the thread about nothing...

yeah i don't think that is really known....thanks beh235 beh235 gonna just cut it off before it gets too complicated and some one has to get hurt. New yambs are the best yambs anyway :lol:
yeah i don't think that is really known....thanks @beh235 gonna just cut it off before it gets too complicated and some one has to get hurt. New yambs are the best yambs anyway
It irritates me when a chick talks about "I don't want us to have a label". FOH. I need to know where we stand so there's no confusion. This is why older women >>>. They know what they want and let you know with no bs. They usually just want the D too. This is why I was rooting for you to take the older yambs that let you know what time it was a couple of weeks ago 
. I would have scooped up that fumble and took it to the house.
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My lung specialists and surgeon encourage me to exercise as much as possible to increase my lung capacity (57% start of January) but I get this ridiculous non-stop pain in my legs and lower back the next few days every time. I have a doctor's appointment again tomorrow to discuss and maybe find a solution.

It's driving me insane, I went to a party on saturday and I can only function properly again since yesterday. Went to the gym today and tried a bit of walking and very slow running and I can already feel my legs starting to kill me smh.

This only started recently too. I was doing pretty good the first 1-2 months post-surgery and had no pain. Then it all went way downhill in late December/early January.
You still lift? Does that not count?
Are White girls born with that North Face fleece
Son that is the STAPLE
. The pink or teal joint.
I lifted for the first time in 3 months yesterday. The muscle soreness is real.

Could still curl 45s twice. 
I always get people telling me their deepest secrets, venting, or asking me for advice

The things people do man lol
yeah i don't think that is really known....thanks [@="I don't want us to have a label". FOH. I need to know where we stand so there's no confusion. This is why older women >>>. They know what they want and let you know with no bs. They usually just want the D too. This is why I was rooting for you to take the older yambs that let you know what time it was a couple of weeks ago :lol: . I would have scooped up that fumble and took it to the house.

been on the older yambs thing. anything under 25 makes me feel like a pedo
Dollar Tree isn't open all night tho.

thats right. i forgot.

No hot water.

Bout to jump in the shower.


your body was not ready.

My name is ox i like to be a fox

my game so swag bishes give me the box.


Real life experience vs textbooks. Which is worse? 

textbooks. they teach theories and principles. real life experience applies those theories and principles. plus, you dont waste time learing things that you will not use.

switch hands bruh.

I always get people telling me their deepest secrets, venting, or asking me for advice

The things people do man lol

its cause youre the tan ff champion.

Congrats JJ :nthat:

Been behind on tanning this week :nerd:

behind on tanning? go outside and get some sun. thats right, theres no sun out right now in the carolinas.

you saw what i did there?

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Anyone know a good pair of work boots that are good for everyday use and isn't going to break the bank? :nerd:

I have a pair of all black acg nike air nevist-6. They are comfy and pretty durable.

I'm so tired. About to take a nap before my 2nd class
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katy perry is so boring to me....she has nice boobs...but her face looks like a manicon to me...

JJ lunars? Trainers? Racers?
Bilbo just came back from the doctor and seems to be in excellent health! Drug free, std free, and ready to mingle. Holla at me ladies.

*newmoanyah need not apply.
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