The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Yea it seems like they showed the figure in a dark light to leave us guessing if it was really Daryl or someone else like Dwight finally turning on Negan.
Not that this show does anything right anymore, but when the hell did Darryl get to the Hilltop?
Like I thought last we saw him was at the Kingdom when he saw Carol no?
yeah then he told Morgan he was headed back to the hilltop. Heck the episode ended with him leaving the kingdom with Morgan and Richard watching him
The shadow figure had the build of Daryl, but come to think of it he has the same build as burnt face Dwight.

Also, the doctor they stole that was his brother that Negan put in the oven fire?
The figure is 100% Dwight .

The writers have been building up him turning on Negan the entire season

This show is checkers not chess
This chick Rosita out here gettin ppl killed and captured because she can't keep her emotions in check. Sasha sacrificin herself was idiotic. And what Rosita gon do, turn around and keep doin the same crap, bein all emotional and gettin somebody else hurt/killed.
Emergency Awesome said it was Darryl, but I dont know.

After that one episode seems like the show just forgot about Carl lol.
I thought the figure was Darryl. I guess I just assumed. He had the crossbow and I guess I put it together. I didn't know the one guy still had his crossbow
I thought the figure was Darryl. I guess I just assumed. He had the crossbow and I guess I put it together. I didn't know the one guy still had his crossbow

Darryl got a crossbow from the Kingdom so they both have one. This show is very heavy handed with their attempted viewer fake outs, there's no doubt in my mind the figure is Dwight, this show does too many of the character fakeouts for it not to be him
Suprise its angel glenn
It's been strange that Carl hasn't been featured more. Thought they'd play up him getting his first yams with that chick lol.
Just caught up last two weeks I that ending of last week and the preview for tonight's episode got me hype
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