they say money doesn't buy happiness

Jul 11, 2007
and i sort of agree here

but i think that's a little misleading at the same time.

if you don't have friends and a woman by your side then no amount of $$ is gonna keep you happy.

but gimme a chick im really feelin





i would cruise around the world and i dont think id ever stop smiling

edit: i didn't mean getting some golddigging model, i meant someone who has a genuine attraction to you and vice versa. if i got that and a good group offamily and friends around me, money is the only other piece of the puzzle imo.

also i think part of that for is the fact that two things i have always liked ever since i was little are travel and fast cars, hence the pics
so money is neccessary to do those things. if what you love to do is less expensive/free, like say you love playing basketball or something, then iguess money wouldn't even be neccessary, past the point of financial stability.
I mean.. I guess.

If i had a steak every night for dinner w/ fries heinz ketchup, a onion ring, piece of italian bread, mac and cheese. I'd be the happiest man in the world.
Money is a means, not a goal. Best believe those that don't think money helps with happiness aren't making enough.

I honestly don't really care much for money, but honestly it is because I have always had it.
I have had days where I was straight financially but still down.
So I would have to say no.
i like to see other people happy that makes me happy.

alone n rich would suck and would be very boring

hence the powerball thread id share with NTrs, Strangers, etc. throw parties, do something for the kids, help people who struggle, of course fam.
sure does, even if you just got diagnosed with cancer chances are your going to die if you dont have the proper treatment that costs$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

and i sort of agree here

but i think that's a little misleading at the same time.

if you don't have friends and a woman by your side then no amount of $$ is gonna keep you happy.

but gimme a chick im really feelin





i would cruise around the world and i dont think id ever stop smiling

me neither
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]but gimme a chick im really feelin[/color]



i dont think id ever stop smiling
the first thing you said, you dont need money to obtain.

If I dont find miss right, those things will only keep me happy until I wear them out.

but im not gonna lie, money buys happiness to a degree.

Money is also the root of all evil
Depends on the person.

Money can't solve psychological problems.
LOTS of people have psychological problems.
Never got that, cuz to me it can literally buy happiness. Just don't make it rule you, so you die rich and lonely. Good family and friends and a goodheart/clean life with money> the opposite, f what they say. My thoughts on that are deeper than this, but i don't feel like going into it.
I've got this weird complex, like I don't feel good about myself of worthy of good stuff when I'm broke. I don't know why, but it's just aninsecurity of mine. Like when I'm broke I don't even try to get at chicks because I can't do anything with/for them and I don't really be outon the scene. When i'm broke you barely see me around I just be in my room feeling bad trying to get my money up again. But when I'm caking i'musually mid-level out there, not flashy but doing it up buying drinks and such looking out for ppl who looked out for me when I was broke. For instance thiswhole summer i've just been feeling down in the dumps b/c I'm broke and quit a bum job at sixflags frying chicken fingers for 6 bucks an hour, so I wasjust working at the mall once or twice a week retail feeling like a loser, but I just recently got a job doing security and I feel like the man and Ihaven't even started working yet. I was seriously depressed, gained mad weight, haven't gotten a haircut/shapeup since June, couldn't pull myselfout of bed unless i absolutely had to, but now that i've got a better job i feel better. It's like my happiness depends on my money, and I justdon't know how to seperate the two. I honestly don't know how dudes be broke and having girlfriends. It makes no sense to me.
there HAS to be a balance. you 'can' buy a woman but #@%@ you better hope she doesn't play you, and take half after marriage. and friends, watchwho you call friends.

but living debt free, with total comfort and the ability to live amongst luxury, hard to beat it. traveling, driving nice cars, eating the finest foods... justsuperb. on my last trip to tokyo i spent a crapload of money and it was AWESOME.
Originally Posted by DayDayz e36

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

but gimme a chick im really feelin



i dont think id ever stop smiling
the first thing you said, you dont need money to obtain.

If I dont find miss right, those things will only keep me happy until I wear them out.

but im not gonna lie, money buys happiness to a degree.

Money is also the root of all evil

well said
money is overrated. financial stability is definitely a necessity, but excess isn't necessary for happiness.

financial stability + doing what you love + a good woman (and later on children with said woman) = win
I believe that our lives adjusts to our salary.
If one was to lose a ton of money of course there would be a huge low,
but it would only be temporary in the sense that it would soon become the normal.
And vice versa for someone who sees an increase.
As long as someone is still breathing and has decisions to make there will always
be a chance for happiness or sadness.
I never look at emotions as an eternal state.
That's false. Money would solve all of my problems. I'd never frown if I had stacks on deck.
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