the thread about nothing...

Happy 26th Birthday.

This random number keeps texting me and calling me Nick or sometimes Kevin. One time told me some guy named Scott passed. Another time asked me for a ride.

I keep telling the person I dunno who they are and they would say oh sorry at first but now they start cussing me and saying I've changed.

:lol: :lol:

F u guys and your bean bag hate lol.

How does that not look good, especially if the girl is included

Anyway, what I want is much smaller. Takes too much space.


C'mon. Tell me that does not look comfortable

Hey Pal, I really like your enthusiasm. I can tell right off the bat that your the type of person that likes to get things done - am I wrong? Of course not. Now, I can already see that look in your eyes that says "hey buddy, whatever your selling, I'm not interested", and that's great - because I'm not a sales man, I wouldn't waste your time, or mine trying to throw you a sales pitch because I can already tell you just don't sway that way.

No, what I'm offering you is an opportunity - note I didn't say an investment opportunity, because my friend, this isn't an investment, this is just pure unadulterated opportunity. I'll be blunt here, I don't offer this to just anyone, heck even my best friends have been trying to get in on this and I've had to turn them down. Why? Because they don't have that same hunger I can see in you - you're like a wolf, you see something you want, and you go after it until you die or you strike.

Now the product, we're not going to talk about the product - it sells its self, literally. So this is what I'm putting on the table here - I'm going to put you on the ground floor, strap a rocket to your back, and let you take off. See, most guys that come in, they start here, at the Bronze Level - easy enough, but what I'm gonna do, and this is really only for those who I truly believe in - I'm going to take you straight to the top. I'm talking Diamond VIP - that's right, and these guys up here? They don't play around, they're pulling six figures a quarter - easy, that's just for starters. Most of these guys, and hey, this is between me and you - 7, 8 figures, completely legit.

Now this Diamond VIP isn't just about the network and connections, no my friend, this is much, much more. Not only do you get a 75% discount on all of my seminars, I'm also going to include my bi-monthly news letter that includes all of MY personal tips and tricks to the trade, as well as a signed copy of my book "Money, Success, Power - The Keys to Success". You know what though? I like you, so, and hey don't tell the other guys about this, I'm going to give you my personal Hotline Number. It's only for our most exclusive power users, you just dial that up and we'll connect you to one of our Triple Black Diamond SVIPs, and they'll answer any questions you've got.
Honestly, I'm googling small, comfortable chairs and I see nothing I like

Hmm. Maybe two of this, but in a different color would be dope

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