in the world cannot fix.

The statement that money cannot buy happiness also should be qualified that having each additional dollar brings less happiness than the one that came before it. It is very possible to grow up wealthy, have your parents die, inherit so much that your net worth increases by a hundred fold but the despair of your parent's untimely death, make you, on balance much less happy, because all of that money's marginal utility was not very large, for some, who was already far from broke.

That is an extreme example. A more mild one would be someone who made 150k and worked 40 hours per week with coworkers whom she liked and then switching to a 300k, working 60 hours per week, with coworkers whom she despises and being very unhappy with her life. That is a more common and prosaic example, that for those who are not poor, non pecuniary items like a good work environment, being with loved ones, having leisure time, prestige, et cetera, are usually more important than additional money, ever very large increases in the amount of money they posses.
Good perspective.
not really

for example, i bought a bimmer because i thought it would make me happier. well, it did at first, but after almost a year, i am just as happy as i was a yearago driving my older acura. i still get frustrated/angry at the same things, owning a BMW does not change how you feel about certain things.

so yes, you can chase that temporary happiness by earning and spending money, or you can be truly happy and be a little more content with what you have now,knowing your happiness level won't change much with more money.

PS: yes i know a BMW aint $%@% compared to a ferrari and private yacht, but its still a nice upgrade that costs quite a bit of money.
They say money can't buy happiness? Look at the %%!!%%' smile on my face. Ear to ear, baby. You want details? Fine. I drive a Ferrari 355 Cabriolet. What's up? I have a ridiculous house in the South Fork. I have every toy you could possibly imagine. And best of all, kids, I am liquid....
Your friends are %!@%. You tell them you made 25 grand last month, they're not gonna %%!!%%' believe you. !%#! them! !%#! 'em! Parents don't like the life you lead? '!%#! you, Mom and Dad.' See how it feels when you're makin' their %%!!%%' Lexus payments.

Jim Young, Boiler Room
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