The WWE Network Thread VOL. 9.99

Paused it before the Generico match and went to store... There were a few noticeable hiccups when I started up... On 360..

The match was Great.. The improve done after/during the "package piledriver" botch was fantastic... Breeze really impressed here.. And Generico is bitw as always..
not entirely sure why ppl actually support the ascension. they're so bad

I don't think there's a single person on NTWT who likes them :lol: Awesome entrance and presence, yet ****** wrestlers

I'm still confused as to whether Rusev is supposed to be Russian now, or is he still Bulgarian?

A Bulgarian who has now made Russia is home, or whatever Lana said

Anyone else would be happy is Alicia Fox took the title from Paige?
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Alright brothers, gotta switch over to the WCF now...I'll definitely have to come back later and watch all of this. NXT is intriguing me after watching that Breeze/Zayn match...
If Charlotte ran through a glass door and scarred her forehead up, she'd look like her dad.. Saggy **** and all..

Also, also love seeing lil naitche...
@vc3fan - Paige got color being in Florida, She went from casper to Marshmallow fluff on the white scale.

Is that you VC? I just Tweeted this out and that person started following me,
I'm looking at pics of Charlotte right now and I'm struggling to find ones where she looks attractive
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