The WWE Network Thread VOL. 9.99

Watching the first match, I forgot that Tom Prichard tagged with the Body Donnas as a part of the Heavenly Bodies.
It's crazy as he later became Skip's cousin Zip. I remember thinking that he looked familiar as a kid when he debuted as Zip.
Alright finally finished up the event today.

The semi-main event was kinda disappointing and it went waaaay long. The Shawn vs. Razor segments where pretty cool but I've already pretty much forgotten everything else. The opener was definitely the best survivor series match of the event. 7/10

The main event was great. I might have seen it once before on the Bret Hart DVD but I don't remember much from it. They wrestled a very slowly paced match with most of it focused on Harts great leg work on Diesel ( there was one botch with Bret doing the figure four on the wrong leg iirc). Diesels selling of the leg during the match was very good as well. Also, I think this match was the first instance of the SAT breaking :lol:
I'd say this was Kevin Nash's second best match ever after his match with Shawn Michaels at In Your House. 8/10

Great event overall to start this series :pimp:
Finally getting a chance to fire up this ppv.

Can't say I ever liked Brent Hart.

Vince must have said "watch this now" a 100 times already in the first 5 minutes.

Just noticed sunglasses dude from the ecw crowd is front row.

Lots of suplexes by the ladies, the 5 double underhook suplexes was nice.

Golddust's entrance so long they had to restart his theme 

This wild card match while entertaining is kind of a mess.

I would say the crowd is close to 50/50

Brent taking a beating.

Spanish announce table folded like a hot towel 

Pretty fun PPV. Cant wait for the next one.
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I didn't grow up with Mr. Perfect so watching SS 95 made me realize he kinda sounds like Coach. lol

And I give Rikishi a pass for being from the city with that gimmick. Still remember that feud he had with Hunter when he stol his cologne.
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:lol: at Hollys hairsdo. And this is one the toughest guys in the locker room :lol:

:pimp: at that power bomb.

Couldn't even focus on the Goldust match :smh:

And boy was the mullet the thing back then :lol:
Barry Horrowitz was getting a better pop back then than most of the faces on the roster do now.

I also was amazed that I never noticed that the 123-Kid was always doing the wolfpack sign. I guess I never noticed since I didn't know about it as a kid.
-didn't know Spicolli was ever in the wwf
-I wish they would go back to traditional themed style elimination matches for this ppv, maybe incorporate elements from WCW's Battlebowl tournaments
Survivor Series 95 was cool. Nice seeing those SS matches actually have some meaning to them. I need to rewatch the main event though. Wasn't really paying attention.
Barry Horrowitz was getting a better pop back then than most of the faces on the roster do now.

I also was amazed that I never noticed that the 123-Kid was always doing the wolfpack sign. I guess I never noticed since I didn't know about it as a kid.

Didn't the wolfpac sit originate from the clique? Wasn't that heir secret handshake or something

Damn I wish I was apart of their club
I've tried 3 times to watch our current discussion ppv and everytime I try it freezes..Only other time that's happened was the first week the Network launched..Anyone else having this problem?
I've tried 3 times to watch our current discussion ppv and everytime I try it freezes..Only other time that's happened was the first week the Network launched..Anyone else having this problem?

NTWT bigger than we thought
I've tried 3 times to watch our current discussion ppv and everytime I try it freezes..Only other time that's happened was the first week the Network launched..Anyone else having this problem?
I had this problem later in the week. Still haven't finish it yet.
I'm going with Wrestlemania X-Seven. One of the best Wrestlemanias ever :pimp:.
Had this PPV on DVD at one point

My fav TLC match

The main event is probably the most memorable in my mind, classic Rock kicking out despite multiple chairs and the Stone Cold heel turn changed my look on wrestling, I was 11 at the time but geez seems like yesterday watching the Two Man Power Trip. I was so upset when it all happen.

I always wondered how would the WCW/ECW Invasion would have turn out if Shovel didn't get hurt. Would Y2K and Kurt gotten the big push like they did?

EDIT: How do I sign up to pick a ppv?
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Anybody else having problems on a Macbook Pro? Im running on 10.6. They told me i should be on 10.7/10.8.

But it was working fine for me just 2 weeks ago. Now all i cant view any videos, i just get to view the 5 sec PG V for violence clip. 

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