the thread about nothing...

whats gucci today broskis.

yanked out 4 wisdom teeth yesterday... half of my jawline looks like cher from "the mask"

finally picked up my pain medication... hydrocodone got me feelin like 
I OD'd on my meds first night. When I got my wisdom teeth pulled, they didn't put me under n there wasn't enough novacane. I felt the whole thing, from them cutting my gums open to them breaking the tooth from the bone. Quite possibly the most pain in my life. No tears tho 

Doctor asked me if I was high
Should have asked to see his credentials 
Everybody is high
Not me 
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Id go with the wild turkey, if you gotta drink whiskey might as well make it worth it!

Grandma’s Old Fashioned Elixirs Hot Toddy Cold Remedy

1 oversized mug
8 ounces of boiling water
1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger
3 whole cloves
Cinnamon stick
2 green tea or orange pekoe tea bags
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice and/or a splash of apple cider vinegar
1 to 2 ounces of Jack Daniels whiskey
Slice of lemon

Boil the water, stir in the ginger, cloves and cinnamon stick; add the tea bags and steep for 5 minutes. Remove the bags. Zap in the microwave for 1 minute to get it back real hot, then stir in the honey, lemon juice and last, the whiskey. Drop in lemon slice. Drink it while it is still very hot, take a warm bath with some essential oils and crawl up in the bed.

If you’re not really accustomed to the liquor taste, you can add extra honey, or even sugar to help sweeten it more and mask it a bit, but don’t skip the honey. Taste before adding the sugar, then add a little, taste, etc.

Can substitute other alcohol in a pinch such as Wild Turkey, rum, scotch, or brandy. Can also omit the water and use hot apple cider.
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