the thread about nothing...

Thanks for the information bros.......

That's a real thought provoking question. I'm not even sure though, probably Oz
**** cops
untill you need one
Its always "**** the police"... Until you need their help
while up until the point i need em, i'm screamin' **** em
random question...
would you rather have the medical knowledge of Dr Oz, or the musical knowledge of Dr Dre?
ten years ago I would have said Dre, but I think I am leaning towards Oz now... both are smart business men too, so it really comes down to health vs music for me

Medical knowledge. Always wanted to be a doctor.
yo MMG, I am writing a book that talks about balance (a theory of life that my grandfather came up with)... doing final edits now, I will send you a copy when I'm done...
I'll take a copy as well, how much?
realtalk i have always been thinking about this theory too that everything in life is in balance.

whether its something simple such as night and dark or good and evil

for every positive there is a negative. if u do something good today someone will do something bad to balance it. this is why sometimes i try not to be to happy because i want to keep myself balanced if i become too happy then one day i might be too sad. does that make sense?

can u explain ur theory?
i would also be interested in this book

long story short, I have sat down with my grandfather every sunday for the past 2 1/2 years and wrote a book about his life. He is the youngest of 9 children, was dirt poor. He went from the slums of hawaii (seems like an oxymoron) to becoming a 76 year old psychiatrist who still surfs every morning. His life story is CRAZY as he was a patient in a psych ward (depression) a year after he was in charge of the hospital ward. His conclusion - the key to life is living a balance between the following...
- WORK - career, finances, professionalism
- FAMILY/FRIENDS - relationships, listening/enjoying and helping those you love
- PHYSICAL HEALTH - staying fit and healthy, diet, drugs etc
- SPIRITUAL HEALTH - faith or mental peace/stability, mainly peaceful internal reflection (whatever your religious preferences may be)

the book goes into detail about each, and is filled with his personal stories along with my opinion on the subjects discussed. (basically contrasting then and now)

I am 98% complete, have publishing all lined up, and just awaiting a final draft from my editor...

when it is all said and done this will be one of the major accomplishments in my life, and do not want to make a single dime from this book, as it is the goal of my grandfather and I to create something that will HELP PEOPLE and not help our wallets.

I will try and give out as many copies as I can afford to those who are interested on NT :smokin
yo MMG, I am writing a book that talks about balance (a theory of life that my grandfather came up with)... doing final edits now, I will send you a copy when I'm done...
I'll take a copy as well, how much?
realtalk i have always been thinking about this theory too that everything in life is in balance.

whether its something simple such as night and dark or good and evil

for every positive there is a negative. if u do something good today someone will do something bad to balance it. this is why sometimes i try not to be to happy because i want to keep myself balanced if i become too happy then one day i might be too sad. does that make sense?

can u explain ur theory?
i would also be interested in this book

long story short, I have sat down with my grandfather every sunday for the past 2 1/2 years and wrote a book about his life. He is the youngest of 9 children, was dirt poor. He went from the slums of hawaii (seems like an oxymoron) to becoming a 76 year old psychiatrist who still surfs every morning. His life story is CRAZY as he was a patient in a psych ward (depression) a year after he was in charge of the hospital ward. His conclusion - the key to life is living a balance between the following...
- WORK - career, finances, professionalism
- FAMILY/FRIENDS - relationships, listening/enjoying and helping those you love
- PHYSICAL HEALTH - staying fit and healthy, diet, drugs etc
- SPIRITUAL HEALTH - faith or mental peace/stability, mainly peaceful internal reflection (whatever your religious preferences may be)

the book goes into detail about each, and is filled with his personal stories along with my opinion on the subjects discussed. (basically contrasting then and now)

I am 98% complete, have publishing all lined up, and just awaiting a final draft from my editor...

when it is all said and done this will be one of the major accomplishments in my life, and do not want to make a single dime from this book, as it is the goal of my grandfather and I to create something that will HELP PEOPLE and not help our wallets.

