the thread about nothing...

door dash is a last resort. Not something you order steaks from. :lol:

To a point if you got your bills taken care of and your retirement whatever that may be I get it. You can’t take it with you.

I blow money on stuff I like too but I have a cheap house which is why I can live how I live. It also took me years to get to this point and got plenty savings.

My wife also works too.
Yeah there’s definitely a balance and it might vary from person to person. I just hear about a lot of the purchases they make and I’m like

Buying a new 100” TV every year despite there being nothing wrong with the old one, getting groceries delivered despite living within walking distance from a ton of stores, neglecting basic upkeep in their house and just replacing everything rather than taking care of the top-of-the-line stuff they insist on having. Just seems so wasteful and unnecessary.

It’s just so different from the way I was raised. We didn’t have a lot growing up, but my mom always instilled the idea of taking care of what you have and splurging on things that will last longer than cheaper alternatives when maintained correctly.
Yeah I agree that’s stupid af.

I ride my appliances/tv until the wheels fall off.

I spend my money on experiences mostly like track days on motorcycles and tons on fishing gear.

I have expensive hobbies but I’m not trying to flex or keep up with anyone.
New Minnesota Wild player Brock Faber, played in the NCAA Frozen Four this past weekend with Gophers and is now on the Wild as of Monday

She’s with him for his looks

Yeah anyone that’s seen my collection of heady glass could guess what I dropped on it, but fortunately a lot of it has appreciated in value and I keep my pieces meticulously clean.

It’s all about keeping that balance between enjoyment and sensibility.
I had the misfortune of considering someone a friend and associated with him when I was growing up because he was a real stupid MF predicated on his lack of logic and uncivilized choice. He was a year younger than me.

That MF was uncivilized because he actually chose to walk in public and into businesses barefoot. I can't believe I chose to associate with him when he chose to be stupid like that.

People who aren't homeless who choose to walk barefoot will always be a loser, failure and a F up in life. What's backwards is that homeless people actually wear shoes. Some of those MFs even have Jordans or over $100 Nike shoes on their feet despite being homeless! If homeless people can find footwear, then there's no excuse for people who aren't homeless to be barefoot.

That dummy mentioned he wanted to go to Princeton for college because he claimed his parents set up a trust fund for him. How the F is his dumb butt going to get into an Ivy League school when he didn't even have the common sense to wear shoes in public?

He was so stupid because he actually said you can't go to college if you get expelled from school (elementary to high school).

We had a disagreement when I was in 11th grade and stopped talking until I graduated the following year. I tried to reconcile with him the year after I graduated while he was still in 12th grade getting ready to graduate. I decided to stop trying to be friends with him over a year after I assumed we reconciled because I had the sense that he really didn't want to be friends.

I'm glad I chose to finally stop trying to be friends with him despite being dumb enough to try to reconcile because he stayed stupid after he graduated high school. About 2 years after he graduated high school and almost a year after I decided to end my ties with him, I saw his dumb butt still walking around barefoot at a local park.
TAN, can someone post the gif of the basketball player giving the get out gesture lol it’s a classic and i need to save it but can’t find it
Wish I could’ve gone to a Pizza Hut when those buffets were popping. The next iteration here in Minnesota was Godfather’s Pizza which was great, but now it’s basically just Pizza Ranch.
Had the day off today so took a trip to see the tallest giant redwood’s outside of California. Took a few hours in the car with a surprise boat ride to get there. Neat to see though.



Did you hit up the homie Paul Bunyan at trees of mystery?
Yo, humans are a strange species. Because you could drop a bag of gold in a big crowd and someone is bound to die. But like, also humans are messed up because they could also drop a FAKE bag of gold in a crowd and film it as a YouTube prank, which is is sad but then also someone would surely die in that scenario.

Whatever evolutionary thing that happened that led us here…. The atoms and molecules aligned just right for OUR species, this species to do these things…… it’s preposterous. Life is preposterous :lol:
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