the thread about nothing...

Tried to watch the Hugh Jackman movie The Greatest 15 minutes in realized it’s a musical. :sick: Well that’s a wrap for that.:lol:
Decided to pursue something I am very passionate about. Traveling and documenting my experiences around the world. Very excited can't wait to share with the world. Hope to inspire others in doing the things that make them happy. Felt like work and things here have been holding me back. I will never forgive myself at 80 years old if I don't give this a shot. Maybe I'll be able to do this for a living who knows and there is only one way to find out... by actually just doing it.

Wow I did not even notice the support I got haha! Y’all are awesome I hope to inspire as many people as I can to do the things that make them happy!
I have no relationship with my mother and father anymore and im content with this.

My little brother and i barely talk, more of a hi/bye situation and im content with that as well.

Growing up, I learned that even family can stab you in the back as a stranger would.

This is where it's heading for me right now.

I keep trying, looking past things, but my optimism on this matter is dead. Once I get up out of here I'm never going back.
Went to lunch with my mom and uncle.

As we leaving I'm putting on my jacket and this waitress is standing behind me with two plates. Apparently she said excuse me but I honestly never heard her, i turned around and bumped into her and the plates go flying. They shattered, food everywhere. I'm like oh **** I'm so sorry I didn't see you I'm sorry. Im about to help pick up the stuff and this weenie says

"You better be sorry"

I look up and it's variant Larry David. I'm like what? He says "didn't you hear her say excuse me?" I'm like obviously I didn't. You think I purposely knocked the plates? It was an accident, take it easy. Then the man starts crying about sauce on his jacket and keeps trying to get at me. I'm telling the man it's not the end of the world but he kept riffing.

I just stepped back and laughed at him and his jacket. Said **** you and **** your jacket.
Atta boy
Went to lunch with my mom and uncle.

As we leaving I'm putting on my jacket and this waitress is standing behind me with two plates. Apparently she said excuse me but I honestly never heard her, i turned around and bumped into her and the plates go flying. They shattered, food everywhere. I'm like oh **** I'm so sorry I didn't see you I'm sorry. Im about to help pick up the stuff and this weenie says

"You better be sorry"

I look up and it's variant Larry David. I'm like what? He says "didn't you hear her say excuse me?" I'm like obviously I didn't. You think I purposely knocked the plates? It was an accident, take it easy. Then the man starts crying about sauce on his jacket and keeps trying to get at me. I'm telling the man it's not the end of the world but he kept riffing.

I just stepped back and laughed at him and his jacket. Said **** you and **** your jacket.

Swear we could make a Curb Your Enthusiasm-esque comedy
Just using all the situations NT fam gets in.
This is where it's heading for me right now.

I keep trying, looking past things, but my optimism on this matter is dead. Once I get up out of here I'm never going back.

It felt like a big ol rock being lifted from my back. Hopefully it works out for you man
Man... snow storm in central IL today, **** was crazy. I woke up this morning to all the snow and I felt like calling in because I work 50 mins away from where I live, but I've called off 4 times in the past 6 years, so I took my *** to work. Wish I hadn't, almost got into an accident 3 times on my way to work. Spun on once before getting on the highway, and twice more on the highway, even did a ******* 360, still don't know how I managed to not **** my car up, which I just had over $6,000 in repairs done on.

The way back wasn't quite as bad, but the roads were still awful, there was a semi flipped over on the side of the road. Saw at least 10 accidents each way. Never doing this **** again. I'm not a manager anymore and I got a **** ton of PTO. Not worth dying or wrecking my car for.
It felt like a big ol rock being lifted from my back. Hopefully it works out for you man

Thanks, man. I'm trying to follow my path after delaying it for 4 years and it feels good. I have a back up if it doesn't work out. Either way, deuces.
Man... snow storm in central IL today, **** was crazy. I woke up this morning to all the snow and I felt like calling in because I work 50 mins away from where I live, but I've called off 4 times in the past 6 years, so I took my *** to work. Wish I hadn't, almost got into an accident 3 times on my way to work. Spun on once before getting on the highway, and twice more on the highway, even did a ****ing 360, still don't know how I managed to not **** my car up, which I just had over $6,000 in repairs done on.

The way back wasn't quite as bad, but the roads were still awful, there was a semi flipped over on the side of the road. Saw at least 10 accidents each way. Never doing this **** again. I'm not a manager anymore and I got a **** ton of PTO. Not worth dying or wrecking my car for.
Dang bruh I would've called out
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