the thread about nothing...

That’s what I love about nyc, we don’t do stuff like high school reunions here :lol:

It depends on the school though, my sister had one (murry bergtraum) my school hasn’t done a official one but i was invited to a high school reunion party by my peers at a club in Astoria.
It depends on the school though, my sister had one (murry bergtraum) my school hasn’t done a official one but i was invited to a high school reunion party by my peers at a club in Astoria.
I went to high school of economics and finance, even if they did have one it’s a waste of time
Was looking through my junk drawer for some batteries and found my H.S. graduation cap tassel. :lol:
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I didn't go to mine.

Felt like social media took away of the concept of reuniting with old classmates. Plus the same people still kick it together and still act like they tough.
Had the basic health insurance the year I tore my Achilles... Prior to that very year I didn't have any, bills were still a pain but much better than with none

I now understand the insane healthcare crisis the US faces. At my old job, my deductible was like 100 bucks or something and then they paid 80% of everything and checkups were always free.

Fast forward to my new job and new health insurance. The deductible is $1500 and they only pay like 60% after that’s met.

I was shooketh when I went to urgent care for a foot injury. Told doc I injured my foot and didn’t know what the problem was. He looks at my foot for no more than 1 minute. Tells me some stretches to do, then refers me to a specialist. So 5 minutes of interaction total. That cost me $250. Two hundred and 50 ******* dollars for that. Nothing prescribed. No orthodontic equipment. Just 5 minutes of referring me somewhere else. I didn’t even go to the specialist. I’d probably be in debt just paying for the visit, let alone having to do PT or god forbid surgery.

But yeah, basically if you don’t have healthcare you just die? Or basically pay a mortgage for 30 years if you have a medical emergency?
While I've seemingly lost all control of what I can control in my life, as much as I would like to gloss over it, seems like homelessness is a strong possibility.

Again, want to do everything in my power to avoid that, but couldn't tell you how or why certain things have been happening in my life.
Sorry this is happening too you G.
lol it's an Italian pro water polo player
Name? As yall can see i really cant leave the white joints outta my vision. Thought watching Get Out recently would finally put the cap on my taste in them but nope :frown:..

Speaking of


Just watched this one in a movie about swingers.. She big FYE :blush:


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Do cities evolve over time or the culture is the culture? Asking for Houston and maybe those from Gary, Indiana.
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