The Walking Dead - Official Thread

the comic has been awful since issue 100.

to the point where people are starting to say "wrap it up".

I've haven't read anything new since issue 90/91. I'm not a fan of reading >20 pages every month and a half and having to wait so I usually wait a year/year and half before knocking those 10-12 issues out at once. Even from where I left off, it seemed like they were setting up for a Woodbury remix. I'll try to catch up this weekend
I mean. what they did wrong was the Governor in the comic was a LUNATIC and the problem with that character is it makes zero sense why anyone would follow him.

A guy who rapes, murders, kidnaps and mutilates... you're left wondering "why the hell are his men so loyal to him??" Like you get the whole being happy to have shelter aspect, but at some point people put this crazy person in power and let him call ALL the shots.  And in the comic he's getting them killed in scuffles with the prison because he's so insane and so irrational.  He keeps his daughter not to cure her, but because he's crazy.  And he'd feed people to her.  He has the heads because he watches them like TV.  With a remote control. It's very clear that that governor enjoyed the fact that the world had ended and THRIVED  in it.  He is CRAZY.


It made no sense that he would be the leader in the community, except for "well it's a dystopian future and you need someone willing to make the tough calls" but that's a weak justification and wouldn't translate to cable tv.

So they tried to humanize him a little bit. made it that he kept his daughter because he was looking for a cure.  Made him back off the rape incident because he isn't a total monster.  Had merle beat up Glenn instead of him doing it himself.  Had Martinez giving some of the crazy commands and when people were like whoa that's nuts, he'd come in with a lie to cover it up and make things seem sensible.  He hasn't executed any one to scare the **** out of people yet.  They spread out his crazy amongst 3 different characters, so what we're left with is sort of an ambivalence towards the TV Governor. 

He's no more scary to me than Martinez.  He doesn't give off that desperate "This dude could do ANYTHING at ANY moment and you always have to be on guard whenever he's on screen" vibe.  And that's why the writers failed with this incarnation.

Either ramp up the crazy in these last episodes, or kill him off and let's move on.  Cuz so far he's a failure.  Rick wanting to give up Michonne is just as off mentally as a character.

I don't have the "Rock clapping .gif" ... but I would post it here if I did.

And I 100% agree on the Rick/Michonne thing. That's probably one of my bigger gripes with the TV version of Rick. He's a jackass.
Yet we still watch

I think most of us watch because there's always the potential this show can get back to its glory days. It just sucks seeing a great story and a show with so much potential being executed so poorly
:lol: What glory days? The 1st 4 eps of S1?
I think most of us watch because there's always the potential this show can get back to its glory days. It just sucks seeing a great story and a show with so much potential being executed so poorly to pass time until Breaking Bad comes back.
Basically and I don't even always watch this show @ 9. Shameless and The Good Wife is time better spent.
The walking dead just keeps on putting "set up" episodes, but i wonder how is the show going to end. Like are they ganna find the cure or is everyone going to die?

Doubt it the comic book is so far ahead of the show the way the show goes it will last 40 seasons

Yeah probably not. The comic is like neverending for the virus

the comic has been boring as hell for a while now.

i really hope they don't drag the show along the same way.
the comic has been awful since issue 100.

to the point where people are starting to say "wrap it up".
I haven't been hearing that. Definitely not "awful" Sounds like it might be a lot of salty ppl about what happened to a certain character in 100. Not to mention he just created Governor lite or at least the super douchebag version with the new enemy.

Plus Kirkman's patterns and format are pretty well established at this point so it is easy predict and he has not really thrown in a twist or shook things up since it's clear anybody can die. You add in that there is no endgame to this plot (cuz he could easily kill the main cast and start fresh at the drop of a hat) probably has had ppl annoyed for a while now but the comic hasn't reached awful status yet, far from it.