I will try and give out as many copies as I can afford to those who are interested on NT :smokin
May I have one? This book seems very helpful
long story short, I have sat down with my grandfather every sunday for the past 2 1/2 years and wrote a book about his life. He is the youngest of 9 children, was dirt poor. He went from the slums of hawaii (seems like an oxymoron) to becoming a 76 year old psychiatrist who still surfs every morning. His life story is CRAZY as he was a patient in a psych ward (depression) a year after he was in charge of the hospital ward. His conclusion - the key to life is living a balance between the following...
- WORK - career, finances, professionalism
- FAMILY/FRIENDS - relationships, listening/enjoying and helping those you love
- PHYSICAL HEALTH - staying fit and healthy, diet, drugs etc
- SPIRITUAL HEALTH - faith or mental peace/stability, mainly peaceful internal reflection (whatever your religious preferences may be)
the book goes into detail about each, and is filled with his personal stories along with my opinion on the subjects discussed. (basically contrasting then and now)
I am 98% complete, have publishing all lined up, and just awaiting a final draft from my editor...
when it is all said and done this will be one of the major accomplishments in my life, and do not want to make a single dime from this book, as it is the goal of my grandfather and I to create something that will HELP PEOPLE and not help our wallets.
I will try and give out as many copies as I can afford to those who are interested on NT :smokin

Cant wait to read this sir, props man, i hope i could accomplish something as profound / amazing as writing a book.
yo MMG, I am writing a book that talks about balance (a theory of life that my grandfather came up with)... doing final edits now, I will send you a copy when I'm done...
I'll take a copy as well, how much?
realtalk i have always been thinking about this theory too that everything in life is in balance.

whether its something simple such as night and dark or good and evil

for every positive there is a negative. if u do something good today someone will do something bad to balance it. this is why sometimes i try not to be to happy because i want to keep myself balanced if i become too happy then one day i might be too sad. does that make sense?

can u explain ur theory?
i would also be interested in this book
long story short, I have sat down with my grandfather every sunday for the past 2 1/2 years and wrote a book about his life. He is the youngest of 9 children, was dirt poor. He went from the slums of hawaii (seems like an oxymoron) to becoming a 76 year old psychiatrist who still surfs every morning. His life story is CRAZY as he was a patient in a psych ward (depression) a year after he was in charge of the hospital ward. His conclusion - the key to life is living a balance between the following...
- WORK - career, finances, professionalism
- FAMILY/FRIENDS - relationships, listening/enjoying and helping those you love
- PHYSICAL HEALTH - staying fit and healthy, diet, drugs etc
- SPIRITUAL HEALTH - faith or mental peace/stability, mainly peaceful internal reflection (whatever your religious preferences may be)

the book goes into detail about each, and is filled with his personal stories along with my opinion on the subjects discussed. (basically contrasting then and now)

I am 98% complete, have publishing all lined up, and just awaiting a final draft from my editor...

when it is all said and done this will be one of the major accomplishments in my life, and do not want to make a single dime from this book, as it is the goal of my grandfather and I to create something that will HELP PEOPLE and not help our wallets.

I will try and give out as many copies as I can afford to those who are interested on NT
Convert it to a PDF or Epub and just give it out online? Will save you a ton in costs. Thats really cool though you should definitely be proud of yourself and your grandfather.
also, minding ******g blown :wow: i just saw this now

Cockroach from the Cosby Show



Cole from Martin


:wow: :wow: :wow:
I'm excited for u book to be finished.
Major accomplishment. Much props and ur grandfather sounds like an amazing man :pimp:
Gottta say today was a good day. Me and the wife found a dope crib and had a good dinner. Looking to put the deposit down on the spot Friday afternoon to seal the deal and move in September 1st.
Detoxing from NT by choice first time since I found this awesome place..big school year ahead gotta mentally prepare
Will be back..more than likely will lurk..its gonna be tough..ive decided to take the red pill yall..time to grab my life by the horns

My grandparents are so cool..I'm jacking my grandfather swag I don't care..I came from him

Be blessed my NT brethren
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