THERE'S A WORM IN MY TWIX vol. how do i sue?

I remember for a fund raiser in middle school kids sold none name brand chocolate bars. Like 10% of all the bars had those worms in them. School changed asapto Hersheys after that.
Do people really think it's that easy to extort billion dollar corporations?
Your best bet is to get exposure first.
have fun suing.
and paying your lawyer. even though you won't win anything.
and becoming hated for being a !*+#$@@$% and another one of those dudes who sue for stupid stuff.

and nestle(if that is the parent company) is sure to find this page and use it against you if you do.


and who is trying to or your friend?

that worm was put there post opening, theres no impression in the bar from the worm. Packaging/shipping there would've atleast been something.
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