The worst day of your life....

On MLK Day last year, my parents surprised my brother and I with tickets for us plus my dad and grandpa to the Warriors game that day. My grandpa, who washealthy and active, ended up dying in a somewhat freak accident that morning a couple hours before we were supposed to meet with him. I was pretty close to mygrandpa and I had never experienced a death in my family so that was definitely my roughest day...
I know the worst days of my life will be when my parents die...praying that I don't have to worry about that forawhile.
To this date worst day was finding out my stepbrother died in a car accident
I've had some pretty bad days not so much recently but when I was 18, on feburary 5, 2006 my mom told me my dad wasn't gonna survive his battle withcancer, I completely lost it started drinking heavily andended up getting a DUI totalling my Lincoln LS. Idk what was worse that day or his actual passing onApril 18 of 2006. Either way they both sucked equally because he was basically gone weeks before he died
to date,
the day my best friend was murdered... getting that phone call from his mom was the worst
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Sept 4th - present

Really since 9/4 thou, arrested and dealing w. this $@*$+#*% now

The day my father died 12/04/2001 still cant get over his death, and getting that call that night hardest thing I have ever been through.
Late last September o8- Middle of November o8. any given day during that time will suffice.
10.04.08 (about 7am) got a call from my older sister and she kept saying was "he's gone....he's gone." the day her husband died. never heardmy sister cry before that day
my grandmother died, the year before that my grandfather died. To be honest theres to many to mention.
The day my grandmother died. Me and mom both work at a CVS and the nursing home called and just said it was very important and i needed to contact my motherbut wouldnt tell me what was wrong, cause they called the house and she was in the shower. I bolted it up to the nursing home on foot to find out what ialready knew.
And last year when the Bruins lost to the Canes in OT in game 7. Man, that sucked!
I kid.
1.The day I got fired and my car crapped out on me
2.The day I got into 2 car accidents in the same day.
Originally Posted by xfile 11


The day the love of my life got married to someone else, that she is not in love with.
gotta be one of the worst feelings ever. never experienced the marriage part of it but i can only imagine. just makes you wanna give up withlooking for a girl because you cant get her out of your head
that past couple years have been pretty much garbage. everyday i wake up and wonder what mundane activity can i do to make me happy. i feel like I'mtrapped in a cage.
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