"There were too many black players" [In the NBA] Video now up

I don't see it as racist.

White people complaining about the lack of "diversity" (i.e. white players) in the NBA = Racist.

Black people complaining about the lack of black people in MLB = The MLB must be racist.

i was ready to get mad, but people seriously need to go back to elementary school and learn how to understand context.

he said "The Perception at the time, was....", meaning he is explaining why the majority of America was turning away from basketball. he wasn'tsaying it like HE himself had a problem with black people
Originally Posted by jerseymizzle

i didn't see it but i'm guessing they're talking about the public perception. i'm sure we've all heard the argument before, "how is the NBA supposed to appeal to its largely-white audience when there's no one on the court to identify with". there's no way that would slip through producers if that was being presented as the network's opinion.

Thanks for making sense of the comment instead of just calling it stupid/racist.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

I don't see it as racist.

White people complaining about the lack of "diversity" (i.e. white players) in the NBA = Racist.

Black people complaining about the lack of black people in MLB = The MLB must be racist.


You read my mind. This is the exact comparison I was going to make. Cheers fellow

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

I don't see it as racist.

White people complaining about the lack of "diversity" (i.e. white players) in the NBA = Racist.

Black people complaining about the lack of black people in MLB = The MLB must be racist.


Whoa hold up, that's a ridiculous statement. You're trying way too hard..

First of all, the thread starter was irresponsible with his thread title. He didn't post the whole comment and he didn't post up a video when mostpeople got their chance to chime in. Beside that, no one in this thread said the comments were racist. The thread starter uploaded the video and allowed peopleto make their own judgments. And I'm sorry, white people weren't complaining about lack of diversity. That's a nice play on words..The manspecifically said their perception was "there were too many black players".... We all know from history that there is no bigotry when it comes tosports and professional leagues in America. Get real ....
And I don't recall anyone complaining about the MLB not having enough black players...I do rememberSheffield saying that Latin players are easier to control, so the Majors won't try to recruit black players as much as Latin players. This turns blackplayers away from the game. The issue was analyzed as a socio-economic matter also. That's completely different than "whites seeing too many blacks onthe court".
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