the thread about nothing...

They’ve really cracked down on the illegal fireworks. Growing up, all I would hear were car alarms going off every minute from all the M80’s being lit.
Definitely not like that at the Indian Reservation stands about 30 minutes away from me. Bought some fireworks with friends couple weeks back and we asked guy at the stand to "hook us up". He proceeds to give us some of his m70s he had under the counter. They don't hit like m80s but still loud as hell.

You have to know the right people to get m80s though. Had a cousin who years back got his hands on some. My ears were ringing all night smh.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
So after my neighbor was done acting like a 10 year old who was told “no more candy” for the first time she finally chilled out. I’m guessing she punched herself out or her favorite tv novela was on. Hours pass and I figured it’s all good now but I know I didn’t want any of her bad energy to waft into my space. I lit some sage to clean my place, notthing heavy to make any smoke detectors go off. I go take a shower and in the middle of it I hear my bro knock on my door to tell me someone called the fire department 👀 They were rushing around the building with ladders in their hands looking for smoke.

I know who called so now I won’t feel bad calling the police if she decides to throw another tantrum marathon :lol:
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So after my neighbor was done acting like a 10 year old who was told “no more candy” for the first time she finally chilled out. I’m guessing she punched herself out or her favorite tv novela was on. Hours pass and I figured it’s all good now but I know I didn’t want any of her bad energy to waft into my space. I lit some sage to clean my place, notthing heavy to make any smoke detectors go off. I go take a shower and in the middle of it I hear my bro knock on my door to tell me someone called the fire department 👀 They were rushing around the building with ladders in their hands looking for smoke. I know who called so now I won’t feel bad calling the police if she decides to throw another tantrum marathon :lol:

That harpy and her bad mojo have got to go :stoneface: :smh:

I wouldn't be able to sleep with that nutter living above my abode :emoji_ghost:
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