The Wealthiest Person In Every State...

I seriously believe Bloomberg cheated and circumvented the laws so that he could line his pockets.

If you do some research, you'll discover that dude practically doubled his guap DURING the recession, which is incidentally around the time he cheated his way to a third term.

How is everyone losing money and he DOUBLES his worth, yet again around the time he was fighting HARD for that third term.

He definitely had some insider info and he fought to stay on for a third term so he could profit.



Bloomberg is just as bad as his Spanish :smh:

The richest person in every state

Most of us know the richest person in America (Bill Gates at $70 billion).

But what about the richest person in your state?

Wealth-X has put together a list of all 50 states with their top wealth holders. Surprisingly nine states don't have billionaires (and yet somehow they manage to function). It only took $300 million to be the richest Wyoming resident, and $400 million to be the wealth king of Alaska.

Granted, many of the super rich don't really "live" anywhere, since they flit from home to home and state to state. Wealth-X used the business address for each wealth holder to determine residence.

Here's the list.

State - Person - Net Worth Value after Valuation (US$ Billion)

Maryland Theodore Lerner 4.1
:lol: , well NT has been training on GTAV for the last month... Go get that money soldiers.
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great article OP... In the process of looking up each one of these people... should make for some good reading

The richest person in every state

Most of us know the richest person in America (Bill Gates at $70 billion).

But what about the richest person in your state?

Wealth-X has put together a list of all 50 states with their top wealth holders. Surprisingly nine states don't have billionaires (and yet somehow they manage to function). It only took $300 million to be the richest Wyoming resident, and $400 million to be the wealth king of Alaska.

Granted, many of the super rich don't really "live" anywhere, since they flit from home to home and state to state. Wealth-X used the business address for each wealth holder to determine residence.

Here's the list.

State - Person - Net Worth Value after Valuation (US$ Billion)
AlabamaMarguerite Harbert 1.5
Alaska Robert Gillam 0.4
Arizona Bruce Halle Sr.4.4
Arkansas James Walton 37.1
California Lawrence Ellison 46.4
Colorado Charles Ergen 13.7
Connecticut Raymond Dalio 13.4
Delaware Robert Gore 0.8
Florida Micky Arison 5.9
Georgia Anne Cox Chambers 11.4
Hawaii Jay Shidler 0.7
Idaho Frank Vandersloot 1.2
Illinois Samuel Zell 3.8
Indiana Gayle Cook 4.8
Iowa Dennis Albaugh 1.6
Kansas David Koch 41.5
Kentucky Brad M. Kelley 1.9
Louisiana Thomas Benson 1.3
Maine Leon Gorman 0.8
Maryland Theodore Lerner 4.1
Massachusetts Abigail Johnson 16.9
Michigan Kenneth Dart 6.6
Minnesota Whitney MacMillan 3.8
Mississippi Jim Barksdale 0.6
Missouri John L. Morris 3.8
Montana Dennis Washington 5.6
Nebraska Warren Buffett 59.8
Nevada Sheldon Adelson32.3
New Hampshire Richard Cohen 10.0
New Jersey David Tepper 7.9
New Mexico John A Yates 0.8
New York Michael Bloomberg21.4
North Carolina James Goodnight 7.4
North Dakota Gary Tharaldson 0.9
Ohio Leslie Wexner 5.2
Oklahoma George Kaiser 9.8
Oregon Phillip Knight 14.7
Pennsylvania Hansjorg Wyss 9.2
Rhode Island Jonathan Nelson 1.5
South Carolina Anita Zucker 2.6
South Dakota T. Denny Sanford 1.3
Tennessee Thomas Frist Jr. 3.2
Texas Michael Dell 16.0
Utah Blake Roney 0.6
Vermont Robert Stiller 1.1
Virginia Forrest Mars Jr. 20.1
Washington Bill Gates 70.8
West Virginia James Justice II 1.6
Wisconsin John Menard Jr 7.3
Wyoming John Martin 0.3
Source: Wealth-X

and also our mayor....

The richest person in every state

Most of us know the richest person in America (Bill Gates at $70 billion).

But what about the richest person in your state?

