The weather has been weird vol. Global Warming is real

According to meteorologist this was the second warmest winter since we starting keeping records. Summer is going to be brutal; I just know it.  
If you're behind a proxy (or you have some other method of spoofing your location) have a look at Horizon (long running BBC science series) on BBC iPlayer.
Global Weirding

It investigates much of what this thread is saying, how weather is much more extreme.
weird, im in southern ontario and our winter wasn't that bad, not much snow at all....couple weeks ago we hit like mid 20's celsius then last night it snows
 it's like we got two seasons summer and winter, sucks cause fall and spring are the best
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

so lets just forget how bad winter was last year... had it snowing in Dallas, but yeah its Global Warming

Did you know global warming is the precursor to an ice age? Longer winters with more snow followed by hotter summers is hot it would begin.
But it's not gonna happen while any of us are around.
Yea i've been noticing this crazy weather since about 2007. This past year has been mad crazy though, felt like there were 3 days
of winter and immediately went to spring.
I thought this winter in NYC was gonna be brutal. I expected like 100 inches of snow...
Shoot it snowed a couple inches before Halloween so I thought it was definite.

But that literally was our only real snow accumulation for the cold weather seasons.

60+ inches in winter of 2010-2011 and 4 inches for 2011-2012...

Atleast here in NY
I believe in global warming yet at the same time I understand that Weather changes every couple hundreds
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