Bottom line as long as this independent creator owned comic continues to compete with the big 2's best and do decent sales it'll last as long as possible. I really think at this point Kirkman is milking it until he gets another hit or gets all of his creator owned comics a tv show :lol: He probably thought that would've been Thief of Thieves (which does have a pilot with AMC).
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Yet we still watch

I think most of us watch because there's always the potential this show can get back to its glory days. It just sucks seeing a great story and a show with so much potential being executed so poorly
:lol: What glory days? The 1st 4 eps of S1?
I think most of us watch because there's always the potential this show can get back to its glory days. It just sucks seeing a great story and a show with so much potential being executed so poorly to pass time until Breaking Bad comes back.
Basically and I don't even always watch this show @ 9. Shameless and The Good Wife is time better spent.
The walking dead just keeps on putting "set up" episodes, but i wonder how is the show going to end. Like are they ganna find the cure or is everyone going to die?

Doubt it the comic book is so far ahead of the show the way the show goes it will last 40 seasons

Yeah probably not. The comic is like neverending for the virus

the comic has been boring as hell for a while now.

i really hope they don't drag the show along the same way.
the comic has been awful since issue 100.

to the point where people are starting to say "wrap it up".
I haven't been hearing that. Definitely not "awful" Sounds like it might be a lot of salty ppl about what happened to a certain character in 100.

Oh God don't even remind me. I barely read the comments yet I know this **** because of that ******g spoiler that idiot posted :smh:
Now that I think about it, the walking dead would probably be better as an animated series.
:lol: What glory days? The 1st 4 eps of S1?

:lol: don't front like Season 1 and Season 2 weren't good television. If it wasn't, you wouldn't be here now. The whole Rick/Shane/Lori tension kept the show fresh for those who were familiar with the comic and they kept things moving at a good pace. Was it The Wire? No, but it was damn sure entertaining. Story wise, this season meh but entertaining enough to keep us watching. The problem is the execution and the slow pace they're moving at.
:lol: don't front like Season 1 and Season 2 weren't good television. If it wasn't, you wouldn't be here now. The whole Rick/Shane/Lori tension kept the show fresh for those who were familiar with the comic and they kept things moving at a good pace. Was it The Wire? No, but it was damn sure entertaining. Story wise, this season meh but entertaining enough to keep us watching. The problem is the execution and the slow pace they're moving at.

Season 1 angered me when I saw the cholo nurses :x :lol: I've been watching this show to kill time on weekends...Not saying 100% of the show is bad, but most of it is drama between an entire cast of unlikeable/stupid characters (besides Daryl)
Now that I think about it, the walking dead would probably be better as an animated series.
Probably why so many people love the videogame. A few of you guys in the thread were saying how the writing is better than the comics and show. I need to play it when I have time.
I mean. what they did wrong was the Governor in the comic was a LUNATIC and the problem with that character is it makes zero sense why anyone would follow him.

A guy who rapes, murders, kidnaps and mutilates... you're left wondering "why the hell are his men so loyal to him??" Like you get the whole being happy to have shelter aspect, but at some point people put this crazy person in power and let him call ALL the shots.  And in the comic he's getting them killed in scuffles with the prison because he's so insane and so irrational.  He keeps his daughter not to cure her, but because he's crazy.  And he'd feed people to her.  He has the heads because he watches them like TV.  With a remote control. It's very clear that that governor enjoyed the fact that the world had ended and THRIVED  in it.  He is CRAZY.


It made no sense that he would be the leader in the community, except for "well it's a dystopian future and you need someone willing to make the tough calls" but that's a weak justification and wouldn't translate to cable tv.

So they tried to humanize him a little bit. made it that he kept his daughter because he was looking for a cure.  Made him back off the rape incident because he isn't a total monster.  Had merle beat up Glenn instead of him doing it himself.  Had Martinez giving some of the crazy commands and when people were like whoa that's nuts, he'd come in with a lie to cover it up and make things seem sensible.  He hasn't executed any one to scare the **** out of people yet.  They spread out his crazy amongst 3 different characters, so what we're left with is sort of an ambivalence towards the TV Governor. 

He's no more scary to me than Martinez.  He doesn't give off that desperate "This dude could do ANYTHING at ANY moment and you always have to be on guard whenever he's on screen" vibe.  And that's why the writers failed with this incarnation.

