The Walking Dead - Official Thread

YOU drove up the ratings, Nielsen don't check Pirate Bay

Ol boy compared the battle to a game of thrones episode
Boy? so you hate the show think it's trash but went through the trouble to illegally watch it. Then post in here. Haha you want rep cause you made a joke something haha. That's dedication
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Boy? so you hate the show think it's trash but went through the trouble to illegally watch it. Then post in here. Haha you want rep cause you made a joke something haha. That's dedication
Fam, take it down a notch. A lot of these posters complaining about the show just like to hear themselves talk. Same type of dudes who've never fired a gun in their life saying  "Are these characters stupid?! I would have shot the tires! Duuuurr" "I would have ordered the tiger to eat Negan! Chomp chomp"

At some point, you just gotta ignore these keyboard Rambos. They get to share their opinions same as you and me. Like you said, same guys will be back in October *****ing and moaning "Why didn't so-and-so do this?". At the end of the day, like what you like.
Fam, take it down a notch. A lot of these posters complaining about the show just like to hear themselves talk. Same type of dudes who've never fired a gun in their life saying  "Are these characters stupid?! I would have shot the tires! Duuuurr" "I would have ordered the tiger to eat Negan! Chomp chomp"

At some point, you just gotta ignore these keyboard Rambos. They get to share their opinions same as you and me. Like you said, same guys will be back in October *****ing and moaning "Why didn't so-and-so do this?". At the end of the day, like what you like.
True you're right. I'm good. I just don't get it sometimes they like trolls. I'm not saying the episode is the greatest. It's like the new thing to hate the walking dead and in the dceu thread which I think I see you post in there too.
Nobody's trolling, if they didn't like the episode then they right to come in here and express that. Stop taking offense to people's negatives comments about the show :lol:

It fell off, you know it, I know it
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I'm not taking offense I'm stating my opinions they stating there's. I'm not saying they have the like the show. That's up to them. I like the show I love the comics. I like having conversations with the others about what's going on. Simple as that
It fell off, you know it, I know it
I been watching since day one and still like the show even after the horrible cliffhanger last year.

But to be honest,,,, when was the show really on?? The pilot was excellent but after that,, this show has always been filled with average writing (at best) and so-so performances.

What would you say was the peak of the show?
And to the ones comparing Game of Thrones to this please jump off a tower.

So you're really saying the trope of help coming at the last minute wasn't the exact same situation that happened in the Battle of The Bastards? Or how bout when the dragon saved Daenerys at the fighting pits? Or Tywin showing up at Blackwater? That's all I was comparing, you act like I was comparing the acting lol

There are hundreds of tv shows being made, nothing is new under the sun when it comes to big action scenes. Walking Dead is what it is at this point, no one is proclaiming it to be some award winning critically acclaimed show. It's mindless bloody entertainment, I just don't get why people are claiming it's trash as if it was ever something critically acclaimed
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Finale was pretty much what I have grown to expect from this show.
My feeling of the show since like two season ago was just like the homie Negan riding off last night.
It is easier to just binge watch it and I actually enjoyed it more than the previous 2 seasons.
They could of had rocket launchers aimed at the car and still negan would of survived. He's not going out till at least 2 more seasons.
True you're right. I'm good. I just don't get it sometimes they like trolls. I'm not saying the episode is the greatest. It's like the new thing to hate the walking dead and in the dceu thread which I think I see you post in there too.

Im not trolling at all. Dissapointed in what this show has become. Its CLEAR you love the comics...imagine someone like me who hasn't read the comics, and doesn't know about this great all out war coming up.

So you're really saying the trope of help coming at the last minute wasn't the exact same situation that happened in the Battle of The Bastards? Or how bout when the dragon saved Daenerys at the fighting pits? Or Tywin showing up at Blackwater? That's all I was comparing, you act like I was comparing the acting lol

There are hundreds of tv shows being made, nothing is new under the sun when it comes to big action scenes. Walking Dead is what it is at this point, no one is proclaiming it to be some award winning critically acclaimed show. It's mindless bloody entertainment, I just don't get why people are claiming it's trash as if it was ever something critically acclaimed

Ahhh I got you. I took it more on the level of quality of the battle. Walking Dead makes just if not more money than Thrones but AMC is notoriously cheap when it comes to its shows.

I get it, it was just a show about zombies (although the first season was critically acclaimed) but if they want to make a dystopian show about the power struggle and human spirit, there's better options I can watch.

I came for zombies, now I get bad written drama
i cant honestly say this show didnt fall off if anything it got better adding negan and have all the groups in 1 season... sure it has its good times but most of the time the show has been slow... in recent seasons it has been good like season 5 but season 2 at the farm and some of season 3 at the prison was the worst... it was torture binge watching when i first got into the walking dead...
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Comparing anything for this current season to game of thrones is like comparing og AJ1's (GOT) to AJKO's (WD)


i cant honestly say this show didnt fall off if anything it got better adding negan and have all the groups in 1 season... sure it has its good times but most of the time the show has been slow... in recent seasons it has been good like season 5 but season 2 at the farm and some of season 3 at the prison was the worst... it was torture binge watching when i first got into the walking dead...

Negan is a great character, but the issue is the pace of the show. It's exactly like when they were on the farm. They dragged it out way too long. This season they seem to be dragging it out by making each episode about a different character while throwing Negan in here and there. And some of the characters don't deserve a episode.
making sasha the center of the finale is a mistake. cuz nobody cares about sasha. she has a terrible character and a terrible plot. she fell in love with abraham in basically 2 weeks. nobody cares that shes dead and cuz they tried to make it dramatic didnt connect.

the whole garbagemen thing is strange too. i expected more since they were added in just for the show.

however, i understand why theyre stretching things out. theyre catching up to the comics too fast so they slow it down. most of the dumb episodes are the equivalent of filler in an anime
Well I liked it. Sure some shooting of the guns seemed scripted. However this is what we've all been wanting - ACTION/WAR.

I am thankful that the tiger scenes didn't look as bad as that awful deer scene though.
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making sasha the center of the finale is a mistake. cuz nobody cares about sasha. she has a terrible character and a terrible plot. she fell in love with abraham in basically 2 weeks. nobody cares that shes dead and cuz they tried to make it dramatic didnt connect.

The inconsistent writing. :smh: She cared more about him than her brother or Bob's burgers.

Similar to how Maggie didn't care about Beth.
See? None of the 15 people back there noticed a gigantic tiger runnin up?
[emoji]129300[/emoji] Wonders if people have ever watched nature shows. I wonder if the characters in the comic saw the tiger coming as well??

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