Wealth-X has put together a list of all 50 states with their top wealth holders. Surprisingly nine states don't have billionaires (and yet somehow they manage to function). It only took $300 million to be the richest Wyoming resident, and $400 million to be the wealth king of Alaska.

Granted, many of the super rich don't really "live" anywhere, since they flit from home to home and state to state. Wealth-X used the business address for each wealth holder to determine residence.

Here's the list.

State - Person - Net Worth Value after Valuation (US$ Billion)
AlabamaMarguerite Harbert 1.5
Alaska Robert Gillam 0.4
Arizona Bruce Halle Sr.4.4
Arkansas James Walton 37.1
California Lawrence Ellison 46.4
Colorado Charles Ergen 13.7
Connecticut Raymond Dalio 13.4
Delaware Robert Gore 0.8
Florida Micky Arison 5.9
Georgia Anne Cox Chambers 11.4
Hawaii Jay Shidler 0.7
Idaho Frank Vandersloot 1.2
Illinois Samuel Zell 3.8
Indiana Gayle Cook 4.8
Iowa Dennis Albaugh 1.6
Kansas David Koch 41.5
Kentucky Brad M. Kelley 1.9
Louisiana Thomas Benson 1.3
Maine Leon Gorman 0.8
Maryland Theodore Lerner 4.1
Massachusetts Abigail Johnson 16.9
Michigan Kenneth Dart 6.6
Minnesota Whitney MacMillan 3.8
Mississippi Jim Barksdale 0.6
Missouri John L. Morris 3.8
Montana Dennis Washington 5.6
Nebraska Warren Buffett 59.8
Nevada Sheldon Adelson32.3
New Hampshire Richard Cohen 10.0
New Jersey David Tepper 7.9
New Mexico John A Yates 0.8
New York Michael Bloomberg21.4
North Carolina James Goodnight 7.4
North Dakota Gary Tharaldson 0.9
Ohio Leslie Wexner 5.2
Oklahoma George Kaiser 9.8
Oregon Phillip Knight 14.7
Pennsylvania Hansjorg Wyss 9.2
Rhode Island Jonathan Nelson 1.5
South Carolina Anita Zucker 2.6
South Dakota T. Denny Sanford 1.3
Tennessee Thomas Frist Jr. 3.2
Texas Michael Dell 16.0
Utah Blake Roney 0.6
Vermont Robert Stiller 1.1
Virginia Forrest Mars Jr. 20.1
Washington Bill Gates 70.8
West Virginia James Justice II 1.6
Wisconsin John Menard Jr 7.3
Wyoming John Martin 0.3
Source: Wealth-X

and also our mayor....
say word?
Something is very wrong when the mayor is the richest person in the state...:smh:

And only 5 other people on that list have more money than Bloomberg?...I don't know how he accumulated his wealth but I'd be willing to bet that a large portion of his wealth came directly from the taxpayers pockets, just wouldnt surprise me...smfh...
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Something is very wrong when the mayor is the richest person in the state...:smh:

And only 5 other people on that list have more money than Bloomberg?...I don't know how he accumulated his wealth but I'd be willing to bet that a large portion of his wealth came directly from the taxpayers pockets, just wouldnt surprise me...smfh...

nah... he owns media outlets, channels and such..

dont get it twisted, he give ALOT away to charity...

NYC loved him enough to re-elect him 3 (THREE!!!) times...

this is his final year...
I don't know how he accumulated his wealth but I'd be willing to bet that a large portion of his wealth came directly from the taxpayers pockets, just wouldnt surprise me...smfh...

This "he's rich so he must've stolen it" notion is a poor man's mentality. Bloomberg built his company from the ground up through technological innovation and hard work. Next time do a little research before posting nonsense.
View media item 642927
"....members of the popular internet message board Niketalk were killed today while attempting high-risk robberies against their home states' wealthiest men....*cocks shotty* oh it gets deeper....NT administrators say these young men have been survived by hundreds of other mourning members across the country..."
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but seriously, though....

Forget Occupy Wall Street.

Let's Occupy these people's properties en mass.

Next time people wanna riot in huge numbers like the thousands, we should go straight to these people's homes and do it.

you trying to get zimmerman'd huh
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