Either ramp up the crazy in these last episodes, or kill him off and let's move on.  Cuz so far he's a failure.  Rick wanting to give up Michonne is just as off mentally as a character.

:pimp: cheer this man
The youtuber ChrisSmoove is doing a walkthrough series of the video game now. It actually looks pretty good and the story behind it is you play as Daryl and they show/tell the story of the Dixon brothers and their background before they met up with the group.

Also, PleaseSaytheBaby what happend with the script spoiler for the next episode? :nerd:
:lol: What glory days? The 1st 4 eps of S1?

:lol: don't front like Season 1 and Season 2 weren't good television. If it wasn't, you wouldn't be here now. The whole Rick/Shane/Lori tension kept the show fresh for those who were familiar with the comic and they kept things moving at a good pace. Was it The Wire? No, but it was damn sure entertaining. Story wise, this season meh but entertaining enough to keep us watching. The problem is the execution and the slow pace they're moving at.
S1 was 4 eps, those literally must be the only glory days. First few eps of S2 get a pass cuz the show is still new but as a whole basura. I hated S2. Still do. I hated that triangle tension cuz it was honestly lame. I wanted Shane dead early cuz I was honestly sticking close as hell to the comics on that front and I felt the story wouldn't move forward as long as he was still around. I found nothing interesting about the character watching him bug out and go crazy. Lori was annoying and Rick at the time wasn't impressing. I'm here cuz this show put me on to the comic, which is the vastly superior version.

The show had potential I will admit but it jumped shark during S2 and only has had flashes since. At this point as I've said it's not high priority. I'm still around in this thread cuz I've already come this far in what was the awful and boring S2 and needed to see if The Governor arc and intro to Tyrese would produce which it has not. Those 2 things were what I was most hyped about.That was basically the last thing keeping me from ditching the show. Now it's kinda like how bad can this get until ratings drop and everybody else is willing to admit it.

Like I said, Heroes.
The youtuber ChrisSmoove is doing a walkthrough series of the video game now. It actually looks pretty good and the story behind it is you play as Daryl and they show/tell the story of the Dixon brothers and their background before they met up with the group.

Also, PleaseSaytheBaby what happend with the script spoiler for the next episode? :nerd:
Was referring to the Episode games with Lee and Clementine, not Survival Tactics.
Season 1 angered me when I saw the cholo nurses :x :lol: I've been watching this show to kill time on weekends...Not saying 100% of the show is bad, but most of it is drama between an entire cast of unlikeable/stupid characters (besides Daryl)


The way it was set up and their origin made me cringe so hard. Still one of the most baffling scenes to me.

Probably why so many people love the videogame. A few of you guys in the thread were saying how the writing is better than the comics and show. I need to play it when I have time.

You can play the game for free :nerd:

It is good though. It'll get you emotionally.
Now that I think about it, the walking dead would probably be better as an animated series.
Probably why so many people love the videogame. A few of you guys in the thread were saying how the writing is better than the comics and show. I need to play it when I have time.
The game is good, by the end of the game you will be emotional
just finished watching this episode... was good to me... We all ( those who have a clue about the comic book content) knew that the governor was supposed to be evil.

But there HAS to be some sort of lead up, I think this episode definitely was a catalyst for that EVIL governor. He cant be evil from start to end.
I think if there wasn't any comic book people wouldn't be so disappointed.

I haven't read the comic so I guess I am content with this episode. Im taking it for what it is.
Okay, why couldn't the writers figure a way to get that in the show. Obviously they're not gonna show it but they could have alluded to it. For instance the scene with Maggie would of been the perfect way have her strip and end the scene with her screams and some struggle in the room from a view of the shut door or room next to Glenn's . If you can show zombie lil kids brains getting blown out and heads get crushed like watermelons why can't u get away with that ?

because zombie kids don't exist but rape is a real thing and alot victims would boycott the show or bring negative attention to it.
This show shoulda been written like the first couple of seasons of lost. There are so many characters u should dedicate episodes to their lives before the zombie apocalypse. That would keep the plot moving and actually make you care every time a character gets killed.
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