Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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I don’t agree about conflicting but I get why people saw it as such and that’s because of the confusing part you’ve mentioned. A **** ton of people don’t get science and the research process especially such a specific one like studying and researching infectious disease. Alot of people just straight up not understanding how that works is gonna lead to a lot of confused people who will interpret what the experts discover as they discover it on incorrectly because of that confusions. Like it’s not that hard to me to understand how things can go from we need to be careful of a second wave to we might be aight because this is a really hard thing to study and research especially when being hit so suddenly and being so many governments being unprepared and underestimating it initially.

In general I just see it as wiser to air on the side of caution and listen to the experts and understand they have a really hard job when it comes to researching something like this so when new info comes out I’m not gonna go “but last time you said _____” things can change as more data is gathered that’s research.
Inevitable is a strong word. We were talking about semantics earlier. If Trump waffled as much he'd get killed for it and rightfully so. But Fauci gets a pass because..I don't know. And again there are agendas at play that can influence the narrative. But whatever, agree to disagree.
How to be a Player was my first ever fap. VHS.




Thank you for clearly and concisely defining your source of information. I was able to find the report you referenced in less than 15 seconds. Keep fighting the good fight!

So the death rate of this from ages 0-49 is 0.05%...................

Y’all stay masked up.
Inevitable is a strong word. We were talking about semantics earlier. If Trump waffled as much he'd get killed for it and rightfully so. But Fauci gets a pass because..I don't know. And again there are agendas at play that can influence the narrative. But whatever, agree to disagree.
It is a strong word and I don’t think it was wrong to use given that the way people where acting based on what we knew at the time it did seem inevitable. And it’s not giving a pass to me. Dr. fauci has been studying infectious disease for decades. That Combined with me understanding how difficult it is so it’s not waffling it’s just speaking on what we know as we know it at the time as we learn more. Again that’s just the research process i get it. There are agendas at play but I don’t think those are coming from people like Dr. fauci who is just doing his difficult job he has been doing for years but now there’s a pandemic in the background and everyone is searching for definitive answers where we are far off from that. The best he can do is advise caution based on what we’ve learned at the time.
It is a strong word and I don’t think it was wrong to use given that the way people where acting based on what we knew at the time it did seem inevitable. And it’s not giving a pass to me. Dr. fauci has been studying infectious disease for decades. That Combined with me understanding how difficult it is so it’s not waffling it’s just speaking on what we know as we know it at the time as we learn more. Again that’s just the research process i get it. There are agendas at play but I don’t think those are coming from people like Dr. fauci who is just doing his difficult job he has been doing for years but now there’s a pandemic in the background and everyone is searching for definitive answers where we are far off from that. The best he can do is advise caution based on what we’ve learned at the time.
If a regular Joe physician can have an agenda then I don't see how it wouldn't be feasible for someone in Fauci's position to have one as well. Like the mask thing to me is not something you need more time to understand if you've been studying this for decades. And the conflicting info I'm talking about isn't just coming from the medical community. But I understand your perspective. Just gonna disagree and move on.
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If a regular Joe physician can have an agenda than I don't see how it wouldn't be feasible for someone in Fauci's position to have one as well. Like the mask thing to me is not something you need more time to understand if you've been studying this for decades. But I understand your perspective. Just gonna disagree and move on.
I mean it’s possible but anything is possible but everything isn’t probable. I’ve seen nothing that would lead me to believe it’s probable or what that agenda could even be. And again it’s the difficulty im speaking of, it’s easy for us to say “it’s not something you need more time to understand” because we aren’t the ones that are doing the research and we on the outside looking in at people who have an extremely difficult and delicate job telling them it should be easier. It’s a novel virus for a reason cause it’s not similar to what we’ve seen before that’s why it takes time to learn and figure out even something seemingly as simple as how much a mask could help. But yea we can move on.
It's funny because the CDC just came out with a report that significantly lowers the death rate of covid. I fully understand the buc em buc em angle but there's so much conflicting information from sources people consider legitimate. Don't see how anyone can speak so confidently about this thing one way or the other. Even the guys in the covid thread are finally starting to be objective and scrutinize Fauci.

Thank you for clearly and concisely defining your source of information. I was able to find the report you referenced in less than 15 seconds. Keep fighting the good fight!

Here's the thing about this. These are scenarios.
The parameters in these scenarios:
  • Are not predictions of the expected effects of COVID-19.
  • Do not reflect the impact of any behavioral changes, social distancing, or other interventions.
These scenarios are also born from preliminary estimates from March. We're almost in June. A lot has changed. Their own current data still shows a mortality rate of 5.9% in America which is in line with other research. I hope these scenarios are the final result. I really really do. So ******* much. But that won't happen if optimism from these scenarios is used as a reason to not follow current guidelines.
You know what is a word that I enjoy and find very descriptive at times? “Obtuse”. I like words. That’s all.
Didn’t you say you’d wear a mask on a train or plane for your “mental health”?
Let's assume that the preliminary scenario from March held true and that the death rate for people 0-49 is .05%. The death rate overall is 5.9%. Which means that the death rate for older people is 117 times higher for a highly contagious disease. One that can easily spread to older people from younger carriers. 44% of all cases are people 0-44. Imagine if all of them decided that quarantining themselves is unnecessary because THEY wouldn't die.
Let's assume that the preliminary scenario from March held true and that the death rate for people 0-49 is .05%. The death rate overall is 5.9%. Which means that the death rate for older people is 117 times higher for a highly contagious disease. One that can easily spread to older people from younger carriers. 44% of all cases are people 0-44. Imagine if all of them decided that quarantining themselves is unnecessary because THEY wouldn't die.

Let me find out some posters are about to try to and dispute math.....
Let's assume that the preliminary scenario from March held true and that the death rate for people 0-49 is .05%. The death rate overall is 5.9%. Which means that the death rate for older people is 117 times higher for a highly contagious disease. One that can easily spread to older people from younger carriers. 44% of all cases are people 0-44. Imagine if all of them decided that quarantining themselves is unnecessary because THEY wouldn't die.

Don’t forget about the immuno-compromised. They’re as vulnerable as the old.

Would suck pretty bad for my wife, who has survived Hodgkin’s Disease, a heart transplant and a kidney transplant, to get COVID at Tarrget because some ******* decided wearing a mask wasn’t important.
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